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Link Posted: 8/17/2004 8:08:07 AM EDT


Africa is a continent that needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ second only to our's.

That's all I have to say about that.

You want to send someone's child into that shit hole?

Those that GOD has truly sent He will not only provide for but He will also protect.

Link Posted: 8/17/2004 8:16:35 AM EDT


Cav-Vet, you have surely done your homework on this one!

Maybe both continents will implode? Or should implode?

Or maybe all of them...one day?

Eric The(HonestToGosh)Hun

+1  Well said, Cav!

Link Posted: 8/17/2004 8:45:26 AM EDT
The governments in Africa seem to do a very poor job of protecting anyone.  Especially white people.

I protect myself and I live in a country where I'm free to do so, among other things.

I believe the entire point of the thread was to point out the cause behind the barbaric attacks in Africa. Certainly, they occur all over the world.  In Africa, more than any other place, tribal beliefs, superstition and ignorance continue to play a major role even after centuries of other cultures trying to civilize the people with humanitarian assistance, missionaries and the like.  They deny medicine to their people because a chief needs to demonstrate how powerful he is.  They rape infants to cure AIDS. They refuse vaccine because someone told them it would sterilize them.  When receiving help from the Peace Corps on growing crops, they threaten the safety of the same people who helped them when they themselves don't tend to the fields.  They force white farmers off their land and murder those who won’t comply.  Then they cry about starving because they don't know how to run a farm.  They "necklace" people they believe have talked to the police and then refer to it as a "mistake".  They freely machete any tribe that they are on unfriendly terms with, men women, children and infants.  
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 8:56:11 AM EDT

The governments in Africa seem to do a very poor job of protecting anyone.  Especially white people.

I got to go play real life for a bit, but I will get back to you on more than one level.

While Im gone lets play a game.

Read the line under your Screen Name.....

Then reread your first line of this post.

Repeat as needed until.....

Hint- Oxymoron, easy on the Oxy.

I shall return. I love to see folks dig into stupidity and then refuse to put them damn shovel down.

Link Posted: 8/17/2004 10:22:32 AM EDT



Africa is a continent that needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ second only to our's.

That's all I have to say about that.

You want to send someone's child into that shit hole?

Those that GOD has truly sent He will not only provide for but He will also protect.

Honest question, but from my limited knowledge of the Bible, but doesn't the folks from that continent carry the mark of Cain?  Maybe that's why it's going to hell in a hand basket?  Just thinking out loud.

btw, just in case, flame suite on =)
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 11:26:27 AM EDT


Honest question, but from my limited knowledge of the Bible, but doesn't the folks from that continent carry the mark of Cain?  Maybe that's why it's going to hell in a hand basket?  Just thinking out loud.

btw, just in case, flame suite on =)

No, you're thinking of the old Black = descendants of Ham BS. It's a bogus post-hoc justification for black slavery. Ham was one of Noah's sons and ridiculed him when he passed out drunk. For the sin of disrespecting his father, Ham and his offspring were condemned to be servants of his brothers and their offspring - "hewers of wood and drawers of water." Once black people were enslaved by white people, a very dim lightbulb went off in somebody's head, and presto: black people are the descendants of Ham.

I don't know if it was mentioned in an earlier post, but if memory serves, Christianity was taken to Africa by the Ethiopian whom Phillip (?) encountered in his chariot, and to whom Phillip explained how Jesus fulfilled the prophecies of Isaiah. The man was a high government official who had come to Jerusalem to visit the Temple. That would make Christianity in Africa about as old as it could be anywhere. The Europeans (Portugese, IIRC) were stunned in the 15th or 16th (?) Century to find Ethiopians, with whom Europe had had basically no contact for centuries, practicing orthodox Christianity.

It's not just Africa. Ask yourself how secure you'd feel in your person, property and in the future of your children if you lived in South America, or Iran, or China, or Papua New Guineau. [ETA Or, over the last 30 years, Australia or Britain.] Much of the world has shown itself unsuited to self-government. I don't know why, except that Anglo-Saxon/Protestant culture - not white skin - seems to be the one fertile ground for the blossoming of self-government. What built South Africa wasn't "white people" per se; it was the Protestant work ethic, respect for private property, European technology, a culture of self-reliance, and Christianity. It is the fading of those things, and not the arrival of black people in positions of power, that is unravelling much of the continent. There are awesome forces of entropy at work in much of the world.
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 11:54:59 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 11:59:56 AM EDT


I'm glad that Ethiopia seems to be doing better judging from the pictures, but I think that they are not entirely representative of Africa.

