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Posted: 9/12/2010 12:13:25 PM EDT
Little fucker has been pecking away and has done some damage. What can I do to make him go away?

Due to proximity of neighbors I cannot shoot it
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:14:16 PM EDT
Pellet Gun?

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:14:52 PM EDT

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:15:23 PM EDT
Anti-freeze bird bath.........
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:15:23 PM EDT
Little fucker has been pecking away and has done some damage. What can I do to make him go away?

Due to proximity of neighbors I cannot shoot it


Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:17:26 PM EDT


That or nuke it from orbit.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:18:28 PM EDT
Raid wasp and hornet 20ft spray.  He'll leave angry.  
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:22:42 PM EDT
buy some suet bird food ,and he will leave your junk alone.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:23:40 PM EDT
one of those Drozd fully automatic bb guns may be in order.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:24:25 PM EDT
blowgun did the trick for me.. It wont kill him but it will pin him to the wall, then you can proceed to snap his neck..
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:24:49 PM EDT
Air rifle, SSS
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:26:04 PM EDT



Little fucker has been pecking away and has done some damage. What can I do to make him go away?

Due to proximity of neighbors I cannot shoot it


I chased a few ravens away from my place right after I moved in.  They would sit on the power line and raise holy hell.  I put a few carefully aimed Airsoft rounds at them and they were gone.

Surprisingly enough, they hardly ever come by any more and that was 4 years ago.  But, ravens are very smart MF'ers.  

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:26:16 PM EDT

This + This is how you make the problem go away

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:26:25 PM EDT
habenero sauce
rub on pecker hole

(put some habenero sauce on the woodpecker hole in your wall too...)
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:32:14 PM EDT
give it a wood vaginer.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:32:39 PM EDT
Maybe dealing with the problem in your house thats attracting him will solve the problem. He is attacking your house because he thinks there is a meal or something in your walls.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:34:33 PM EDT
Burn down the house. Without the house he won't have anything to peck at and bother you.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:35:27 PM EDT
Burn down the house. Without the house he won't have anything to peck at and bother you.

why stop at the house? who not help your neighors as well?
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:40:33 PM EDT
.177, round of choice since I was 7 years old.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:42:00 PM EDT
your house has bugs dude.

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:42:39 PM EDT
Hang those sticky mouse traps all over your house.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:43:41 PM EDT


Maybe dealing with the problem in your house thats attracting him will solve the problem. He is attacking your house because he thinks there is a meal or something in your walls.

+1  Kill the termites first before you kill the birds.

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:43:41 PM EDT
Maybe dealing with the problem in your house thats attracting him will solve the problem. He is attacking your house because he thinks there is a meal or something in your walls.

 My mom had the same problem. Turned out there were wasps under the siding. She called an exterminator & once the wasps were gone so was the woodpecker.

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:46:41 PM EDT

ETA: killing the bugs that are living in your house seems much more reasonable, but this is Arfcom, dammit.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:47:43 PM EDT
It might be illegal to wack a woodpecker so take the advice on shooting the little bugger with a grain of salt.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:49:45 PM EDT
One of my old man's neighbors (ex-SF guy) had one that was driving him bonkers, and tearing up the wood siding on his house... so he did it in with a shotgun, right in the middle of a residential neighborhood, right on the side of his own home.

One early morning my Dad heard a "BOOM," looked outside, and saw the neighbor standing there with a smoking shotgun, and a hole in the side of his house, right above the garage.  The neighbor nodded once, slung the shotgun over his shoulder, and went back in the house.

Protected species or not, he'd simply had enough.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:51:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:53:06 PM EDT
habenero sauce
rub on pecker hole

(put some habenero sauce on the woodpecker hole in your wall too...)

this works pretty well..I used Rooster hot sauce though...mixed with water and sprayed on....the little pecker hasn't been back since.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:53:42 PM EDT


Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:54:09 PM EDT


Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:59:36 PM EDT
Most birds fear the owl. Get some fakes and move em around the yard.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 12:59:46 PM EDT


Birdshot is only good for....   oh, wait.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:03:35 PM EDT
Use some bird net, it's plastic and very fine black netting. String it from the bottom of the fascia and run it to the ground and use some cut up coat hangers bent into a U shape to anchor it. The little fucker will hit it and actually might strangle itself if caught for too long.
It's found at most Menards, Home Depots, and some Ace Hardware's
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:18:44 PM EDT


your house has bugs dude.

Or it just has round hole soffet vents. In my old house, the little fuckers actually got thru the wire mesh to make nests.


.177 caliber to the rescue.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:22:07 PM EDT


Birdshot finallyz found a use.


Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:28:05 PM EDT
Rat trap + peanutbutter tacked to where he's pecking. It works!
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:30:30 PM EDT




Well played!  

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:33:45 PM EDT

ETA: killing the bugs that are living in your house seems much more reasonable, but this is Arfcom, dammit.

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:40:18 PM EDT
Hang some reactive targets!!
Post video....
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:50:53 PM EDT
Woodpeckers pecking on siding are typically not looking for food, but are males "drumming" to advertise their presence.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 1:55:55 PM EDT
Get rid of the termites.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 2:03:06 PM EDT
One shot is a backfire, two is a gunfight. Shoot it with a .22, then fire up the lawn mower, play stupid.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 2:06:14 PM EDT
I've heard magnets work wonders for woodpecker infestations.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 2:09:44 PM EDT


I've heard magnets work wonders for woodpecker infestations.

How does that work?

Link Posted: 9/12/2010 2:15:51 PM EDT


Link Posted: 9/12/2010 2:27:06 PM EDT
Hose it down with water next time you see it.
Link Posted: 9/12/2010 2:29:26 PM EDT

I've heard magnets work wonders for woodpecker infestations.

How does that work?

I was just shooting from the hip with that statement, but apparently there may be some truth to it:

Bird Repellent Magnet
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