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Posted: 3/28/2002 9:59:56 PM EDT
Senator Don Perata strikes again he is proposing a five cent tax on every round of ammunition sold in california even .22's If this makes it to the November ballot we have got to vote against this. Either way I am stocking up now I fugure 10.000 rounds of each caliber I use would last a year or two. Perata says the money from this tax would help pay for emergency rooms and trauma centers. I would not be suprised if they try to make it illegal to import /purchase ammo from other states. Ammoman.com here I come.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:01:47 PM EDT
Where's Imbroglio?
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:10:17 PM EDT
Why am I not surprised?  I suppose this is a result of his being pissed about failing to requalify for his CCW in 2K...

Fortunately, I travel by road rather extensively...

Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:22:13 PM EDT
That fu*ker will never be satisfied.

I think Simon already aid he won't go for it, but if Davis signs it before Simon takes office, then we're screwed. In any case, it's just another reason to go to the out-of-state gun shows.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:24:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:36:05 PM EDT
Wait a second!!! I thought you guys said to sell all of my guys and build a "Panic room" ,WTF!!!!! You guys didn't sell or what ???[;D]
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Ah-HAH! You do live in the City Bi the Gay!
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:37:36 PM EDT
Know whats reeeeeeeaaally sad?

Not only are you kalifornians gonna pay .05 cents on the round, but your gonna fund the government with (high)state tax's to provide the bureaucracy for the collection!!!  

[size=5]Cut your losses and MOVE![/size=5]
Hit kalifornia where it hurts! Pay your state taxs to a state that allows freedom!  Washington, Idaho, Florida, Arizona.... Pick one.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:45:02 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Boom Stick:

[size=5]Cut your losses and MOVE![/size=5]
Hit kalifornia where it hurts! Pay your state taxs to a state that allows freedom!  Washington, Idaho, Florida, Arizona.... Pick one.
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[size=5]WHOA![/size=5] Welcome to Washington, now go home.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:50:37 PM EDT
[size=5]WHOA![/size=5] Welcome to Washington, now go home.
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Oops! Correction:
Hit kalifornia where it hurts! Pay your state taxs to a state that allows freedom! Texas, [s]Washington[/s], Idaho, Florida, Arizona.... Pick one.
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I forgot, an exodus from Kali might bring liberal scum in their wake.  

Isn't it amazing, liberals want to live where it's safe, but they hate what brings safety......citizens owning and carrying firearms.

Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:53:56 PM EDT
How about Nevada where there's no state income tax? I'm sure they get you other ways though.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:56:20 PM EDT
I'm sure they get you other ways though.
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Gambling & Whores
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 10:58:19 PM EDT
You folks in CA need to buy 10,000 rounds of ammunition for each gun you own in case that bill passes.

And if it does, you should use it.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:01:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:10:14 PM EDT
Have you kalidiots ever heard of something that happened years ago over a tax called "The Boston Tea Party"?

Oh wait, I forgot this proposal is about taxing ammunition! Now if it were over placing a tax on Starbucks coffee then you would be rioting in the streets right now.

I'm sure that the "pro-gun" gop will counter with a bill that will phase in the tax over 2 years. Hahaha!
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:12:14 PM EDT
Dont you people vote? How the Hell do these idiots get into office?
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:13:17 PM EDT
[b]Western WA is crowded with too many liberal-minded voters[/b]. Just look at the election district polling. In every national primary, The majority of W. WA conties alway poll out as liberal/left/pinko, and the elected governor has been a democrat for at least the last 2 elections (Don't know about the predecessor to Lowry). The WA constitution isn't a bad one - seems to ensure an individual's RKBA - but I understand that local troops have been asked if they'd follow an order to confiscate (They responded in the negative), so the motivation is out there, if not the means. But these things tend to creep up slowly.

WA used to be a CIII-firnedly place, but this got repealed sometime ago. Jim Ryan, owner of TacOrd, moved the biz to ID partly due to the repeal of CIII rights in WA. Now, only those who've owned their CIII firearms prior to a specific date (Sorry - I can't recall it) can keep their CIII toys. All others have to sell them off, or turn them in.

Still, it's not too bad. Though CIII firearms are not allowed, supressors are legal. I lived in Kali back when you could still legally have fun, and it was never as good as this. I left there just in time.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:18:29 PM EDT
supressors are legal
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Sort of - Under no circumstances can they be used/fired through.
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:20:28 PM EDT
Dont you people vote? How the Hell do these idiots get into office?
View Quote

We are out numbered, plain and simple...
- Sulaco
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:32:43 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:33:03 PM EDT
Dont you people vote? How the Hell do these idiots get into office?
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We are out numbered, plain and simple...
- Sulaco
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You think you are outnumbered now, just think of how it will be after all of the new voters from bush's illegal alien amnesty and davis' "driver's licenses for illegals" (motor voter) program.

