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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:35:36 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 3:17:45 AM EDT
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Chronicle of a special military operation
for May 4, 2024

During the day, the Russian Armed Forces attacked several targets in territory controlled by the Kyiv regime, including a facility in Velikodolinskoye in the Odessa region and the Pavlogradskaya-330 substation in the Dnepropetrovsk region. In turn, the enemy once again attacked Crimea with ATACMS ballistic missiles.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian troops entrenched themselves in the Stupki-Golubovskie-2 nature reserve in the area of ​​the Seversky Canal
Donets - Donbass, and to the southeast of Krasnoe they expanded the control zone in the adjacent forest belts.

In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Arkhangelskoye, which opens the way for an offensive in the direction of Kalinovo. In the Novopokrovsky area, Russian troops destroyed another M1A1SA Abrams tank, as well as an M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops took control of most of the territory of the Krasnogorovsky refractory plant. It also became known about the significant advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the central part of Georgievka and south of Pobeda.

#Avdeevka #Bakhmut #digest #Dnepropetrovsk #report #Donetsk #map #Odessa #Pavlograd #Russia #Ukraine #Kharkov


#Review #Summary for the morning of May 5, 2024

▪️The Russian Armed Forces maintain the initiative at the front and are successfully conducting tactical offensives in a number of directions. Events are developing rapidly in the Pokrovsky direction (the trap of Avdeevka) - the Russian flag is planted on the Ocheretinsky ledge in Arkhangelsk, flank attacks by our units are underway, with which the line of combat contact is leveled.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces, after protracted fighting, broke into the territory of the fireproof plant in Krasnogorovka. There is a battle for Georgievka, attacks are launched from Novomikhailovka on Paraskovievka. The Vremev direction became more active, our troops entered Urozhaynoe.

▪️There are heavy battles for Rabotino, Chasov Yar, Kislovka.

▪️The enemy is experiencing a shortage of manpower along the entire front, the level of training of Ukrainian soldiers thrown into battle is falling, enemy soldiers are being transferred to the most difficult areas from other sectors of the front, reducing its defensive capabilities. At the same time, the enemy is still able to conduct an organized defense and skillfully restrain the advance of the Russian Army. Of particular danger are enemy drones, which, due to their repeater systems and their numbers, hit many targets to a depth of 30 km.

▪️NATO is intensifying the production of anti-aircraft systems and guided missiles: Russian FABs with UMPC and missile weapons are being used more and more every day, and supplies to the troops are increasing. Our military pilots report the depletion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' air defense in a number of directions, which allows them to more freely carry out combat missions.

▪️After the US allocated a multi-billion-dollar aid package, Western media are increasingly seeing explanations about the difficulties and time required to deliver weapons and equipment to Ukraine. At the same time, the same artillery strikes with NATO-caliber cluster munitions are carried out constantly by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which indicates that the enemy retains barrel artillery and ammunition for it. In the hope of stopping the offensive of our troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost at least one more American Abrams in defensive battles within a week, despite instructions from the United States to no longer allow the loss of this equipment.

▪️Mobilization in Ukraine is becoming stricter. TCC (military registration and enlistment offices) have been allocated quotas to take people from defense and socially significant enterprises, where people previously had reservations from the front. Cadets of 2-5 years of one of the military universities, under the legend of field training, were also sent to the combat zone this week. TCC officers are now on duty at mobile police posts in cities, and the leadership of Ukraine is taking practical measures to limit the rights of Ukrainian citizens abroad to ensure their return to the country. However, Ukraine's mobilization potential is still estimated at several million people, although further forced sending of people to the front will only increase social tensions and wrest workers from the dying economy.

▪️The enemy daily strikes with drones and artillery in the “old” Russian regions, periodically tries to hit air defense position areas in Crimea, naming the Crimean Bridge among the main targets in the future.

▪️In Russia, many processes froze on the eve of the inauguration of the Supreme Commander and Victory Day. News about the arrested Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov faded away, and there were no significant positive changes in the military bureaucracy.

▪️Ukraine expects the Russian Armed Forces to attack the Kharkov and Sumy regions, estimating the offensive potential of our Army in the direction of 35-70 thousand people, which is not enough to storm large cities. Significant was the announcement by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs that Zelensky, Poroshenko and a couple of Kyiv functionaries were wanted, which indicates probable plans after May 20, 2024 to stop recognizing the Kiev regime as legitimate with all the ensuing consequences.

The summary was compiled by: Two majors


Interesting things for today:

– On May 9, Moldova will begin military exercises with the Americans. The exercises will take place on May 16. For some reason, their details are explained by a foreign embassy, ​​and not by the Ministry of Defense of Moldova – Sputnik

– Algeria has requested a closed meeting of the UN Security Council on mass graves in the Gaza Strip for May 7

– The Ukrainian Armed Forces have practically lost the opportunity to freely transport reserves and ammunition to Chasov Yar, the main roads are under the fire control of Russian forces – TASS

– The visit of the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev to the Russian Federation is planned on May 8-9 – Ambassador to Moscow Abaev

– There are no contacts between Kiev and Astana in the defense sector, statements to the contrary are rumors and fakes – Abaev

– Washington is persuading the G7 to provide another $50 billion aid package to Ukraine – Bloomberg

