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Posted: 9/10/2010 8:01:12 PM EDT

(Note: no disrespect meant in any fashion).
Sometimes, I have to admit that I'm struck by the realization of things like the tidbit mentioned in the above comic.  One of the most defining moments of my lifetime––I remember exactly where I was standing, what I was doing, etc, when I heard the news––occurred before a good number of many youngsters were born, or old enough to know what's going on around them.  Will their reaction be the same, or will it be the same as oh so many kids hearing about the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941?  To newer generations, is 9/11 a life-altering, pivotally-defining moment in our nations history, or is it yet another textbook entry to be learned for a test?
Makes me feel a connection with those who were alive when Hawaii was bombed, many many years ago.  A defining moment, that came about in their daily lives, that those who came after cannot ID with––well, until 2001.
How will newer generations "learn" about what happened on 9/11?  Will it just be in a textbook, de-sensitized to the nature of things?  Will it be just words on a page to them?  Or will the video and audio records make a difference to future generations––will they "experience" it the same way we did?  Will they realize what it meant?
I'm 23, but sometimes, I feel ages "older" than the young kids running around.  To me, 9/11's etched into my mind.  To them, it's just another one of those things that happened before they were born, or happened before they really understood it.
Anyone else's thoughts on the matter?
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 8:07:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 8:08:37 PM EDT

Time marches on......

A good reminder to keep educating the newer generations so they do not forget.....
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 8:28:09 PM EDT
I don't get it.  If 9/11 happened before they were born, there are at the most 9 years old.  How much can they know?  WTF do they know about anything?  Who the fuck cares what they think?  They're 9 for fucks sake.

I understand what the attack on Pearl Harbor meant, but I don't get the cold chills I did when I saw the plane hit on tape and the towers collapse on live TV.  I think it takes being there and having some idea what it means in the greater sense of your own life to really, really get it.  But come on, kids that are 9 are fucking clueless except for the shit they wear and what their friends think of them.
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 8:40:13 PM EDT
Seems like most of America likes to put the blinders on because of the horrific nature of what happened that day, or they just don't really care enough.
If they weren't directly affected they just don't think about it.
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 9:37:23 PM EDT
In 1915 the Turks murdered every Armenian they could find

In the 1940s the Germans murdered every Jew they could find

In 1994 the Hutu murdered around 800,000 Tutsi

Around 1460 Vlad Tepes impaled 20,000 turks

In 71 BC Crassus crucified 6,000 of Spartacus' followers

An Imperial butt load of Americans killed each other at Gettysburg and dozens of other places

The list goes on.

How many of these body counts strike an emotional chord with any of us.  That which does not cause me or mine to bleed does not stick in memory.

Not trolling. Not trying to be disrespectful.  Strong believer in killing those that need killing. Just offering some historical perspective.
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 9:39:35 PM EDT


In 1915 the Turks murdered every Armenian they could find

In the 1940s the Germans murdered every Jew they could find

In 1994 the Hutu murdered around 800,000 Tutsi

Around 1460 Vlad Tepes impaled 20,000 turks

In 71 BC Crassus crucified 6,000 of Spartacus' followers

An Imperial butt load of Americans killed each other at Gettysburg and dozens of other places

The list goes on.

How many of these body counts strike an emotional chord with any of us.  That which does not cause me or mine to bleed does not stick in memory.

Not trolling. Not trying to be disrespectful.  Strong believer in killing those that need killing. Just offering some historical perspective.
I'm actually quite impressed that you know of the genocide against the Armenians; quite often gets overlooked in such examples.

Link Posted: 9/10/2010 9:41:51 PM EDT
unfortunately there will be many more lessons to be learned in the future even if not in the US.
Link Posted: 9/10/2010 9:51:22 PM EDT
I remember the day vividly.

In fact, watching anything 9/11 related I am so much more emotional than I was on that day.  I suppose then, it was just shock (and youth).  I think a lot of this is our modern media.  Only residents of Pearl City witnessed 12/7/41, but an entire nation listened to or witness all or parts of 9/11.

I mean we all saw the second plane hit, we all saw people jumping off for a quicker death, we can all hear the 9/11 calls, the calls to loved ones, the flight voice recorders.  We all have heard "let's roll."  There hasn't been such a recording of a dispicable attack in such detail in the history of the world.

And with this recording, if you sit down and watch the 9/11 rememberance shows, it is ALL there.  Every video, sound, everything is simply replayed as most of the country saw it - on TV, with audio, and now in slow motion replayed time and time again.  The sad thing is, now, none of us have the benefit of shock or lack of knowledge to buffer the the scenes and sounds we listen to in these replays.