Woo hoo!!!
Link Posted: 3/28/2002 11:37:50 PM EDT
supressors are legal
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Sort of - Under no circumstances can they be used/fired through.
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Notice I said "legal to own". FWIW, I was at a local shop about a month ago, and discussed this very issue w/a local PD officer & the guy behind the counter. The shop guy told me one could just not fire them around any LE officials, and the PD officer laughed and commented that, that was pretty much what the situation was about. Take that as a comment, not advice. Interestingly, he also told me that one of his fellow PD'ers [i]found[/i] a can, but didn't know it for what it was. He then took it to a SWAT officer, but htat guy also could not ID it!

Anyhoo, if you want to legally shoot with them, ID & OR aren't too far away, though I hear OR is becoming an uptight place.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:04:18 AM EDT
"I'm praying for mayhem.
I'm praying for tidal waves.
I want to see the ground give way.
I want to watch it all go down."

Learn to swim fellas.

Now I know someone here knows where this came from.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:15:08 AM EDT
Since it is a small portion of the buttheads proposing this and a string of other laws.  work in other area to elect others who will not go for this.

Talking points:
Sarah Brady bought a rifle for her son -- they can't be all that bad, Can they?

Democrats saved millions in electricity costs and now want to rais something like 1.4 billion dollars to pay for it.

For the blue hairs that make over $25,000, California democrats are taxing you outrageously and not delevering one service for it.

The seniors are facing higher and higher energy costs on a fixed budget - thanks to the democrats.

Put the blame on the democrats for everything that is wrong.
The crime rate has gone up and so have the gun laws -- do you feel safer yet?  Thank a democrat.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:22:03 AM EDT
Allege 1993 [b]feinstein/hci[/b] master plan
for TOTAL Gun Confiscation Dis-Armament.

[size=1]*  Taxes on ammo, Dealers licenses & guns to offset the medical costs
    to society.

15 Control of Ammunition belonging to Certain Surplus Firearms
    Senator Moynihan has already proposed a tax or ban on .22LR, 32
    acp, 25 acp and 9mm ammo, however, it has been pointed out to us
    that there is an extreme proliferation of high powered surplus rifles
    (i.e. the Mosin-Nagant series and the Enfield series) in which the
    wholesale prices are as low as $45-$75.  We suggest that to control
    the proliferation of violence associated with the large numbers of
    these types of weapons entering this country that we ban the
    importation of their ammunition, 7.64x54R [sic] and .303 R surplus

21 A National License for Ammunition
    This is an idea whose time has come.  We should look at a Federal
    License for purchasing of ammunition of all kinds.  A special form
    should be forwarded to a new federal office to track those who are
    purchasing too much ammunition.  Remember that a gun is useless
    without ammunition.

III. _An Estimate of the fiscal impact of the licensing of firearms

                             _Worst Case:_   _Best Case:_
Federal Handgun License:           $50             $625
Federal Rifle & Shotgun License:   $30             $148
State Gun License Fee:             $74             $150
Local Gun License Fee:             $48             $113
Arsenal License Fee:              $300           $1,000
Safe License Fee:                 $228             $392
Ammunition License Fee:            $55             $117
Re-Loading License Fee:           $130             $175
Ammo Safe License Fee:             $55              $75
Ammo Inspection Fee:              $588             $678

_Total Annual Cost:_           _$1,558_         _$3,473_[/size=1]

Another Coincidence.

[url]www.cures-not-wars.org/[/url] Truth Will Liberate Earth.
[url]www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-master[/url]Allege 1993 [b]feinstein/hci[/b] master plan
for TOTAL Gun Confiscation Dis-Armament.
[url]http://www.DigitalAngel.net/[/url]Revelation 13:18  ID-GPS-MONEY Implant Micro-chip

Never Again, Never Forget
Seek the Truth , Liberate Your Mind
We Are At WAR

Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:27:36 AM EDT
How about Nevada where there's no state income tax? I'm sure they get you other ways though.
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This state is full, we just posted the signs at the border, I'll give you a call when we have an opening [:D]
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Make room pal, cuz there may be a hoard of gun loving PRK refugees at your door soon. :)

Man, if they had software engineering jobs over there, I'd move next week.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:33:39 AM EDT
Dont you people vote? How the Hell do these idiots get into office?
View Quote

Don Perata (who has a CCW) represents the Oakland/Berkeley area. They love him because he gets money for minorities and votes commie. In fact, he authored our last reapportionment which resulted in a virtual 100% disenfranchisement of conservative voters. My home is now represented by the same woman who represents Berkeley, even though my city is 20 miles east and much more conservative. We have no vote anymore. The election process in this state is a sham.