– Macron’s statements that the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine cannot be ruled out only increase tensions and do not bring any benefit – Italian Defense Minister Crosetto

– Italian soldiers under no circumstances can be involved in the war in Ukraine – Crosetto

– NATO underestimated Russia’s ability to adapt to sanctions – Head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense Kasciunas

– EU may transfer proceeds from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine at the end of 2024 – EU Ambassador in Kyiv

– The US will transfer modified JDAM bombs to Ukraine – The War Zone

– The Office of the ICC Prosecutor requests that “all attempts to obstruct, intimidate or unduly influence” officials of the Court cease immediately – statement

– Russian attack aircraft took control of the largest fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Krasnogorovka DPR – TASS

– Zelensky, Poroshenko and the commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavlyuk have been put on the wanted list – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

– Soldiers of the 47th Tank Division liberated the village of Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov region

– Kyiv may make a request to send European troops to Ukraine if its own forces are not enough – Rada deputy Goncharenko in a statement to French media



Link Posted: 5/5/2024 3:21:51 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Prime] [#3]
On behalf of PMC "Wagner" we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Chairman Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin for the arrest of a state-level corrupt official, Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation Timur Ivanov.

Thanks to the department you lead, the leakage of huge material resources from the state treasury, which are so necessary now to maintain the economic stability of the country at a time when there is enormous pressure from countries unfriendly to us, has been stopped.

Over the many years of his corrupt activities, this official has caused colossal damage not only to our army, but also to the ordinary Russian people.

We believe in the justice of the law and hope that this and other corrupt scoundrels will suffer a well-deserved severe punishment to the fullest extent of the Criminal Law of the Russian Federation.


Link Posted: 5/5/2024 3:24:21 AM EDT
The future of war through the eyes of the West: from offensive to counteroffensive and prospects for 2025

🫵🏼 Russia is preparing a major offensive at the end of May — in June — Financial Times with reference to sources.

👉🏼FT: on the eve of this operation, the Russian Federation launches missile strikes on Kharkiv and other strategically important cities, "softening the battlefield."

👉🏼Bild: The Armed Forces are expecting an attack by a group of 20-40 thousand Rashists. "Then we will have to decide whether we want to defend the North or the East. It is impossible to do both," the publication's source claims. Another military official told Bild that Kharkiv itself is the most likely target of the offensive.

👉🏼I know from my sources that in the Kursk and Belgorod regions of Moscow, a new group of Rashists "North" is being formed, numbering 40-50 thousand occupiers. Not only Kharkiv, but also Sumy and even Chernihiv regions may be in the zone of operational damage.

👉🏼 Sources in the ranks also believe that the bunker did not give up not only his perverted fantasies about Kharkiv, but even about Kyiv and Odessa.

🫵🏼 Well-equipped Ukrainian Defense Forces will be able to prevent the offensive of the invaders, this is the general opinion of most Western analysts, from the American Institute for the Study of War to specialized intelligence.

👉🏼 Today, the impact of the new American aid package should not be exaggerated. It should be enough to slow down the pace of the Russian onslaught, ideally to stop the occupying troops along the front line. "Ukrainian forces need time to recover from the difficult events at the beginning of the year," - American military studies professor Lawrence Friedman, FT.

👉🏼 "Currently, the most effective way for Ukraine to continue its struggle with Russia is to carry out regular attacks using long-range drones against oil refineries and other objects of strategic importance to Russia," - Friedman. That is why the White House is handing over long-range ATACMS, as well as encouraging Europe to hand over aircraft-type cruise missiles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defeat the rear infrastructure of the Rashists in the occupied territories.

🫵🏼 The West has already formulated a new goal of the current campaign against the Kremlin: to convince the bunker that the further continuation of the war is hopeless.

👉🏼 "We must continue to support Ukraine until the Armed Forces are unable to resist and until Putin decides to stop the war, - Josep Borrell, EU representative. - But this will not happen soon, unfortunately."

👉🏼 The war may continue at least until the presidential elections in the USA, its finale will depend on the name of the new owner of the White House and the style of his communication with the Kremlin.

👉🏼 It is expected that the Armed Forces will be able to resume serious offensive actions in 2025. US officials expect the new weaponry to give Kiev time to replenish its ranks and strengthen its defensive positions on the battlefield, including building trenches and minefields. Coupled with commitments from European countries, the latest US aid package should secure Kyiv by around the end of next year.

👉🏼 The White House considers mobilization to be the most priority task of the Ukrainian government: Kyiv should use the moment to replenish the Armed Forces with soldiers to prepare for new future hostilities. Otherwise, the Armed Forces will not be able to take full advantage of the new supplies of weapons and increased production of artillery shells in Europe and the USA. Ukraine will not be able to go on the offensive without mobilization. “The longer the manpower and mobilization situation goes uncorrected, the less likely a large-scale offensive in 2025 becomes.” — Washington Post.

🫵🏼 Analysts believe that Ukraine will not be able to win back much territory, but it may be able to negotiate peace from a stronger position - or freeze the conflict, Reuters.


Link Posted: 5/5/2024 3:33:22 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Prime] [#5]

Remember our victorious campaign in Syria? We declared complete victory over terrorism three times, took Palmyra twice (and both times successfully!), retained the power of the legitimate President Assad, and gained invaluable experience. Even the terrorist ISIS has disappeared there, and we are still waging our victorious campaign in Syria. Fascinating, educational and absolutely useless.

