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Posted: 4/24/2002 1:14:36 PM EDT

I have admitted before that I watched the WTC go down with no more concern than I get from watching a weather report.
I cite my reason for this. The nation that built those towers was already destroyed. The fall of WTC was merely a formality.

But that is not a confession.

What I must confess is my hatred in this issue.

Could I have returned to military service following this terrorist attack? I do not know. I did have a skill that is highly valued: I can keep fighter jets flying. I can say that I actually have fixed F-15s with a Swiss Army knife.

But the first time I left this country to serve it, I returned to something different. When I left I was just another geek going into the military service. No big deal.

When I returned in 1996, after four years of PC and clintonism, I was an evil oppressor just for being white, a pervert rapist just for being a man, a homophobe just for being heterosexual, and a fanatic for believing in God.

And I did nothing to deserve that. I was all those things because people sitting behind desks say so. And they spent the following years trying to institute revenge on me for all those crimes I did not commit - that I cannot have this or that job, cannot have due process if accused of crimes or misconduct in sexual matters, cannot be treated fairly because of my unprotected minority status.

So I did not look into any call to fight the terrorists or return to my old job.

And it is because I have no desire to protect America the Empire and the people in it who despise me so.

That I am supposed to forget the crimes against me, shout "God Bless America!" and go to battle for a nation that woudl disarm me, marginalize me, use me a a tax mule, and denigrate me for my entire life - if not inprison me for being to un-PC, is ridiculous.
Even all those cars with those bumper stickers on them are still being driven as if by the same type of rotten person who was rotten before 0911 and is worse now because they think they are victims and are only vindictive. They wave a flag, support a few measures, and totally miss the point that this is not really about what you have to do, but who you have to be. A coward can still pull a trigger if they get somebody else to do it for them.....
maybe this is why the pilots have to beg to have a gun on the plane because the FAA says it is not safe to have on, yet nobody seems to wonder why a fighter jet can shoot one down with a simple ROE.

To anybody who thinks I should defend this nation, I have two words for you and it would be in violation against the rules to write them here.

I never had anything bad to say about blacks who were subject to racism who served in WWII. And I always understood the reason why those who did not serve could be justified.

Sure, you might say, that those blacks would have been exterminated by Hitler is the Germans won.

But that was WWII.

WE are the nazis now.

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Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:15:21 PM EDT
Nope. Sorry. I can't do it. This slave is resisting. I will not wave the flag and hang up my life (as dead as it is since I am not allowed any reason to be an upstanding hard-working adult) to go defend all those morally depraved fat sheeple who brought us to this in the first place.

And I must be honest here to admit that I fear one thing and it is not my safety. Having experienced what happenned the first time I left, I fear what I might return to the second time. What will it be this second time? An empty gun safe? Will I have a home? Will I have job?

And even so, I will freely admit that this nation is not deserving. In WWII, a man in the field had a family, and maybe a gorlfriend back home or a wife. Now he has a stepmother and/or step father, half thises and thats, and if he is lucky that Hooter girl he pestered while on leave might feel sorry for him and answer one of his letters. If he is married, then he is still on line for being the next man used as an economic mule and sperm donar when wifey sees one too many installments of Opra or one too many Lifetime movies and asks for a divorce.
Rome must have really sucked.

Don't give me "we are all in this together" dogma because I am not allowed to be in this when the going is good. You want me to jump in a meat grinder to save your ass, but I cannot have that state job because of something that happenned a century ago or because I am not a poor sweet innocent other-than-white/other-than-male/other-than-christian.

It's just me and a rifle.

The golden rule is not really about who has the gold, it's about who does not need it.

And nobody I have already told this to has had anything negative to say about it.

That is just the way I feel, and maybe I am wrong. So what.
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Whyadya think?
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:21:25 PM EDT
Another bitter, angry person.
Filled with self loathing and bile.

"WE are the Nazis now"


Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:21:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:26:19 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:43:33 PM EDT
Yep, sounds like a quitter to me.

Personally i think things are pretty bad in the USA right now, but not that bad, and they can get a whole lot worse. I'd rather live here than anywhere else in the world right now, heck cut back on the abortion, gun restrictions, taxes and general jack booted thugary, and I wouldn't have much to complain about.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:43:47 PM EDT
I'm a bit confused...

