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Link Posted: 5/16/2001 8:59:30 PM EDT
just curious if you had a scope on your rifle.
Link Posted: 5/16/2001 9:01:58 PM EDT
just think if he did happen to reach down to tie his shoe or something, as jumpy as you were you could be gettin' free room and board at the crow bar motel. You may be gettin' all kinds of atta-boys, but you know as well as I do if a cop happened to drive by, your ass would still be in jail. I see some of those officers responded to your post but i find it hard to believe if one of them drove up on a stand off he would listen and understand. first he would call for back up, then they would all jump on the band wagon and hang both your asses. and we have'nt even got the DA involved yet ,all he wants to do is further his career at your sorry ass expense......... way too expensive a risk for a little pussy. pull into the police station.
I'ts a fine line between heroism and stupidity
Link Posted: 5/16/2001 9:02:40 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Imbrog|io:
You civilians should leave all gunplay to the professionals or you will find yourself being arrested and charged with obstruction of justice or worse.
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Imbro:  Is this mean't to be sarcasm or are you just breathing an unusually large dose of ass-aire tonight?

I mean really.....................this is the biggest crock of horse crap I have ever heard.

Jewbroni did what he should have done.

Cops aren't everywhere and can't protect everyone.  Ain't there job anyhow.

The only answer to this kind of crap is fire with fire.

Besides..........it will be that way one day anyhow.

Do not judge until you've been there (I have BTW) then you can relate a bit better.
Link Posted: 5/16/2001 9:57:40 PM EDT
I've never been in this situation and therefore will not second guess your actions in this case, but I get the feeling that since she had a cell phone, she could have called 911 and told them some psycho with a gun was following her around and would they please send an officer. She could stay on the telephone and drive around in circles until the LEO's locate her, at which time they would pull the guy over or the chase would start, whatever.

What you did is brave and it's understandable that you want to protect your woman. However, had she called 911 and not told you, what would happen if the cops showed up and saw you pointing your SUR at some guy on a dark road?

If the police are unavailable, perhaps as the result of a major riot or SHTF situation, that's a different story. But I think if it were my wife, I would have told her to call 911. Of course, I would put myself in her vicinity and I would be armed (not visibly). But I'm just there for back up in case the LEO's take too long to show up.
Link Posted: 5/17/2001 3:27:46 AM EDT

..(a)nyway, congratulations on doing something interesting.  
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Man, that has to be the [b]understatement[/b] of the year!

Kudos Jewbroni.  It's easy to play Monday Morning Quarterback, but the way I see it:

1) You got the desired results
2) You didn't get in trouble
3) The BG got an important lesson

Sounds okay to me.

Good Job.
Link Posted: 5/17/2001 3:32:46 AM EDT
There are jews in Alabama ?
Link Posted: 5/17/2001 5:00:04 AM EDT
Remember that .223's have a lot of windshield and car door deflection. But with 30 rounds, I think more than a few rounds will find their target. .308's are better or even sabot slugs from a shotgun for "punching" through. I have tested these rounds on an abandoned car. .308's will go clean through both sides of a steel rim. We also shot through the windshield with an AR, none of the rounds went straight through. Shots deflected all over the place.

If the drunk bastard tried to run you over, a single .308 or BRI sabot slug in the chest will end his road rage real quick.
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Dude, I'd use this post as a excuse to get a FAL!  :)   I love mine!
Link Posted: 5/17/2001 5:03:11 AM EDT
Thanks for all your comments guys.

uncle buck:  I already have a career choice, involving sitting behind a computer typing code 8 hours a day.
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Cool, a fellow code puncher.  I program in RPG on a IBM AS/400 Mainframe model 820.  150gig DASD, dont remember the RAM amount.  You?
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