I remembered Syria for a reason, but due to the fact that we are repainting the Syrian rake about “gaining experience” as a Ukrainian rake. What Syrian experience helped us in the Northern Military District? Yes, none. These are completely different things. It's like learning to have sex under criminal articles regulating violations in this area. Fascinating, educational and the list goes on.

What experience can the Northern Military District in Ukraine give us? Well, let’s give some examples so that everyone can understand.

Syrian example: aviation. Fly, bomb, identify targets and bomb again. And if the enemy has serious air defense, then forget all this experience of military aviation. "Kuzya" also gained experience in Syria, lost two of the newest aircraft out of three simply when trying to land on the deck, after which it went to the dock for repairs, successfully destroyed its first surface object (PD-50 - one of the largest floating docks in the world) , survived the fire and seems to be back in service someday.

Ukrainian example: missile weapons. In Ukraine today it is impossible to start serious production of something near-military and not receive a portion of missiles. Ukraine does not have even a hint of the missile power that we possess. In essence, our dominance in the Syrian skies flows into our missile dominance in Ukraine. And the experience for subsequent conflicts there will be very similar, because zero is always like zero.

In the event of a conflict with a conditionally equal enemy, “Ukraine,” we will stay a little. Not only in terms of the fact that there will be a mess and chaos (although...), but in terms of the fact that all our attempts to increase military production will be able to receive either our own missile, or a hundred or two UAVs.

Of course we have nuclear weapons. Of course, we will threaten to use it. But this is a topic that I simply won’t comment on. I won’t and that’s it.

Let’s dwell on a very small part: neither Syria nor Ukraine have brought us any “practical experience” in military terms and are not bringing us any. Of course, you can always scrape together crumbs from the table, but that’s about something else. Ask veterans of Afghanistan and Chechnya how their experience in the Northern Military District helps them,
besides being prepared for the delights of decisions made by the military and understanding that it will be difficult.

Therefore, I consider the topic of “venomous experience” closed. For myself for sure. If I hear from the military about “useful experience,” then at least I can immediately understand with whom, in terms of military understanding, I am dealing. That's the point


The 205th Motorized

Our real and so far insurmountable superiority is in missile weapons.
A superiority that so far causes more damage to the economy than to the enemy army.

But still....

The small amount of their use is due to... The same corruption.
The need to modernize the chemical industry and, first of all, factories for the production of gunpowder and rocket fuel was realized back in 2023, for which huge amounts of money were allocated. But... There was no increase in production. And we still experience a shortage of these funds.

And our enemy knows about this.
The Aleksinsky chemical plant is located in the closest affected area.



I counted that 180 messages were written to me personally about those missing in action during the assault on Krynki. Soldiers from different units and divisions.

To understand, in theory, each person has an average of 150 social connections in the current period.
This means that each of you currently knows 150 people.

And now imagine they all disappeared. There is none of them. You are left alone.
They all died in the assault on Krynki.

Considering how many units and subunits participated in these assaults, understanding why so many units were involved, the number of deaths is maddening.
The whole city died in the battles for Krynki.

But Crocus will be remembered for a long time by many.
And Krynki only on memorial days and relatives.



Doesn't it seem strange that the production of fuel - gasoline and diesel - is falling but its price is not rising? With constant consumption?
The price explosion would be so unexpected that it could lead to serious civil disturbances.
The Kremlin knows about this and the possible scenarios are clear. There are no options yet on how to solve them.



Link Posted: 5/5/2024 3:43:46 AM EDT
Beautiful, piercing words about Igor Strelkov, written in 2014. Can you guess who the author is?

The Russian man holds the defense of the country (Novorossiya) with 20,000,000 people in the face of an entire army. Of course, he is not alone. But an army without a commander is not an army. There is a commander, there is or will be an army. There is no commander - any army will disintegrate in a matter of hours.

In whose name and in the name of what is he fighting? He has held the defense of Slavyansk and the entire DPR for so long. What does it rely on? Who gives him orders? Who is behind him?

The most amazing thing: no one. No one is standing. Nobody gives orders. Nobody here. Strelkov does not act on orders or out of inertia. His bosses are of a different kind. He imagines himself mobilized by that authority, in the existence of which almost no one today believes. Strelkov was called to serve by the Russian World, the Russian People, and Russian civilization. In Kyiv, brutally Russophobic forces seized power. And everyone froze, became quiet, fled... And then Igor Strelkov appeared.

Calm, nonchalant, somewhat out of this world. From another time, from another history, from another society. Like two peas in a pod, he looks like a pre-Bolshevik lieutenant in the tsarist army. And, as it later turned out, he periodically transformed himself into such a lieutenant in volunteer reconstructions. And finally, he was completely reincarnated. And he took Crimea. Only then did technologists appear, filmed on distributed tablets of Crimean women in vests against the backdrop of “polite people” and the elegant prosecutor Poklonskaya. But Strelkov started and Strelkov finished.

Strelkov are not Russian troops. This is the shadow of the Russian past, this is the ghost of the Russian future. This is something that is not in our present. Strelkov took it from the 1910 encyclopedia of love for the Fatherland. He stepped off the poster of the First World War and immediately entered the battle.

