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Link Posted: 8/4/2002 4:18:09 PM EDT
a vote of conscience is [b]Never[/b] a wasted vote! Imagine asking Washington, Adams, Franklin, Paine, or Henery the same question? I've said it before; Republicans=Tweedely-dee, Democrats= Tweedely-dum.

Either tweedely-dee, or tweedely-dum will ALWAYS be president unless we vote for others. The republican party is, and has been moving further left for years. The only way for them to learn is for them to see voters voting for a real Constitutionalist.
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Liberty86, in a similar thread I posed a reply to your views along with a question for you but you ignored it.

Let me try again =

[b]And where would third, fourth or fifth party candidates take us????? [/b]

Consider this:

1) Bush can't even get moderate conservatives appointed to the Federal Courts or Supreme Court. What chance in HELL do you think your "independant-party" President would have to get ANYONE approved by the Senate and appointed to the courts?

2) Bush has (apparently) the full support of Congress in deploying troops overseas to fight Al Qaeda. Just WHAT do you suppose your "independant-party" President would have to give up in order for Congress to "go along" with anything he'd want to do militarily or internationally (like pulling out of the UN, securing the borders, etc.)?

3) Bush has some VERY competent, rational and qualified people around him (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice etc.) who have the connections and widespread respect needed to make HIS administration effective in dealing with conflicting forces in Congress or around the world. Just WHO is going to be the advisors and cabinet-level "troops" in your "independant-party" President's administration that would have the "gravitas" to  neuter Congress and the media by their sheer experience and compentency?? (remember, you're not just voting for the man, you're voting for his entourage too - how deep is an independant-party candidate's entourage... think James Stockdale [%|] )

4) As far as "independant-party" Executives being the virtual Messiahs you all so expect, WHERE is the evidence that ANY "independant-pary" Executive actually WOULD be so different? What WONDEROUS things did Jesse Ventura do for Minnesota that any Republican or Democrat wouldn't have?

Ya' know, the problem with most "fringe-party" freaks is that they always want to stampede for the highest office in the land when no one from their party has even proven they can even be effective Mayors, Governors and Senators let alone President!

Look, I'm all for changing the direction of this government, but damn, do it from the LOCAL LEVEL UP!! Vote for the Libertarians and the Constitutionalists for state offices first and prove that their ideas and abilities actually can work.

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Horseshit to all the above. If a 3rd party candidate got elected, both dems, and reps would stand up and take notice. Why?? Because it would mean the electorate was paying attention! Assuming a Constitution party candidate won, both parties would be stumbling all over themselves to say "me too"! The only point you make that may have validity with me is experience, and advisors. The answer is simple. The presidents we've had for the last 75 years were all, (without exception), either NWO/UN supporters, or were surrounded by "advisors" who were. NONE of them took steps to extracate us from foreign treaties that contravene our system of govt. It's worth it to me, to try to make a change at the national level 'cause tweedley-dee & tweedely-dum both have the same agenda at the national level....
Link Posted: 8/4/2002 4:45:00 PM EDT
I am very disapointed in American politics.  The Demoncraps will be a disater for America.

The Republicans are just like the 'craps only a little slower getting there.

I don't think the Libertarians are the answer.  They are screwed up with things such as drugs, abortion and absolutely no outside intervention.

What we need is a Constitutional Party that will make major changes.  Reducing the amount of money the government collects to about 1/5 it is now,kicking anyone's ass who screws with us, kick out the stupid third worlders, restoring our 2nd Admendment rights etc.

The answer is not to vote for the lesser of two evils.  The answer is for Americans to take our country back.  Remember, sometimes to save a village you have to destory it.
Link Posted: 8/5/2002 5:08:01 AM EDT
I am very disapointed in American politics.  The Demoncraps will be a disater for America.

The Republicans are just like the 'craps only a little slower getting there.

I don't think the Libertarians are the answer.  They are screwed up with things such as drugs, abortion and absolutely no outside intervention.

What we need is a Constitutional Party that will make major changes.  Reducing the amount of money the government collects to about 1/5 it is now,kicking anyone's ass who screws with us, kick out the stupid third worlders, restoring our 2nd Admendment rights etc.

The answer is not to vote for the lesser of two evils.  The answer is for Americans to take our country back.  Remember, sometimes to save a village you have to destory it.
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I don't think the Constiution party is the answer.  They are too caught up in godstuff, and in regards to drugs, who are you to tell me what I can or can't do to my own body on my own property?  

Think about that for a change.
Link Posted: 8/5/2002 4:04:43 PM EDT
 Posted by MisterGreens

I don't think the Constiution party is the answer. They are too caught up in godstuff, and in regards to drugs,
                who are you to tell me what I can or can't do to my own body on my own property?

                Think about that for a change.

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I was not referring to THE Constitution Party I was I talking about A Constitution Party.  One that would gives us back the rights our forefathers intended us to have.

As far as drugs.  I have been spending the last six months dealing with my 17 year son old self destructing on drugs.  It has not been pretty and I have learned more about the real drug culture than I ever wanted to know.  If you think that the Libertarian's Party support of legalized drugs is a good thing then I pray you never have to through what my family has gone through.

YOU need to think about the destruction that drugs do for a change.
Link Posted: 8/5/2002 4:20:02 PM EDT
Screw your conscience and VOTE for the best person who actually has a chance to win...I would LOVE to vote Libertarian, but my vote would be WASTED.

The object in voting is to vote for someone you can "stand" to have in office.

I can stand to have GW in there again.

There are only 2 viable parties, everything else is a spoiler at this point in time.

Perot spoiled it for Bush.
Nader spoiled it for Gore.

And for God's sake, do NOT let the Green Party win. They are the MOST VILE pieces of shit I have ever seen =(
Link Posted: 8/9/2002 8:57:28 PM EDT
at the very least Bush could get rid of his dad's 1989 executive order banning a lot of imports

Last time I checked, under our system of government the legislature repeals laws.  The executive branch just can't do it on a whim.  I'm surprised all those Libertarians who have been successfully elected to the legislature aren't working on it.  

Oh...never mind.
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Link Posted: 8/9/2002 9:15:48 PM EDT
these rider things are why I fully support line item veto
each law should go in on its own


2) The MG ban was a (IIRC Dem sponsored) rider on an otherwise semi-usefull bill (IIRC, the FOPA repealed some of the more onerous GCA provisions). Reagan most likely decieded not to 'throw out the baby with the bath water', and signed it...
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