And Bosnia is of Europe? Or Compton of the USA? So we "implode" an entire continent of "These so-called "humans"".

People have been killing people since Cain slew Able. Nobody has a patent on it, widespread or otherwise. Pol Pot did how many in?  10 million or so? Stalin? 50 million? Hitler? 10 million.  There is 70 million and we havent touched Africa, but it needs imploded?

Again, outof all th co-signors, how many have been there????

I didn't know that I needed a new passport to travel to the "country" of Compton!

Link Posted: 8/17/2004 12:03:19 PM EDT

. . .

Their numbers will dwindle due to disease and Western-imposed regulation (Like no DDT) until their population is of appropriate size for control/cooperation.   This will most likely spawn socialist/communist entities that thrive on small communities where the system is appropriate.

. . .

In early American colonies, socialism was attempted and failed badly. They had to reinstate private ownership of crops and game obtained via hunting in order to prevent starvation.
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 12:06:11 PM EDT

One good thing about a thread like this is the exposure of "true colors", no pun intended.

Oh bullshit.  I just want the land.

Having done lots of business in S. Africa before and some after the wwhites were run out, I can truley say that the Africans that are there now, are truely reaping what they sow.
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 12:08:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 1:45:41 PM EDT
I see you just wont put the damn shovel down....

You show a picture of one building and the entire continent is civilized.

I made no reference to the whole of anything being civilized or anything else.

The thread was entitled, "Can someone PLEASE make Africa implode and get it over with? "

I not only show the blatant ignorance in such a plea, a plea you seem very fond of, I also argue against the arrogant case that "These so-called "humans" are way beyond saving", as I continue to show far more heinous crimes, not only commited right here, but the perp moreless excused.

If you like it so much, why don't you go and live there.

I dont recall stating my like or dislike. I like to go see things for myself, not listen to other peoples descriptions of things. I have been to all 50 states, I have been everywhere in this world I wish to go with 3 exceptions, and they are in my sights.

I have on numerous times stated my Love for America.

But the question that begs to be answered is the fact that you guys are calling for the continent to be imploded, for one crime in one country, declare an entire continent less than human over one crime, but we have far worse going on right here. Over and over and over ...... And if they dont run them down to drown them, they go dancing.....

But if you need to know, I do have real estate interest there, it is a great place and I will go back. Again & again. (P.S. Some of your ancestors had balls enough to go there. I obviously do to. Whats more obvious is some of you, well, er...neva mind. )

As for my sig line, I'll post what I want and if you haven't the intelligence to spot a bit of irony, I'll just say I'm not surprised.

You claim anarchist (want no .gov), but whine because the .gov there "doesnt protect you". Thats not irony, thats an oxymoron.  Again, go easy on the oxy.

Anyone who'd go to the lengths you have for the world's worst shithole is obviously delusional.

And you base your shithole conclusion on what? Third time- have you been there? For that matter, have you ever left the states? Shit, have you ever left Indiana?

As a closet anarchist, I'm saying that I resent authority.  I dislike government.  Since there is a government no matter where one goes on this Earth, the less restrictive, the better.

There are places with no .gov, and there damn sure is no place I have ever been that is "less restrictive" than anywhere I was while there. I drove into the bar, had drinks served in the car, and drove away with the drink. There is no speed limit, no seatbelt laws, and no bs. NO taxes, no tickets, no stealing, no crime, no JBT, no dogs get shot, NO IRS........ Less restrictive enough???  

You say thats what you want, "less restrictive", but then you say that its "the worlds worst shithole".

Are you really John Kerry?  
Here ya go sport.....Knock yourself out.

Link Posted: 8/17/2004 2:14:47 PM EDT
I've visited Africa on a number of occasions, including North Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa.  My family lived in Nigeria for about 5 years - and for some of that time I lived there occasionally.

In my opinion, most parts of sub-saharan Africa in general are god-awful shitholes, and I wouldn't send my worst enemy there.