Crimea has been taken. He calmly reported to nowhere (relatively, to the Kremlin). We are moving to Novorossiya. Nobody reads his telegrams. They hang in the air until, in search of breath, the Russian people stumble upon them, the vital centers of which are tightened by the noose of the Russophobic political elite, the sixth column that seized power in the 90s and does not want to give it up... Putin read the telegram written out of nowhere and to no one. Just on demand, on Russian demand. And I read it. This is called “Crimea is ours!” The message, sent into nowhere, accidentally reached its addressee.

The sixth column is terrified, no one understands how this could happen. But this is already a fact. Putin read the telegram. And its content reminded him of something. Who is Strelkov, Putin asked, but immediately forgot what he was asking, without waiting for an answer.
Igor Strelkov, meanwhile, as promised to someone unknown, that is, the Russian World, moved on. Turning his face to the North, he reasoned like this: if you go to the left, you will burn alive. If you go right, you will return home. And Strelkov went straight to the North. Poking his finger at the map, he ended up in the city of Slavyansk. What a good name, he thought. How close it is to my volunteer heart. These are the Slavs and glory. This is my city. And went.

The one to whom this beautiful lyrical passage is dedicated is now in prison on an absurd, political charge, deprived of the opportunity to continue to fight for the victory of the Russian world.

And the author of the text, Alexander Dugin, now occupies the warm place of a pocket philosopher right next to the throne, presenting himself as a symbol of Russian patriotic thought and an ideologist of that very Russian world, the beginning of the revival of which he so admired in 2014. Only now, of course, you won’t hear a word from him about Igor Strelkov, who was unjustly arrested for 4 years. The topic of the Russian Spring is stubbornly hushed up on official broadcast channels. Indeed, it’s much safer to write about round dances now.

But let us still remember Dugin’s images of the Russian Spring of 2014, when he was not yet afraid of losing his “place in the sun.” His words are still good, even if the author himself would not subscribe to them today.


Link Posted: 5/5/2024 4:18:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 5:22:37 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Prime] [#8]

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Ukrainian War - Week 18 | 2024

Label colors:

Gains (+ 1.37 km²) 🟨
Losses (- 58.42 km²) 🟦

Russia | LPR | DPR
Gains (+ 57.18 km²) 🟥
Losses (- 1.2 km²) ⬛️

⚔️ The enemy occupied Arkhangelsk and Kotlyarivka, entered the administrative borders of Ocheretiny and advanced near Novopokrovsky, Umansky, Pervomaisky and Krasnohorivka.

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 5:30:19 AM EDT
This is impressive.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 5:39:16 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Lieh-tzu:

Actually, Russia is advancing. Slowly, gradually, at significant cost. But advancing. See the Economist interview with the GUR's deputy: Ukraine is losing. The only question is how much they lose and how much it costs Russia.
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 5:54:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 6:09:21 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 6:45:35 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
This is impressive.
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 6:58:08 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Capta:

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Originally Posted By Capta:
Originally Posted By Prime:
This is impressive.

Some of those guys got launched
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 7:37:05 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AlmightyTallest] [#15]

In addition to a six-digit number of “regular” artillery shells that #Ukraine will receive from Rheinmetall this year, Rheinmetall will also supply prototypes of artillery shells with a range of 100 kilometres!

A very interesting detail which the CEO of Rheinmetall Papperger recently disclosed.

The most modern 155mm artillery ammunition that Ukraine has or had in use to date also came to Ukraine via German aid, but not from Rheinmetall. These were Vulcano ammunition in various versions.

For example, Vulcano 155 BER with ~50 km range (as you can see in the video) and Vulcano 155 GPS/SAL with ~70 km range were delivered. A total of 255 shells were delivered.
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 7:40:49 AM EDT
One of the big advantages of the NASAM SAM system is being able to launch many common air to air missiles instead of specific missiles.

My assumption that a lack of missiles (IRIS-T SL) is the limiting factor in the deliveries of IRIS-T SLM air defence systems to #Ukraine seems to be confirmed.

Members of the Bundestag (members of the Budget Committee) Andreas Schwarz, Sebastian Schäfer and Karsten Klein were in Ukraine (not for the first time) and shared their impressions with SPIEGEL.

During a visit to an IRIS-T SLM launcher, they noticed that it was equipped with only one missile instead of the maximum capacity of eight. According to the Ukrainian soldiers, the system delivered by Germany is extremely efficient, but they can hardly use it anymore because they lack the missiles.

To clarify: According to Diehl Defence, they produce up to 500 missiles per year (it is unclear whether only IRIS-T SL or also IRIS-T). Of course, not only do missiles have to be produced for new systems, but existing batteries in Ukraine also have to be regularly equipped with new missiles.

The requirements naturally grow with every system supplied to Ukraine, and it makes not a lot of sense to supply plenty of new systems to Ukraine when you can't even maintain the existing systems.

