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Posted: 3/20/2002 11:39:21 PM EDT
FYI:  [url]http://www.sacfla.org/hr2037.htm[/url]

FYI :  [url]www.nralive.com/index2.cfm[/url]

H.R. 2037, introduced by Congressmen Cliff Stearns (R-FL) and Chris John
>(D-LA), would protect the firearms and ammunition industry from being
>held civilly liable for the criminal misuse of their lawful products by
>others.  This legislation, which presently has 173 cosponsors, has been
>referred to the House Energy/Commerce and Judiciary Committees for which
>a majority of the members of both committees are cosponsors.  H.R. 2037
>has broad bipartisan support as well as support from the House
>leadership, however, to prompt action on this legislation early next
>year, we feel that between 200 and 218 cosponsors would be helpful in
>doing so.  Since there is an unknown amount of time until adjournment of
>the first session of the 107th Congress, please make a special effort
>until then to contact the following Congressmen asking them to cosponsor
>H.R. 2037:
>Baird, Brian (D-WA-3)
>Biggert, Judy (R-IL-13) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123
>Bilirakis, Michael (R-FL-9)
>Bonilla, Henry (R-TX-23) -- cosponsored H.R. 1032 in the 106th
>Boswell, Leonard (D-IA-3)
>Boyd, Allen (D-FL-2)
>Callahan, Sonny (R-AL-1)
>Clement, Bob (D-TN-5)
>Combest, Larry (R-TX-19) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123
>Cooksey, John (R-LA-5)
>Cox, Chris (R-CA-47)
>Crenshaw, Ander (R-FL-4)
>Deal, Nathan (R-GA-9) -- cosponsored H.R. 1032 in the 106th Congress
>DeFazio, Peter (D-OR-4)
>Dreier, David (R-CA-28)
>Dunn, Jennifer (R-WA-8)
>Ehlers, Vern (R-MI-3)
>Ehrlich, Bob (R-MD-2)
>Foley, Mark (R-FL-16)
>Fossella, Vito (R-NY-13)
>Gilman, Ben (R-NY-20)
>Goss, Porter (R-FL-14)
>Granger, Kay (R-TX-12)
>Green, Gene (D-TX-29)
>Green, Mark (R-WI-8)

Link Posted: 3/20/2002 11:39:58 PM EDT
>Greenwood, Jim (R-PA-8) -- cosponsored H.R. 1032 in the 106th Congress
>Grucci, Felix (R-NY-1)
>Hill, Baron (D-IN-9)
>Hilliard, Earl (D-AL-7)
>Hostettler, John (R-IN-8) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123 and cosponsored H.R.
>1032 in the 106th Congress
>Hyde, Henry (R-IL-6)
>Johnson, Sam (R-TX-3)
>Kanjorski, Paul (D-PA-11)
>Kelly, Sue (R-NY-19)
>Kolbe, Jim (R-AZ-5) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123 and cosponsored H.R. 1032
>in the 106th Congress
>LaHood, Ray (R-IL-18) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123 and cosponsored H.R. 1032
>in the 106th Congress
>Lampson, Nick (D-TX-9)
>Larsen, Rick (D-WA-2)
>Latham, Tom (R-IA-5) -- cosponsored H.R. 1032 in the 106th Congress
>LaTourette, Steve (R-OH-19)
>Linder, John (R-GA-2) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123
>LoBiondo, Frank (R-NJ-2)
>Mica, John (R-FL-7)
>Miller, Dan (R-FL-13)
>Miller, Jeff (R-FL-1)
>Murtha, John (D-PA-12)
>Nussle, Jim (R-IA-2)
>Obey, David (D-WI-7)
>Ortiz, Solomon (D-TX-27)
>Ose, Doug (R-CA-3)
>Paul, Ron (R-TX-14)
>Petri, Tom (R-WI-6)
>Platts, Todd (R-PA-19) -- cosponsor of H.R. 123
>Portman, Rob (R-OH-2)
>Pryce, Deborah (R-OH-15)
>Quinn, Jack (D-NY-30)
>Regula, Ralph (R-OH-16)
>Royce, Ed (R-CA-39)
>Sensenbrenner, Jim (R-WI-9) -- cosponsored H.R. 1032 in the 106th
>Sherwood, Don (R-PA-10)
>Smith, Nick (R-MI-7)
>Sweeney, John (R-NY-22) -- cosponsored H.R. 1032 in the 106th Congress
>Tanner, John (D-TN-8)
>Thornberry, Mac (R-TX-13)
>Thurman, Karen (D-FL-5)
>Tiberi, Pat (R-OH-12)
>Turner, Jim (D-TX-2)
>Weldon, Curt (R-PA-7)
>Weller, Jerry (R-IL-11)
>Wilson, Heather (R-NM-1)
>Winner of AR-3 Special Election
>Winner of SC-2 Special Election
>If we are able to get just half of these targeted Members, we will reach
>our goal of more than 200 cosponsors on H.R. 2037.

[size=1]Allege [b]feinstein/hci[/b] master plan
for TOTAL Gun Confiscation Dis-Armament.[/size=1]

[size=1]Tort law as we know it may not have to under go a change in order the [sic]
facilitate these actions.  As many people know it is not necessary to
actually win in order to affect change, since the constant threat of legal
action will induce change in the way people do business.  People all know
that the real fiscal effect of repeated legal actions can bankrupt a peddler
of violence just as well as winning a large settlement.[/size=1]

[url]www.cures-not-wars.org/[/url][size=1] Truth Will Liberate Earth.[/size=1]
[url]www.RKBA.org/antis/hci-master[/url][size=1]Allege [b]feinstein/hci[/b] master plan
for TOTAL Gun Confiscation Dis-Armament.[/size=1]
[url]http://www.DigitalAngel.net/[/url]  [size=1]Revelation 13:18  ID-GPS-MONEY
Implant Micro-chip[/size=1]

[size=1]Never Again, Never Forget
Seek the Truth , Liberate Your Mind
We Are At WAR[/size=1]


Link Posted: 3/21/2002 2:15:18 AM EDT
CA co-sponsors -- you won't find a demo in that list. [pissed]

Cox, Chris (R-CA-47)
Dreier, David (R-CA-28)
Ose, Doug (R-CA-3)
Royce, Ed (R-CA-39)
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