Are there nice places in africa, where you can live relatively safely?  Absolutely, just like there are incredibly dangerous places in the U.S.  But ON AVERAGE, sub-saharan africa is a giant horrific mess, filled with corruption, superstition and savagery.  In Sudan today, human slavery is widespread, and crucifixion is used to execute people!  

Living in Lagos, the capital of Nigeria, were we safe?  Absolutely.  We had chauffeurs for all of our cars (so that hopefully the chauffeur would be the one dragged from the car and killed, not us, in case the car hit someone), we had a walled compound with razor wire and broken glass on it, we had steel doors to the upstairs and steel bars on the windows.  Were we safe?  Sure, to a point - but my father was warned by the home office in London not to investigate corruption at the company he managed, because the corrupt managers would just pay one of the cooks or guards to kill us.

Did I mention that a common cause for traffic jams was corpses in the road?  Or that you were held up at gunpoint at military checkpoints, so that guys with assault rifles could "search" your car for money?  Did I mention how a tank was parked in front of the house during one of the military coups - firing it's main gun into the house across the street (where a government official supposely lived - notice I said supposedly, because the idiots had the wrong address and shell the wrong house ).

Keep in mind, this is in the HIGHLY modern and sophisticated capital of Nigeria - an OPEC country.  Not like the more primitve countries like the Congo, or Uganda or Rwanda.  But the real danger in Africa is the instability and unpredicability.  When my parents lived in Nigeria, Cote D'Ivore was a great place to go for a long weeked or a short vacation, because it was super-safe, civilized and stable.  Ten years later, and it's the usual mess of civil war and violence, with French troops depserately trying to keep different factions from killing each other.

I completely agree that if we want to tally atrocities, Africa has a long way to go to compete with pros like Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, etc (although Africa traditionally has also not had the population densities, but that's a different matter).  however, the underlying issue is that the West, and large parts of Asia are GENERALLY STABLE, and just ocasionally erupt into war and ocasionally get some demagogue in charge of a country who does horrible stuff (that's human nature - what are you going to do?) - but Africa is GENERALLY UNSTABLE, and seems to show little tendence to change that.

but - I have no idea what the CAUSE for Africa's problems is (there are many fascinating possible ocnversations to have, but the usual suspects would get them locked on ar15.com) - but in general, it IS a continent rife with danger, violence and superstition.
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 2:29:27 PM EDT


I must have misread the articles that said a half million Rwandans were hacked to death in 94 and that South Africa has the highest rate of carjacking and rapes in the world.  It must have also been a typo recently that said 180 women and children were slaughtered in a refugee camp in the Congo.

Thats 500,180?  Right?

Since we are talking about widespread murders, lets look at this list.

Top 3;

Mao 40M
Hitler 34M
Stalin 20M

Hitler - 34 million people? You should have atleast used the numbers from the "Murders" table.
Link Posted: 8/17/2004 3:27:49 PM EDT
Those wacky Christians- they see the devil everywhere....

Link Posted: 8/19/2004 5:50:12 AM EDT

I've visited Africa on a number of occasions, including North Africa, Southern Africa and West Africa.  My family lived in Nigeria for about 5 years - and for some of that time I lived there occasionally.

In my opinion, most parts of sub-saharan Africa in general are god-awful shitholes, and I wouldn't send my worst enemy there.

Are there nice places in africa, where you can live relatively safely?  Absolutely, just like there are incredibly dangerous places in the U.S.  But ON AVERAGE, sub-saharan africa is a giant horrific mess, filled with corruption, superstition and savagery.  In Sudan today, human slavery is widespread, and crucifixion is used to execute people!  

Living in Lagos, the capital of Nigeria, were we safe?  Absolutely.  We had chauffeurs for all of our cars (so that hopefully the chauffeur would be the one dragged from the car and killed, not us, in case the car hit someone), we had a walled compound with razor wire and broken glass on it, we had steel doors to the upstairs and steel bars on the windows.  Were we safe?  Sure, to a point - but my father was warned by the home office in London not to investigate corruption at the company he managed, because the corrupt managers would just pay one of the cooks or guards to kill us.