Only on Monday did the German government publicise the delivery of an unknown number of IRIS-T SL missiles to Ukraine to supply the systems already delivered. Another IRIS-T SLM system was also to be delivered to Ukraine at the end of April (delivery not yet confirmed).
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 7:42:12 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 7:43:26 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SnoGoRider:
Is this like a Ukraine vs Russia thread 2.0? Sure looks like it.
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Depends on who is throwing the heaviest ordnance around at the moment, but yeah right now Ukraine is pretty active as the topic.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 7:51:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 7:54:24 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:02:56 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:11:03 AM EDT

The Marines want to ‘litter the battlefield’ with anti-drone sensors
Some units will get portable devices within a year, officials said.
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The Marine Corps wants to employ more passive sensors and kinetic weapons to find and take down drones, and plans to field personal drone detectors in the next 12 months, officers said Thursday at the Modern Day Marine conference.

Some Marines in Marine Expeditionary Units, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Europe, and the 4th Marine Regiment will get the scanners, said Captain Taylor Barefoot, the Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems Capabilities Integration officer in the Marine Corps’ Capabilities Development Directorate.

“In the next twelve months, there’s going to be systems out there fielded to this at a basic level,” Barefoot said. More advanced systems are also in the works.

Such scanners typically check for radio signals sent to and from drones. Some also use auditory cues to identify drones.

Ukrainians widely use hand-held scanners to alert them to incoming enemy drones. Some models can identify specific models, like the Orlan-10 observation drone. Ukrainian soldiers say the scanners sound the alarm faster than their own eyes and ears.

Barefoot said the Marines eventually plan to equip every squad with some sort of drone detector. He did not specify what specific devices would be fielded. The Army is similarly investing in soldier-borne drone scanners; the service’s 2025 budget proposal includes funds to acquire ten Bal Chatri devices.

In the long term, Barefoot said, Marines may wear a haptic device that will buzz their chest when an enemy drone approaches. The Marine would then alert their squad leader, who would use a tablet to get more information.

The Corps is also looking to improve the process for identifying enemy drones in the field, Barefoot said. Currently, most drones are ID’d by matching their radio signals to a library of signatures. But such libraries are “quickly outpaced” by drone developments, he said. So the Marines are looking into fielding systems that allow operators to update the libraries with real-time intelligence—or even to use artificial intelligence.

“We’re leveraging AI to the max extent” for drone detection, said Barefoot.

Ukraine’s Kara Dag drone detectors use AI to identify new drones or parse fragmentary signals to make determinations about possible enemy drones.

The Corps eventually hopes to field a dense layer of sensors, said Lt. Col. Robert Barclay, an air defense advisor at Marine Corps Aviation: “The idea is to litter the battlespace with sensors.”

Barclay said the Marines also need to be less reliant on the large, easily identifiable sensors they’ve used in the past, as well as become skilled in fusing data and sending information down to the most junior units on the battlefield.

The “Ukrainians do a really good job of getting everything down” to lower-level units and then striking the drones, he said.

Another problem, for U.S. and Ukrainian forces alike, is telling friendly drones from enemy ones.

It’s “something we haven’t quite figured out” yet, Barclay said.

The Corps is also seeking more ways to bring down drones. Barclay wants to explore the use of small drones to take down other drones, a tactic that is already playing out in the skies of Ukraine. Having more kinetic options will become increasingly important as drones become more autonomous and less reliant on jammable navigation and control systems, he said.

Barclay noted that visual terrain navigation systems and other autonomous navigation tools are supplanting GPS and other systems that are prone to jamming. Some Ukrainian drones use visual navigation systems, which fly by comparing their video feed to stored images of their desired route.

Amid concerns that the increasing use of drones limits the U.S. military’s ability to engage in the fast-moving warfare for which it trains, Barclay also noted the importance of using cover to avoid being observed by drones.

Concealment is “critical,” Barclay said. “Passive air defense is a real thing, and it’s even more imperative now to move under cover.”
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:12:39 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:15:38 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:29:08 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:38:44 AM EDT
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Thanks for posting. Great videos that really capture the intensity on the ground you can't really get from a drone above.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 8:52:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 9:00:07 AM EDT
[Last Edit: AlmightyTallest] [#28]

FYI: There is a very large radar source located 1.5-km south of the dump at 45.726266, 34.370733.
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 9:10:36 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Chronicle of a special military operation
for May 4, 2024


During the day, the Russian Armed Forces attacked several targets in territory controlled by the Kyiv regime, including a facility in Velikodolinskoye in the Odessa region and the Pavlogradskaya-330 substation in the Dnepropetrovsk region. In turn, the enemy once again attacked Crimea with ATACMS ballistic missiles.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian troops entrenched themselves in the Stupki-Golubovskie-2 nature reserve in the area of ​​the Seversky Canal
Donets - Donbass, and to the southeast of Krasnoe they expanded the control zone in the adjacent forest belts.

In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Arkhangelskoye, which opens the way for an offensive in the direction of Kalinovo. In the Novopokrovsky area, Russian troops destroyed another M1A1SA Abrams tank, as well as an M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops took control of most of the territory of the Krasnogorovsky refractory plant. It also became known about the significant advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the central part of Georgievka and south of Pobeda.

#Avdeevka #Bakhmut #digest #Dnepropetrovsk #report #Donetsk #map #Odessa #Pavlograd #Russia #Ukraine #Kharkov


#Review #Summary for the morning of May 5, 2024

▪️The Russian Armed Forces maintain the initiative at the front and are successfully conducting tactical offensives in a number of directions. Events are developing rapidly in the Pokrovsky direction (the trap of Avdeevka) - the Russian flag is planted on the Ocheretinsky ledge in Arkhangelsk, flank attacks by our units are underway, with which the line of combat contact is leveled.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces, after protracted fighting, broke into the territory of the fireproof plant in Krasnogorovka. There is a battle for Georgievka, attacks are launched from Novomikhailovka on Paraskovievka. The Vremev direction became more active, our troops entered Urozhaynoe.

