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Link Posted: 6/16/2009 8:24:25 PM EDT

Mine has emotional issues. She CANNOT deal with stress in every day life, I cannot imagine how bad she would be if a TEOTWAWKI situation happened.


Mine was like that when she was younger. It was always something, depression, anxiety, etc, etc.  I swear no day passed without a crisis.

But with age came toughness.  Now she pretty much deals with everything as it comes with as little fanfare as possible.  I would have been scared shitless trusting her with a gun when she was 30, but at 50 she's got an Taurus PT92, S&W Bodyguard revolver, a KT P32 and as soon as I can scrape up a decent lightweight upper, an AR.  

When the SHTF, she'll have her mags loaded and will be repelling borders.

We are in our 40's... this is gonna take longer than it should
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 8:40:33 PM EDT
well, maybe she will taste good as stew?  LOL, I kid, I kid, I joke, I joke!!
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 8:45:13 PM EDT
ain't gonna make it.

That's right.  I got the feeling she was not on board with "surviving" and I finally asked her if she would be there if it happened.


You know what that means?


Link Posted: 6/16/2009 8:45:42 PM EDT
Mine has emotional issues. She CANNOT deal with stress in every day life, I cannot imagine how bad she would be if a TEOTWAWKI situation happened.


Five bucks says the reason she can’t deal with stress is that she doesn’t have any stress to deal with. Stress is one of the most important things in life and folks often fall apart when they don’t have any.
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:00:43 PM EDT
In these uncertain times, incorporating a SHTF clause into wedding vows just makes good sense.

it's already there... at least in the original version.

Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:05:55 PM EDT
When the SHTF use her for barter.

Along these lines...

Get yourself a pair of running shoes. Get her a pair of high heels. Then tell her the story of the old mountain man and the tenderfoot. The mountain man wore moccasins; the tenderfoot wore heavy boots. The tenderfoot asked the mountain man why he wore such light footwear. The mountain man said, "That's in case we meets wit' a griz b'ar." The tenderfoot said, "You cain't outrun a b'ar!" The mountain man said, "Don't need ta outrun the b'ar. Jist need ta outrun YOU!"
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:08:02 PM EDT
ain't gonna make it.

That's right.  I got the feeling she was not on board with "surviving" and I finally asked her if she would be there if it happened.


I guess you're at -1 for your post apocalyptic harem , better get crackin' .
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:09:49 PM EDT
She's just going to get in the way if S does really HTF in the future. At this point it's too late to eject. She knows your plans, and your stashes/preps. You must maintain OPSEC. You must kill her. Now.

Easy there killer

She's an great wife but now shes admitted she can't live without me  Plus why drag a dead body that will walk itself into the grave?

So. Now the situation becomes, "If I die, because YOU didn't back me up, YOU will die alone and miserable." Put it to her that way and see how she reacts.
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:11:14 PM EDT
Mine can keep up.  
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:23:40 PM EDT
Wow. I don't feel like I'm all that strong of a person, but... what?? I don't just say, "oh, fuck it, if they come for my shit they can have it." I seriously doubt I'd feel any different if I didn't have kids.

What does she plan on doing? Abandoning you for family/friends? Just giving up and getting herself killed? Whatever it is, it's never too late to reverse her SHTF mindset. I don't think I'd be nearly as prepared if I hadn't married someone like my husband. And yes, that probably would have meant I would be more complacent and unprepared. Oh well... hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:29:10 PM EDT
use her for food.
Link Posted: 6/16/2009 10:31:58 PM EDT



There are many types of SHTF scenarios. Are you talknig Zombies, natural disasters, space aliens, Asteroid collision?

im lucky. in the car ride home from dinner the other night, my girl mentioned a prime place to hole up in during a zombie outbreak. +shes good on the trigger.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 3:17:33 AM EDT

Mine has emotional issues. She CANNOT deal with stress in every day life, I cannot imagine how bad she would be if a TEOTWAWKI situation happened.


Mine was like that when she was younger.  It was always something, depression, anxiety, etc, etc.  I swear no day passed without a crisis.

But with age came toughness.  Now she pretty much deals with everything as it comes with as little fanfare as possible.  I would have been scared shitless trusting her with a gun when she was 30, but at 50 she's got an Taurus PT92, S&W Bodyguard revolver, a KT P32 and as soon as I can scrape up a decent lightweight upper, an AR.  

When the SHTF, she'll have her mags loaded and will be repelling borders.

Mine gets worse as time goes on.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 3:21:54 AM EDT
Even though my wife has never showed interest in shooting my AR's/AK's, she has shot one of my handguns, and shoots it well.  She has also sat through enough of arfcom's favorite movies.  She also seems like the type that could rough it if she had to.

I've great confidence that when the rubber meets the road, she would fair better than most women in the SHTF>
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 3:24:09 AM EDT
My wife is from a Missouri farm family and when I brought home my .357 magnum lever rifle she declared "That's mine!".