What exactly is "interesting" about that post?
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:52:01 PM EDT
I'm a bit confused...

What exactly is "interesting" about that post?
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Well, I read it, and was [i]interested[/i] in what folks here would have to say about it. blah.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 1:53:17 PM EDT
What is interesting?? Are you blind man!!

This guy has a gorlfriend!!  I have only heard about them!!  Just like a normal girlfriend but "o" so much more.

Edited to add, Yes we are all slaves.  The end is coming, don't trust anyone..............
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:04:04 PM EDT
You're right.

It IS interesting. This is my favorite paragraph:

...Now he has a stepmother and/or step father, half thises and thats, and if he is lucky that Hooter girl he pestered while on leave might feel sorry for him and answer one of his letters. If he is married, then he is still on line for being the next man used as an economic mule and sperm donar when wifey sees one too many installments of Opra or one too many Lifetime movies and asks for a divorce.
Rome must have really sucked.

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Poor guy, that Hooters gorl must of hurt him good.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:04:11 PM EDT
Personally, I am glad he said what he did and sad that in a general sense, it's all too true.
I don't want to rush judgement on this guy about anything other than what he has put in print. It appears to me to be an answer as to why he doesn't feel obligated to rejoin the service. I'm not reading anymore into it than that...face value.
As far as "...blaming everyone else for his lot.", this is just one comment he is making on the internet. I don't see where he's saying his life is a mess and he can't do anything about it. He's saying he feels unappreciated by the country (a general comment) he swore to protect. He feels that people other than him have greater control over some VERY important aspects of his life as well as the lives of other citizens like him.
Whatever he is doing with his life now is not known by me, and I suspect, by many of you.
If more folks would take the time and listen critically to what others are saying, instead of throwing out insults perhaps we could finally gather together as an effective group instead of an ineffective bunch of individuals.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:08:21 PM EDT
Did you see this:

Now he has a stepmother and/or step father, half thises and thats, and if he is lucky that Hooter girl he pestered while on leave might feel sorry for him and answer one of his letters. If he is married, then he is still on line for being the next man used as an economic mule and sperm donar when wifey sees one too many installments of Opra or one too many Lifetime movies and asks for a divorce.
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That's HIS life.
Is it yours?
It sure ain't mine.

Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:08:48 PM EDT
If more folks would take the time and listen critically to what others are saying, instead of throwing out insults perhaps we could finally gather together as an effective group instead of an ineffective bunch of individuals.
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I don't know about you, but connect to this server for news, and conversation that is a cut above what comes out of the mouths of the butt heads i work with, not in hopes of forming some sort of activist group.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:17:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:26:46 PM EDT
if uall served in vietnam or any other conflict,and own an AR u should know what this post is all about .
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:31:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:33:27 PM EDT
u want ar"s cause there posh , they bring u closer to what u missed , well it sounds like this guy   didnt miss anything, thats why all u like 16's and thats what its all about ' the ones that knows what is right and the ones who thinks what is wright."God Bless America; and General Patton.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:42:02 PM EDT
heh, heh...
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:51:35 PM EDT
if uall served in vietnam or any other conflict,and own an AR u should know what this post is all about .
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That is EXACTLY one of the things I thought of when reading the original post. I know there are some Vietnam Vets here (I didn't get in till '78) and maybe some of them don't feel "spit upon" by some of their fellow Americans.

Actually, the quote is a general portrayal about the current American soldier.

"In WWII, a man in the field had a family, and maybe a gorlfriend back home or a wife. Now [u]he[/u] has a stepmother and/or step father, half thises and thats, and if [u]he[/u] is lucky that Hooter girl [u]he[/u] pestered while on leave might feel sorry for [u]him[/u] and answer one of [u]his[/u] letters..."

If I go back and check the archives, is it possible I may find a comment or two from you that isn't exactly, "...a cut above..."? I know I've made one or two...

So...who do you blame for the attacks on the Second Amendment, as well as other freedoms I have know to be watered down and /or lost since the '60s?
Every time someone here gripes about Feinstein, et.al., do you feel they are blaming everyone else for their lot? He hasn't said anywhere in the post AlClenin put up here, that HIS life is down the tubes. For all we know, he may be a very successful ....whatever...