▪️There are heavy battles for Rabotino, Chasov Yar, Kislovka.

▪️The enemy is experiencing a shortage of manpower along the entire front, the level of training of Ukrainian soldiers thrown into battle is falling, enemy soldiers are being transferred to the most difficult areas from other sectors of the front, reducing its defensive capabilities. At the same time, the enemy is still able to conduct an organized defense and skillfully restrain the advance of the Russian Army. Of particular danger are enemy drones, which, due to their repeater systems and their numbers, hit many targets to a depth of 30 km.

▪️NATO is intensifying the production of anti-aircraft systems and guided missiles: Russian FABs with UMPC and missile weapons are being used more and more every day, and supplies to the troops are increasing. Our military pilots report the depletion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' air defense in a number of directions, which allows them to more freely carry out combat missions.

▪️After the US allocated a multi-billion-dollar aid package, Western media are increasingly seeing explanations about the difficulties and time required to deliver weapons and equipment to Ukraine. At the same time, the same artillery strikes with NATO-caliber cluster munitions are carried out constantly by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which indicates that the enemy retains barrel artillery and ammunition for it. In the hope of stopping the offensive of our troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost at least one more American Abrams in defensive battles within a week, despite instructions from the United States to no longer allow the loss of this equipment.

▪️Mobilization in Ukraine is becoming stricter. TCC (military registration and enlistment offices) have been allocated quotas to take people from defense and socially significant enterprises, where people previously had reservations from the front. Cadets of 2-5 years of one of the military universities, under the legend of field training, were also sent to the combat zone this week. TCC officers are now on duty at mobile police posts in cities, and the leadership of Ukraine is taking practical measures to limit the rights of Ukrainian citizens abroad to ensure their return to the country. However, Ukraine's mobilization potential is still estimated at several million people, although further forced sending of people to the front will only increase social tensions and wrest workers from the dying economy.

▪️The enemy daily strikes with drones and artillery in the “old” Russian regions, periodically tries to hit air defense position areas in Crimea, naming the Crimean Bridge among the main targets in the future.

▪️In Russia, many processes froze on the eve of the inauguration of the Supreme Commander and Victory Day. News about the arrested Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov faded away, and there were no significant positive changes in the military bureaucracy.

▪️Ukraine expects the Russian Armed Forces to attack the Kharkov and Sumy regions, estimating the offensive potential of our Army in the direction of 35-70 thousand people, which is not enough to storm large cities. Significant was the announcement by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs that Zelensky, Poroshenko and a couple of Kyiv functionaries were wanted, which indicates probable plans after May 20, 2024 to stop recognizing the Kiev regime as legitimate with all the ensuing consequences.

The summary was compiled by: Two majors


Interesting things for today:

– On May 9, Moldova will begin military exercises with the Americans. The exercises will take place on May 16. For some reason, their details are explained by a foreign embassy, ​​and not by the Ministry of Defense of Moldova – Sputnik

– Algeria has requested a closed meeting of the UN Security Council on mass graves in the Gaza Strip for May 7

– The Ukrainian Armed Forces have practically lost the opportunity to freely transport reserves and ammunition to Chasov Yar, the main roads are under the fire control of Russian forces – TASS

– The visit of the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev to the Russian Federation is planned on May 8-9 – Ambassador to Moscow Abaev

– There are no contacts between Kiev and Astana in the defense sector, statements to the contrary are rumors and fakes – Abaev

– Washington is persuading the G7 to provide another $50 billion aid package to Ukraine – Bloomberg

– Macron’s statements that the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine cannot be ruled out only increase tensions and do not bring any benefit – Italian Defense Minister Crosetto

– Italian soldiers under no circumstances can be involved in the war in Ukraine – Crosetto

– NATO underestimated Russia’s ability to adapt to sanctions – Head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense Kasciunas

– EU may transfer proceeds from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine at the end of 2024 – EU Ambassador in Kyiv

– The US will transfer modified JDAM bombs to Ukraine – The War Zone

– The Office of the ICC Prosecutor requests that “all attempts to obstruct, intimidate or unduly influence” officials of the Court cease immediately – statement

– Russian attack aircraft took control of the largest fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Krasnogorovka DPR – TASS

– Zelensky, Poroshenko and the commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavlyuk have been put on the wanted list – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

– Soldiers of the 47th Tank Division liberated the village of Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov region

– Kyiv may make a request to send European troops to Ukraine if its own forces are not enough – Rada deputy Goncharenko in a statement to French media



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This all sounds quite bad. Is the source unbiased or something else?
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 9:11:41 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
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Took a serious lick
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 9:16:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 9:40:37 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:


FYI: There is a very large radar source located 1.5-km south of the dump at 45.726266, 34.370733.