To add insult to injury, since the reapportionment, there are no conservatives running in my district at all. Everyone is a democrat. So, like the poor voters in Florida, I am now officially disenfranchised.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:56:35 AM EDT
Sounds like it is time to either move or start re-loading your own ammo. I am so glad I moved out of that state 10 years ago. I have family that lives in the bay area and am going to go on a houseboat this summer at shasta.So called the attorney generals office today to find out if I could bring my AR-15 into the state. They said no way, then I asked well what if I was just passing through to another state, they told me that I would be commititting a felony just for driveing through the state with an assualt weapon that was not registered.  What a messed up state. They said that I would be charged with illegal transporting of an assault rifle. I was so pissed that I had to get off the phone. I am going to need to dig a little deeper and get actual penal code numbers to back up what this idiot was saying. I have looked at the penal codes on californias attorney generals web site concerning firearms and cannnot make much out of most of the legal jargon, and I could not find anything that said that one could not pass through the state with an assualt rifle. Anyway what a messed up state and it looks as if it is just getting worse, and to many of those liberal idiots are moveing north into Oregon and Washington and starting to ruin the fun.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 1:32:40 AM EDT
Since they insist on an opressive rule in Kalifornia, why not erect The Great Wall of Kalifornia, for them. Only one catch, we get to control the crossing points.

"State your political affiliation, and the nature of your business in the United States please......I am sorry sir, at this time we are no longer allowing Liberals into this country on business. Not on pleasure either sir. I appologize for the inconvenience sir. Perhaps you should speak to your representatives about their policy choices over the past few decades, however, I cannot allow you to cross the border at this time. I am sorry that you feel that way, speak to your representatives, they brought this on you people."

I am young and strong of back, any volounteers?
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 2:00:19 AM EDT
why have you californians not yet revolted??
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 2:17:09 AM EDT
why have you californians not yet revolted??
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Probably for the same reasons New Yorkers haven't revolted: the majority is against us.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 2:27:17 AM EDT
why have you californians not yet revolted??
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Probably for the same reasons New Yorkers haven't revolted: the majority is against us.
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a) new york cesspool and new york state are totally different things. in the state (at least my area) things are usually quite concervative.

b) only about 3% of the population actively took part in the 1st american revolution. with the support of not more than 30% of the general population.

i would think we have at worst comprable nombers now.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:16:18 AM EDT
So called the attorney generals office today to find out if I could bring my AR-15 into the state. They said no way, then I asked well what if I was just passing through to another state, they told me that I would be commititting a felony just for driveing through the state with an assualt weapon that was not registered.  
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Uhh, isn't it a federal law that one can carry any type of weapons (even if illegal in the passing through state) while driving to your destination.  But you cannot take a sidetrip and do some shooting or hang around for a day or two in the 'illegal' state.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:39:46 AM EDT
hey guys its just a little cost that we in ca. have to pay and 5 cents a round really is not to bad! come on its like smoking do we really think that a 5 cent a round tax is going to stop us from buying ammo.
WOAH! man I'am just woke up from a night mare as for a minute I thought I was living back in sacramento, I better go look out the window and see if pikes peak is still there and wipe the sweat off my face.
ok I'am back man that was scarry.
just checked and there's only a few more spots left to move to here in my new state, better hurry. think I will open the window and get a little breath of fresh air ( thats freedom) to you folks in the peoples republic of californication.
man I like having fridays off lets see what I'am going to do today.
#1 take a nice shower and get dressed.

#2 kiss the wife before I leave as I will not see her till she gets off work later this evening.

#3 go to breakfast and read the paper.

#4 do a little garage saleing stops might find a gun at one , yes it does happen here!

#5 stop bye a few pawn shops and see if they put out any new guns I can't live with out.

#6 ok this one you guys in ca. just won't understand but I will tell it slowly for you.

stop   buy   the   local   police  departments   auction   as  they   are   auctioning   off  about   500  guns  today  they  have  to  get  rid   of.

#7 go to a late lunch

#8 might go to the range but then again tommorrows another day.

and if I buy anything I get to take it home with me, I bet thats also a new one.

as for you folks that say I have a job I cant leave, I left 4 years ago and i'am doing better now than ever, and when things don't always go right i just tell my wife or myself hey! we could be back in ca.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:42:23 AM EDT
a) new york cesspool and new york state are totally different things. in the state (at least my area) things are usually quite concervative.
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That statement is 100% applicable to California, but our "NYC" includes Los Angeles, the Bay Area, Sacramento, and some parts of San Diego.