Link Posted: 9/10/2010 10:13:16 PM EDT
In 1915 the Turks murdered every Armenian they could find

In the 1940s the Germans murdered every Jew they could find

In 1994 the Hutu murdered around 800,000 Tutsi

Around 1460 Vlad Tepes impaled 20,000 turks

In 71 BC Crassus crucified 6,000 of Spartacus' followers

An Imperial butt load of Americans killed each other at Gettysburg and dozens of other places

The list goes on.

How many of these body counts strike an emotional chord with any of us.  That which does not cause me or mine to bleed does not stick in memory.

Not trolling. Not trying to be disrespectful.  Strong believer in killing those that need killing. Just offering some historical perspective.

Pretty much.  For some of us 9/11 is a personal tragedy that when you mention it conjures up real memories and feelings.  That doesn't make it so for everyone.  JKF will still choke people up, but not the ones who weren't born.

Link Posted: 9/10/2010 10:38:41 PM EDT
The cartoon you posted is an excellent way to convey the time that has passed and the reality that we now have people old enough to converse with but they have none of the emotional attachments that the older ones like myself do. I still feel the anger and the great sadness even when I think about 9/11 but I see others that younger that will talk in dismissive tones about it... and it greatly disturbs me. I find myself wanting to "force" them to feel the loss but there's no real way to do that. The best I can hope for is that people like myself and many others will keep the true images, sights, sounds and emotions alive and do our best to communicate it to those younger than in a truthful, full picture way.

I do my level best to stop someone dead cold when they give an altered version of what happened that day and correct the 'inaccuracies' and flat out lies about who attacked us. Latest example was someone who was telling school age children that it was a proven fact that it was remote controlled drones that hit the towers and their response was that it sounded cool. I had to butt in and let them know that those were REAL airliners with real people on board that crashed into the towers and even children died that day. It was harsh but I had to put it in a way that they wouldn't forget and walk away from it. The jerk that was telling them that had the look of a "professional student" who has made a career of going to to college and was too smart to work for a living. I know the type well because I have a nephew that is one. Anyway, the kids faces went from looking like "Cool story Bro" to near-horror when they realized there were real people that were slaughtered that day.

I look at this day and can't believe it's been 9 years already, especially since my memories of that day are so vivid. I still think about the black lady that was completely covered in the dust pouring bottled water on her face just to breathe and having mixed emotions in that I felt sorry for because she was so distraught but at the same time relieved and thinking how lucky she was to not have something fall on her and crush her. I've always wondered how she has done since that day. I still remember the wall where people started posting "Missing" pictures of their loved ones and friends not long after the towers fell and at that point, the emotions went to a new level because I was most likely seeing the faces of the ones that died and here were their families in shock from not knowing where they were. The desperation that had set in was unforgettable and I couldn't do a damn thing to help them.

I still feel the helplessness that I felt that day. I see a growing number of so-called unaffected people and I can help that by talking with them in depth and show them a more personal side of 9/11.

Link Posted: 9/11/2010 1:12:23 AM EDT
Our world change that day, and we can never go back.

We now have Dept. of Homeland Security, the TSA, BATFE moved from its legal position as a revenue collector for the Treasury Dept. to its appointed position as a branch of the Dept. of Justice.

The Wimps cried out - "We are scared!" and now the man is in our everyday lives under the guise of "Security"

The best thing we as a nation could have done would have been to continue our lives here as if nothing had happened yet took our response to our antagonists doorstep.

Much like the UK in WW2, there country was bruised and broken, but there spirit was still strong and unyielding.

How far we have fallen.
Link Posted: 9/11/2010 1:18:46 AM EDT
I remember looking up at the sky the next day and not seeing any contrails. Airplanes were out of our lives and it was eerie...

Link Posted: 9/11/2010 1:28:13 AM EDT


In 1915 the Turks murdered every Armenian they could find

In the 1940s the Germans murdered every Jew they could find

In 1994 the Hutu murdered around 800,000 Tutsi

Around 1460 Vlad Tepes impaled 20,000 turks

In 71 BC Crassus crucified 6,000 of Spartacus' followers

An Imperial butt load of Americans killed each other at Gettysburg and dozens of other places

The list goes on.

How many of these body counts strike an emotional chord with any of us. That which does not cause me or mine to bleed does not stick in memory.

Not trolling. Not trying to be disrespectful. Strong believer in killing those that need killing. Just offering some historical perspective.

Another point for the info you posted.

As much as we think 9/11 is a huge event, in the grand scheme of things it is small beans. Huge for the year, big for the decade, small for the century (what and see what the rest of the 21st has in store for the world), minuscule for the millennium, infinitesimal in human history.

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