If the SHTF, she's ready to roll.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 4:58:04 AM EDT
In these uncertain times, incorporating a SHTF clause into wedding vows just makes good sense.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:05:25 AM EDT
I am almost afraid to think what my wife would do if SHTF and the baby was in danger.  She is a crazy spanish woman with a BAD temper and a short fuse; plus she knows how to shoot her Glock and my AR pretty well.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:06:59 AM EDT
hey, sarah connor didn't exactly start out as SHTF material.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:07:09 AM EDT
Sounds like the door would be open to barter her off for a newer model.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:12:10 AM EDT
Sounds like the door would be open to barter her off for a newer model.


     Trade bait.

     She ought to be worth a generator or maybe some gas.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:22:06 AM EDT
Firebird69 you can use this as a teachable moment.  Start out with small steps.  Bring her onboard and up to speed slowly.

Something as simple as a weekend of tent camping will go along way toward the goal of self sufficiency.

My wife was quite dependant too.  Over the course of a couple years & some near SHTF time around the SouthHoof ranch she has come around.  Minor adversity is taken in stride now because we are prepared for it.

Just try not to have too much fun when the SHTF

You need to check into the Survial Forum ––––––––-> Outstanding information is this way
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:27:11 AM EDT
I give the hubby ideas on what else we might need to survive.  

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 5:32:41 AM EDT
Mine has emotional issues. She CANNOT deal with stress in every day life, I cannot imagine how bad she would be if a TEOTWAWKI situation happened.


It's the nature of the beast. Mine too.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 7:28:16 AM EDT
Sounds like the door would be open to barter her off for a newer model.

I could trade her in for two 20's
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:24:24 AM EDT
my wife was giving me shit one day, when i brought home some ammo, and extra food and some gasoline to store up, i spent about $100.00 bucks, didnt get much, but it adds up.....

wife... whats that stuff for???
me.......shtf supplies...
wife....what the hell is.... shtf???
me.......um.... end of the world supplies.....
wife, ..well if the world ends, we wont need that stuff, we will be dead...
me.....well what if the world ends, and your NOT dead..... might be nice to have some beans and bullets.
wife........ um........... ok...

she thinks im paranoid..... but when i bring up the things i have seen in iraq... bosnia..... south america..... new orleans...... and how the economy is going, prices...the biggest thing i thing for her, was the ice storm where we lost power for 16 days. for a full week, you could not find gas, or really go to a store due to roads being blocked....... i got a small generator, a kerosene heater, and we did allright. i mentioned several times.. i told you so....... we should have had a generator, we should have had stored food, etc... it gave her a small example of how fast things can go to hell..... she does not give me shit anymore.... just makes fun of me now.. but she has a little voice inside her now, saying.... " if hes right just one time........FUUUUUUUUUUU"...

same wife gives me shit for ccw........ and owning guns. she does not fear, or dislike guns, just thinks im paranoid......... but there have been several times she has been scared, ... once she heard a noise at night, and once we were night fishing, and some creepy guy was hanging out close to us........ what did she do.... ????    grabbed my .45 and went to check the noise ...... second time, reached down, and felt to see if i was carrying my gun. once she felt i had it, she patted my leg, and relaxed....... she is coming around.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:26:24 AM EDT
You need to eject while you still can. I managed to find one that is planning right beside me. Don't take note of the nasty bathroom. We remodeled right after the pics were taken.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:34:59 AM EDT
You need to eject while you still can. I managed to find one that is planning right beside me. Don't take note of the nasty bathroom. We remodeled right after the pics were taken.

id love to do a bathtub picture.......... but my wife wont fit in the tub...... .......................however she is a good shot, and can benchpress 200 pounds, so it evens out. a big woman puts off a lot of body heat, and can whip ass., plus she can cook. ...
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:36:05 AM EDT
My g/f has her own handgun and routinely tells me how fast everything is going into the shitter with Oboma leading the masses.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:38:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:48:13 AM EDT
My wife just says she is going to leave town.  She doesn't like it when I ask her what will happen if she can't (flooding, fuel shortage, quarantine.....).

On a positive note my BIL is a SHTF gun nut like me.  
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:52:27 AM EDT
Mine has emotional issues. She CANNOT deal with stress in every day life, I cannot imagine how bad she would be if a TEOTWAWKI situation happened.


Same here man. Manic-depressive, bi-polar...but she can shoot the hell out of any gun I have.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 8:55:12 AM EDT
Most women are pussies, they need to be controlled by a MAN. They're all crazy in part because of the womens lib, it confuses their mind.
Would June Cleaver have freaked out? Nope. Ward would have straightened her right out with the mighty pimp hand.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:06:23 AM EDT
You need to eject while you still can. I managed to find one that is planning right beside me. Don't take note of the nasty bathroom. We remodeled right after the pics were taken.

id love to do a bathtub picture.......... but my wife wont fit in the tub...... .......................however she is a good shot, and can benchpress 200 pounds, so it evens out. a big woman puts off a lot of body heat, and can whip ass., plus she can cook. ...