If you followed a general north-south line, placed about 20 miles inland, from the top of the state to the bottom of the state, everything east of that line would be conservative. Yet that area west of the line holds the majority of our population and is thoroughly democrat.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:45:26 AM EDT
Some Jacko Jackass congressjerk named patrick "da moron" moynihan once proposed a 10,000% tax on ammo.  "Tax it out of existence" muttered the talking butthole.  

Where do these aHoles come from?
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 7:26:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 7:51:34 AM EDT
While an individual sport shooter can go through thousands of rounds in a year, one box of cartridges will last a criminal his entire career.  The criminal's contribution to the "trauma fund" would be $2.50.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 8:32:15 AM EDT
why have you californians not yet revolted??
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Most of the good gunowning Californians have run away from the state; now there are so few of us left to fight back.

You don't hear about gun-toting conservatives moving into California, changing all the laws. It's just the opposite.

California is a snapshot of things that might happen all over the country. Running away from state to state is just going to make room for more of these degenerates over generations.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 8:51:59 AM EDT
Sounds like it is time to either move or start re-loading your own ammo.
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I'm probably giving them ideas, but I'm sure it will end up being something along the lines of "the part of the round that is ammo is the projectile itself", so you'll still pay the tax to reload.

You can have all the brass you want, but the projectiles will have to be 'pre-ban' (wait, it's a tax right now, not a ban)

BTW, I'm moving from CA back to the Midwest in June.  No job - who cares!?
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 10:42:46 AM EDT
DVDtracker asked where did I hear this. Well I heard it on the KTVU 10 o'clock  news they showed punk a$$  Perata talking about  it he said he expects to get attacked by pro gunners. He's right.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:15:29 PM EDT
I'm going to have to start shooting more people to get the full value out of my taxes.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:29:11 PM EDT
DO NOT MOVE TO AZ !!!!!  It's hot, there is lots of dust, no vegitation except cactus, rattlesnakes are everywhere and no womenz !!!
move along, nothing to see here..........
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 12:30:00 PM EDT
Not that our government gives the proverbial rat's behind about our Constitution but the Minneapolis Star & Tribune (1983) challenged, on First Amendment grounds, a Minnesota use tax which applied only to high-volume use of newsprint and ink before the US Supreme Court. The Court held that a negative differential treatment of the press in tax issues violated the First Amendment in the absence of a counterbalancing interest of compelling importance.

Now, I'm not an attorney but it seems like this would be the good basis of argument against this bill becoming law and a challenge if it ever becomes law.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 1:49:23 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Boom Stick:
Know whats reeeeeeeaaally sad?

Not only are you kalifornians gonna pay .05 cents on the round, but your gonna fund the government with (high)state tax's to provide the bureaucracy for the collection!!!  

[size=5]Cut your losses and MOVE![/size=5]
Hit kalifornia where it hurts! [/Pay your state taxs to a state that allows freedom!  Washington, Idaho, Florida, Arizona.... Pick one.]
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Florida has CCW and NO state tax!
Move here1! you'd be more welcome than most of the people moving to this place!
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 2:30:10 PM EDT
Push for a 5 cent tax on stupid ideas that start from Wilshire and Rodeo and others that have their birth at One Montgomery to the north and you should be able to fund all of the state without the bullet tax!
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:05:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:05:59 PM EDT
The politicians treat us with total contempt and have no idea of what we may do if we are pushed too far, and this sh*t may be just the catalyst that the freedom loving people of California need to do what needs to be done.  This garbage will continue until the commie bas*ards learn that there is a real cost to be paid for their actions and the cost will not be just getting hate mail or being in danger of loosing an election.

VINCE AUT MORIRE (Conquer or Die)
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:43:13 PM EDT
Unlike everyone else, I'm not only ready to give you Californians a break, I'm ready to give you a DEAL!

Washington State will trade California two, THAT'S RIGHT, TWO, granola head liberals for every one conservative gun owner that relocates here from California. Is that a win-win situation or what? You can even have Bill Gates and the whole Microsoft company!
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:49:23 PM EDT
And if you don't think this can pass, TENNESSEE has a per-bullet tax.  Last time I wandered into a gunstore there, they had little tax stickers on every box of ammo, even .22LR.  I think it was a penny a round.  I just about [puke]d.
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 3:56:45 PM EDT
As an Oregonian, my response is tough shit. You'all need to STAY IN CALIFORNIA and ROLL BACK THE TIDE.


Now, lets talk about San Diego's efforts to STEAL WATER from the Trinity Mt. area in Nor Cal.....

STAY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, one other thought - why not reload?
Link Posted: 3/29/2002 4:06:45 PM EDT
Well, you Kali guys can always move to North Dakota.  Since there are no people there, they have no laws.  [;)]
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