There's also an airfield located on the other side of Dzankoi:
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 10:24:52 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By stone-age:

This all sounds quite bad. Is the source unbiased or something else?
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Originally Posted By stone-age:
Originally Posted By Prime:
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Chronicle of a special military operation
for May 4, 2024


During the day, the Russian Armed Forces attacked several targets in territory controlled by the Kyiv regime, including a facility in Velikodolinskoye in the Odessa region and the Pavlogradskaya-330 substation in the Dnepropetrovsk region. In turn, the enemy once again attacked Crimea with ATACMS ballistic missiles.

In the Bakhmut direction, Russian troops entrenched themselves in the Stupki-Golubovskie-2 nature reserve in the area of ​​the Seversky Canal
Donets - Donbass, and to the southeast of Krasnoe they expanded the control zone in the adjacent forest belts.

In the Avdeevsky direction, the Russian Armed Forces liberated Arkhangelskoye, which opens the way for an offensive in the direction of Kalinovo. In the Novopokrovsky area, Russian troops destroyed another M1A1SA Abrams tank, as well as an M2A2 ODS Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops took control of most of the territory of the Krasnogorovsky refractory plant. It also became known about the significant advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the central part of Georgievka and south of Pobeda.

#Avdeevka #Bakhmut #digest #Dnepropetrovsk #report #Donetsk #map #Odessa #Pavlograd #Russia #Ukraine #Kharkov


#Review #Summary for the morning of May 5, 2024

▪️The Russian Armed Forces maintain the initiative at the front and are successfully conducting tactical offensives in a number of directions. Events are developing rapidly in the Pokrovsky direction (the trap of Avdeevka) - the Russian flag is planted on the Ocheretinsky ledge in Arkhangelsk, flank attacks by our units are underway, with which the line of combat contact is leveled.

▪️In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Armed Forces, after protracted fighting, broke into the territory of the fireproof plant in Krasnogorovka. There is a battle for Georgievka, attacks are launched from Novomikhailovka on Paraskovievka. The Vremev direction became more active, our troops entered Urozhaynoe.

▪️There are heavy battles for Rabotino, Chasov Yar, Kislovka.

▪️The enemy is experiencing a shortage of manpower along the entire front, the level of training of Ukrainian soldiers thrown into battle is falling, enemy soldiers are being transferred to the most difficult areas from other sectors of the front, reducing its defensive capabilities. At the same time, the enemy is still able to conduct an organized defense and skillfully restrain the advance of the Russian Army. Of particular danger are enemy drones, which, due to their repeater systems and their numbers, hit many targets to a depth of 30 km.

▪️NATO is intensifying the production of anti-aircraft systems and guided missiles: Russian FABs with UMPC and missile weapons are being used more and more every day, and supplies to the troops are increasing. Our military pilots report the depletion of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' air defense in a number of directions, which allows them to more freely carry out combat missions.

▪️After the US allocated a multi-billion-dollar aid package, Western media are increasingly seeing explanations about the difficulties and time required to deliver weapons and equipment to Ukraine. At the same time, the same artillery strikes with NATO-caliber cluster munitions are carried out constantly by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which indicates that the enemy retains barrel artillery and ammunition for it. In the hope of stopping the offensive of our troops, the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost at least one more American Abrams in defensive battles within a week, despite instructions from the United States to no longer allow the loss of this equipment.

▪️Mobilization in Ukraine is becoming stricter. TCC (military registration and enlistment offices) have been allocated quotas to take people from defense and socially significant enterprises, where people previously had reservations from the front. Cadets of 2-5 years of one of the military universities, under the legend of field training, were also sent to the combat zone this week. TCC officers are now on duty at mobile police posts in cities, and the leadership of Ukraine is taking practical measures to limit the rights of Ukrainian citizens abroad to ensure their return to the country. However, Ukraine's mobilization potential is still estimated at several million people, although further forced sending of people to the front will only increase social tensions and wrest workers from the dying economy.

▪️The enemy daily strikes with drones and artillery in the “old” Russian regions, periodically tries to hit air defense position areas in Crimea, naming the Crimean Bridge among the main targets in the future.

▪️In Russia, many processes froze on the eve of the inauguration of the Supreme Commander and Victory Day. News about the arrested Deputy Defense Minister Timur Ivanov faded away, and there were no significant positive changes in the military bureaucracy.

▪️Ukraine expects the Russian Armed Forces to attack the Kharkov and Sumy regions, estimating the offensive potential of our Army in the direction of 35-70 thousand people, which is not enough to storm large cities. Significant was the announcement by the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs that Zelensky, Poroshenko and a couple of Kyiv functionaries were wanted, which indicates probable plans after May 20, 2024 to stop recognizing the Kiev regime as legitimate with all the ensuing consequences.

The summary was compiled by: Two majors


Interesting things for today:

– On May 9, Moldova will begin military exercises with the Americans. The exercises will take place on May 16. For some reason, their details are explained by a foreign embassy, ​​and not by the Ministry of Defense of Moldova – Sputnik

– Algeria has requested a closed meeting of the UN Security Council on mass graves in the Gaza Strip for May 7

– The Ukrainian Armed Forces have practically lost the opportunity to freely transport reserves and ammunition to Chasov Yar, the main roads are under the fire control of Russian forces – TASS

– The visit of the President of Kazakhstan Tokayev to the Russian Federation is planned on May 8-9 – Ambassador to Moscow Abaev

– There are no contacts between Kiev and Astana in the defense sector, statements to the contrary are rumors and fakes – Abaev