He's venting his frustration about things much like I see MOST members and visitors do at this website. Perhaps he could have diluted it to be more palatable for folks.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:52:31 PM EDT
just like all the crap uall put on ure 15;s when we saw combat   it was me and my buddy with gi issue 16;s. against russian made ordanance . 16;s takin out 50;s . shooter and spotter simple stuff. when i was in there there wasnt time for sniper insertion it was u kill them or they kill  u . " yeah comin in on a hot LZ and ure not countin on no body but your buddies . Chopper pilot  hollerin   get ure ass off. takin fire from all directions and lookin up and your world is takin off and dumpin ure but into a whole lotta hurt.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:57:42 PM EDT
Personally, I am glad he said what he did and sad that in a general sense, it's all too true.
I don't want to rush judgement on this guy about anything other than what he has put in print. I'm not reading anymore into it than that...face value.
He's saying he feels unappreciated by the country (a general comment) he swore to protect. He feels that people other than him have greater control over some VERY important aspects of his life as well as the lives of other citizens like him.

If more folks would take the time and listen critically to what others are saying, instead of throwing out insults perhaps we could finally gather together as an effective group instead of an ineffective bunch of individuals.
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Well said, I read into it exactly what you did WSmac. We "as a whole" we tend to jump to hasty conclusions if someone doesn't conform to our way of thinking.

Personally I think its a very sad story with very real and truthful parts. I don't think there one of us here that isn't concern, in one way or another with our gun rights. And I for one am sick and tried of liberals in their high chairs stating that their jobs is just as dangerous as those fighting in the war.

My point! why bother, I'll just get bashed if my opinion doesn't conform to the masses. I will add with the MANY forum I've responded in, that the AR-15 members are the most conservative, God fearing, 2nd amendment right loving people I've ever had a privilege to debate with.

will God continue to bless our nation, I hope so.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 2:58:31 PM EDT

Actually, the quote is a general portrayal about the current American soldier.
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Well, I get the impression that he's being a little auto-biographical.  He can't be THAT consumed with bitterness, just because of his lack of faith in his country.

He sounds like a typical McVeigh worshipper.

But that's just MY read.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:02:13 PM EDT
i think he loves his country , cause hes talkin with conviction , if he wasnt why would he bother ?
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:06:04 PM EDT
just because there takin the 2;nd amendment dont mean we should take the 1;st on here .
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:06:12 PM EDT
I thought Timothy McVieh was already dead???

What's he doin' postin' stuff like that??
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:11:17 PM EDT
Any American who can say this:
I have admitted before that I watched the WTC go down with no more concern than I get from watching a weather report.
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...not only does not "love" his country, he is quite possibly a sociopath.

When the trade center dropped, THOUSANDS of people lost their lives.  Mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.  Americans and others.

If he can watch that and have [b]"no more concern than I get from watching a weather report"[/b].  He doesn't love anything.

...and Uncle Sam didn't do that to him, either.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:11:44 PM EDT

If I go back and check the archives, is it possible I may find a comment or two from you that isn't exactly, "...a cut above..."? I know I've made one or two...
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You'll probably find plenty of stupid things.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:13:02 PM EDT
cause i can
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:16:34 PM EDT
cause i can
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Can what?
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:17:37 PM EDT
and i really hope AR-15 dont kick my butt off this sight for my honest opinions.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:20:06 PM EDT
Who could see this, [b]"with no more concern than I get from watching a weather report"[/b]??

Only a sociopath.  Someone who hates himself and the world.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:20:09 PM EDT
see   page   1
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:20:36 PM EDT
and i really hope AR-15 dont kick my butt off this sight for my honest opinions.
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I think you have to pull some pretty stupid s**t to get the boot. Here are the rules:


I know I've posted things that could be considered in violation of one or more of these, so I think you have to press the issue if you want to get canned.

Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:23:39 PM EDT
yep that picture is really repulsive.unless u know what repulsive really means.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:24:55 PM EDT
yep that picture is really repulsive.unless u know what repulsive really means.
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I know what repulsive means, and that picture is repulsive.

Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:25:04 PM EDT
I know what it means.
Do you?
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:25:09 PM EDT

I have been wondering what to say to this for months. Now I know, By his Grace I hope "He" welcomed their Souls before they hit the Ground.



Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:27:28 PM EDT
HEY! i love this place .  just like saigon 1970 ,watch what ure doin and ule get by.(maybe)
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:28:24 PM EDT
yep that picture is really repulsive.unless u know what repulsive really means.
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Are you suggesting that If one really "knows what repulsive really means", that one w9ill no longer find that picture to be repulsive???

What the hell are you talking about?
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:36:35 PM EDT
like u know blood and guts   stuff , were u there did u see him fall , did u see his guts splattered all over the place ,did u rush to push his guts back into his stomach and try to tell him hes going to be ok while he looks into your eyes,and u can see all his lifes work and beliefs ;and him putting all his trust and beliefs in   you and what u are telling him in his last moments of life.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:37:41 PM EDT
I might ad one thing ANYONE that was not effected by 911 their mind is seared, the
rest of his comments had substance and conviction (self conviction)
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:41:21 PM EDT
Hey Mos,

Those people in the trade center died in a steel and concrete blender. There were no touching moments to be had.  Just a roar, a very loud roar.
Those who jumped didn't exactly remain conscious, after plummetting a THOUSAND FEET AND HITTING CONCRETE.

Are you out of your mind,

or hav u jus ben drinkin moonshiine agin?[:E]
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:43:29 PM EDT
I might ad one thing ANYONE that was not effected by 911 their mind is seared, the
rest of his comments had substance and conviction (self conviction)
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..except that his first words showed his true character.  
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:45:19 PM EDT
u take 911 that is what war is , this is what ure underpayed military faces every day.its nasty and nobody wants to think about it but ,thats the way it is,outa sight outa mind dont work any more,
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:48:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:49:49 PM EDT
like i said cinncann   what ever   ure   the blood and gore typa person i described
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:51:14 PM EDT
Sounds like a few bad days leading up to a real bad day.  He's obviously got some problems, and its too bad that he's letting the negatives beat him down.  

I personally became a little desensitized to 9/11 after the constant media barrage followed by aid money scandals, celebrity sing-alongs, and the peddling of "made in Taiwan" American flags.  It was a horrible act and a terrible loss of life.  I feel badly for those whose families were affected and hope that those responsible are punished in ways we won't be told about.

I can see the point of his content though, and I don't think he's too far off.  It is his feelings, and he's speaking in disgust.  It probably wouldn't have got much attention if he wasn't.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:52:11 PM EDT
There is a lesson in this.  

This man feels wronged and gave up his FAITH for it.

Jesus WAS WRONGED and DIDN'T, he died with it.
Jesus Soul was Saved.

The writer of this "Interesting Post"'s  Soul is lost.

Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:53:27 PM EDT
Whyadya think?
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Well, now that I am done with finals and my brain has some excess capacity, here is what I think:

1. This guy is one cold-hearted, bitter world-hating SOB who maybe psychotic, neurotic, anti-social, and/or severly depressed. He definately needs a vacation in the Carribean, some psycho-therapy, a blow job, and an over-all new outlook on life in these United States of America.

2. He is waxing metaphorically, or is it an analogy, or something else . . . back on track, the guy is trying to convey how he feels inside, while taking a Liberal dose of dramatic license. He rasies some very vaild points, but does so at the expense of common, decent morality and humanity that makes his arguement a vaild one to the audience he is speaking to. He comes off like someone who has lost his sense of hope in his fellow man. See point #1.

3. If there are people who are out there posting this kind of slipping-off-the-edge,-on-the-way-to-the-bottom-of-the-abyss ranting and raving, should we be scared? Should I worry more about people like this or about liberal, commie, socialist, entitlement, welfare-sucking pond scum? See point #1.

4. In order to reaffirm my hope in humankind, I think that tomorrow I will watch Sesame Street, go to the range, do a good deed, get a blow job, eat a nice stake dinner, and enjoy the nice spring weather working in the garden. How about you? I certainly do not want to turn out like this guy. See point #1.

Anyways, that is what I think, in a NUT shell, so to speak.
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:57:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/24/2002 3:58:45 PM EDT
people should practice what they preach,for if they did we would have no gun control laws against law abiding citizens.
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