Did I mention that a common cause for traffic jams was corpses in the road?  Or that you were held up at gunpoint at military checkpoints, so that guys with assault rifles could "search" your car for money?  Did I mention how a tank was parked in front of the house during one of the military coups - firing it's main gun into the house across the street (where a government official supposely lived - notice I said supposedly, because the idiots had the wrong address and shell the wrong house ).

Keep in mind, this is in the HIGHLY modern and sophisticated capital of Nigeria - an OPEC country.  Not like the more primitve countries like the Congo, or Uganda or Rwanda.  But the real danger in Africa is the instability and unpredicability.  When my parents lived in Nigeria, Cote D'Ivore was a great place to go for a long weeked or a short vacation, because it was super-safe, civilized and stable.  Ten years later, and it's the usual mess of civil war and violence, with French troops depserately trying to keep different factions from killing each other.

I completely agree that if we want to tally atrocities, Africa has a long way to go to compete with pros like Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, etc (although Africa traditionally has also not had the population densities, but that's a different matter).  however, the underlying issue is that the West, and large parts of Asia are GENERALLY STABLE, and just ocasionally erupt into war and ocasionally get some demagogue in charge of a country who does horrible stuff (that's human nature - what are you going to do?) - but Africa is GENERALLY UNSTABLE, and seems to show little tendence to change that.

but - I have no idea what the CAUSE for Africa's problems is (there are many fascinating possible ocnversations to have, but the usual suspects would get them locked on ar15.com) - but in general, it IS a continent rife with danger, violence and superstition.


Thanks for the onsite report.  Good food for thought.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 6:08:53 AM EDT

Africa is a continent that needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ second only to our's.

That's all I have to say about that.

Ha ha!  Didn't you read?  She placed a BIBLE on the kid's head after she killed him.  Sounds like they already have the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me!

The crime was discovered when a friend, who lives in the house, went to the actress' bedroom and came across the gruesome scene. She said she saw the child lying on the floor with a Bible placed on his head.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 6:21:15 AM EDT


Africa is a continent that needs the Gospel of Jesus Christ second only to our's.

That's all I have to say about that.

Ha ha!  Didn't you read?  She placed a BIBLE on the kid's head after she killed him.  Sounds like they already have the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me!

The crime was discovered when a friend, who lives in the house, went to the actress' bedroom and came across the gruesome scene. She said she saw the child lying on the floor with a Bible placed on his head.

Yea, but who's version of the Gospel?  Sounds like they practice a wacky version -- Could it be Satan?
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 6:37:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 6:58:23 AM EDT

Thanks for sharing your experiences in Africa.  Very insightful.  In many ways they remind me of my two years living in South America; with bars on windows, gates on doors, and broken glass imbedded on top of walls.  The instability sounds familiar too.  Of course, South America's problems are on a slightly smaller scale than those of Africa.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 7:02:05 AM EDT

Better watch it DK Prof.  Negative comments about CavVet's utopia will invoke a nasty verbal assault from the African expert of AR15.com.  Oh, I forgot.  That only applies to me.  Just ask Steve in VA or ETH.  They agree.

I didnt see any nasty verbal assault, care to point it out to me?

You can take that shovel and ram it up your ass.  It should be an easy fit if you take your head out first.

At least that was less inviting than your email......

Anger management....or put the keyboard down. Its really not good for you to get so wound up over a thread (of a place you have never been to.)

Link Posted: 8/19/2004 7:09:40 AM EDT

I don't mean to be ugly, but Africa is back-asswards and that's all there is to it.  Yeah, I bet there's a nice city or two in every providence, but I will bet both balls that there is a VAST majority of back-assward areas/tribes/providences/cultures, than 'modern' or 'civilized'.

= p.s. does this mean 'get ready fro a $hiat storm'?
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 8:11:59 AM EDT


Better watch it DK Prof.  Negative comments about CavVet's utopia will invoke a nasty verbal assault from the African expert of AR15.com.  Oh, I forgot.  That only applies to me.  Just ask Steve in VA or ETH.  They agree.

I didnt see any nasty verbal assault, care to point it out to me?

You can take that shovel and ram it up your ass.  It should be an easy fit if you take your head out first.

At least that was less inviting than your email......
Anger management....or put the keyboard down. Its really not good for you to get so wound up over a thread (of a place you have never been to.)

I replied to you.  Let me know if you agree.
Link Posted: 8/19/2004 10:02:51 AM EDT
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