In other words, she sweats a lot.    That's just gross, bro.  

We were brewing beer one day and my wife says to me, "You know, honey, if you turned into a zombie I'd shoot you right in the face."

I wasn't really expecting that one, so I said, "Wait...  what?"

She goes on, "Well, I figure if you're a zombie, then it's either you or me...  and zombies don't know how to use guns, unless you count that stupid Land of the Dead movie, but I do know how.  So I'd shoot you in the face."  At that point, she points her index finger, thumb up, at me and says,  "*bam*  No more zombie."

I was like, "Hmm, can't argue with that logic."

We have some weird conversations sometimes.

The only odd thing is, my wife is very finnicky about rifles.  She hasn't really found anything she likes yet so she hasn't really claimed anything as "hers."  We'll keep looking, I suppose.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:18:37 AM EDT
I don't know why, but this thread is conjuring up images of un/ undereducated beer belly types in wife beaters, beer in hand, maybe employed (prolly not), standing guard on the third floor balcony of some shitty apartment complex, just waiting for some imaginary armageddon to waltz up their pot hole ridden parking lot. And actually debating the worth of their relationship to their S/O because they may or may not have something more useful to worry about.  
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:24:18 AM EDT
The dog will be relieved also.  He gets bumped down a notch.

Ain't it the truth?!
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:24:22 AM EDT
I think for those of you who are having your wife understand SHTF, it might be the way you are presenting it to her.  This is what worked for me...

Hey Honey, remember that snowstorm that knocked out power for 2 days straight in 98?  I'd like to get a generator and firewood and propane for the grill so we can keep the house lit, warm, and cook food.  Should be under 1K.  

wait a month.

Hey Honey, remember when the massive Nor'easter knocked out power 3 years ago and we lost a newly stocked fridge worth of food?  I'd like to throw some extra cans and dry goods downstairs so we have some food around next time.  It will be stuff we will eat anyways, so just buy some extra cans when you shop.  We'll put what dosn't fit in the pantry downstairs.   Should be under 1K.

wait a month

Hey Honey, I found this great deal on ammo.  I am going to throw some in the basement for now since prices are going up.

You get the idea.  Don't present a "Sky is falling" scenario.  Present small or medium scenarios of disrupted utility service (more likely and less sinister).  Work your way up from there.

PS: Don't forget the most important one:

Hey Honey, remember when we used to go shooting?  That was FUN and something we could do TOGETHER as a couple.  Let's go on a date to the range, and to a fun dinner afterwards.  If you can out-shoot me, you pick and I buy!
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:33:16 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:43:28 AM EDT
If she dont work...she dont eat.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:46:32 AM EDT




She's just going to get in the way if S does really HTF in the future. At this point it's too late to eject. She knows your plans, and your stashes/preps. You must maintain OPSEC. You must kill her. Now.

Easy there killer

You're right. Don't kill her. When the time comes - use her as a shield!

Arfcom cracks me up sometimes.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:47:34 AM EDT
Ask her what to look for in her replacement, after she curls up beside the road and dies.

Ask her what color hair will look best with her old clothes and the kitchen decor.

Act like you're eager to move ahead with this plan, but trying to cover up your anticipation.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:48:14 AM EDT
ain't gonna make it.

That's right.  I got the feeling she was not on board with "surviving" and I finally asked her if she would be there if it happened.


trade her for ammo/food/porn
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:48:17 AM EDT
My wife kinda wants it to happen.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:54:16 AM EDT
off her now and save some money....
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:56:46 AM EDT
ain't gonna make it.

That's right.  I got the feeling she was not on board with "surviving" and I finally asked her if she would be there if it happened.


Throw in an extra bottle of BBQ sauce in your bug out bag.  Casually mention that if she isnt going to make it she might as well be usefull.  
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 9:56:49 AM EDT


"If the world ends, I hope I die fast..."

Tell them that they will probably die slowly, and watch their loved ones do the same.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 10:00:09 AM EDT
She's probably just annoyed that you're preparing for Y2K.

It was 9 years ago, dude, give it a rest.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 10:13:47 AM EDT
My wife is solidly behind me prepping for the coming zombie apocalypse.

I just need to convince her that the cats are better of on their own. Right now she has a cache of SHTF catfood.

Link Posted: 6/17/2009 10:17:48 AM EDT
One less to worry about.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 10:23:24 AM EDT
Hurricane season is a great reason to stock-up.  Just saying.
Link Posted: 6/17/2009 10:29:22 AM EDT
She's just going to get in the way if S does really HTF in the future. At this point it's too late to eject. She knows your plans, and your stashes/preps. You must maintain OPSEC. You must kill her. Now.

Easy there killer

You're right. Don't kill her. When the time comes - use her as a shield!

LOL!  She was a little concerned why I have a big bag of lime and new chainsaw chains.  The shield idea is a good one but she is short and I am tall.... I'd still get tagged

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