– Washington is persuading the G7 to provide another $50 billion aid package to Ukraine – Bloomberg

– Macron’s statements that the possibility of sending French troops to Ukraine cannot be ruled out only increase tensions and do not bring any benefit – Italian Defense Minister Crosetto

– Italian soldiers under no circumstances can be involved in the war in Ukraine – Crosetto

– NATO underestimated Russia’s ability to adapt to sanctions – Head of the Lithuanian Ministry of Defense Kasciunas

– EU may transfer proceeds from frozen Russian assets to Ukraine at the end of 2024 – EU Ambassador in Kyiv

– The US will transfer modified JDAM bombs to Ukraine – The War Zone

– The Office of the ICC Prosecutor requests that “all attempts to obstruct, intimidate or unduly influence” officials of the Court cease immediately – statement

– Russian attack aircraft took control of the largest fortified area of ​​the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Krasnogorovka DPR – TASS

– Zelensky, Poroshenko and the commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Pavlyuk have been put on the wanted list – Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

– Soldiers of the 47th Tank Division liberated the village of Kotlyarovka in the Kharkov region

– Kyiv may make a request to send European troops to Ukraine if its own forces are not enough – Rada deputy Goncharenko in a statement to French media



This all sounds quite bad. Is the source unbiased or something else?

Pro-Russian / DPR Sources
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 10:30:19 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Prime:
On behalf of PMC "Wagner" we would like to express our deep gratitude to the Chairman Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to Alexander Ivanovich Bastrykin for the arrest of a state-level corrupt official, Deputy Minister of Defense Russian Federation Timur Ivanov.

Thanks to the department you lead, the leakage of huge material resources from the state treasury, which are so necessary now to maintain the economic stability of the country at a time when there is enormous pressure from countries unfriendly to us, has been stopped.

Over the many years of his corrupt activities, this official has caused colossal damage not only to our army, but also to the ordinary Russian people.

We believe in the justice of the law and hope that this and other corrupt scoundrels will suffer a well-deserved severe punishment to the fullest extent of the Criminal Law of the Russian Federation.


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Cry some more Ivan. You put yourself in this spot.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 10:41:51 AM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 11:37:07 AM EDT
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There is also the issue of things like Pixhawk autopilots. Their schematics and software are open source. So, it's basically impossible to impose "sanctions" on open source hardware and software. And, as the software/hardware improves, it will become more capable (and more "dual use").
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 12:03:49 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By voyager3:

Last name is distinctly Ukrainian, although people moved around so much inside the Soviet Union that it doesn't mean much.
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I believe he is Ukrainian. He was forcibly conscripted by the Russians from somewhere within the occupied territory of Ukraine. This fella did well! That is exactly what all the forcibly conscripted Ukrainians should do to their Russian occupiers.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 12:04:11 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

These are the old m1a1s with downgraded armor packages. If Russia can't make an equivalent of those by now they never will.
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:
Originally Posted By Brok3n:
Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

I still recommend Arat on turret top and rear with drone netting and spaced armor over engine compartment.

Even though armor losses are to be expected.. still hurts to see our equipment being used in a non doctrinal manner with usual results. Are we not supplying thermite grenades with these things?

These are the old m1a1s with downgraded armor packages. If Russia can't make an equivalent of those by now they never will.

I would also point out that several M1 and M1A1 variants have gone missing over the years, so if the Russians do not already have one the FSB is even worse at that kind of thing than we expected.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 12:13:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Saltwater-Hillbilly:

I would also point out that several M1 and M1A1 variants have gone missing over the years, so if the Russians do not already have one the FSB is even worse at that kind of thing than we expected.
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How does one lose a tank
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 1:48:32 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 1:49:30 PM EDT
[Last Edit: michigan66] [#41]
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Originally Posted By Brok3n:

Click To View Spoiler
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Biden & Company need to shut the hell up, immediately.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 1:54:01 PM EDT

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 1:59:28 PM EDT

  Infantry combat rarely happens, our drone crew jobs is to keep enemy infantry from reaching our positions.

Most Ukrainian losses happen during the river crossing, however situation improved as of late.

🇺🇦 marines are to be proud of.  
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 1:59:32 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AlmightyTallest:

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For christs sake just bring out the ISU 152
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:03:19 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AlmightyTallest] [#45]
1 hr ago.

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:17:40 PM EDT
[Last Edit: jungatheart] [#46]
France sends1500 Foreign Legion troops to Ukraine.


I'm happy about this.
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:20:34 PM EDT
[Last Edit: CarmelBytheSea] [#47]
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Originally Posted By jungatheart:
France sends1500 Foreign Legion troops to Ukraine.


I'm happy about this.
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Beijing controlled news company cited by PLA often http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/INTERNATIONALREPORTS_209193/InternationalMediaReportsonChina/10166079.html

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:23:48 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By michigan66:

Biden & Company need to shut the hell up, immediately.
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Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:33:54 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By kpacman:


Thanks for posting. Great videos that really capture the intensity on the ground you can't really get from a drone above.
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Thanks, I recommend going through Capta’s Reddit links for those.
There are so many drone videos on Twitter it’s harder to find them there.

Link Posted: 5/5/2024 2:35:57 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By jungatheart:
France sends1500 Foreign Legion troops to Ukraine.


I'm happy about this.
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Fake news, sorry
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