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Link Posted: 4/1/2002 10:28:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 2:40:30 AM EDT
I'd like anyone to admit that they "use" porn regularly yet never try to imagine a young hottie they see at the park or store naked or imagine them "workin' hard" on you like the chick you just saw in the pornoflick the night before.
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Men have been doing that long before anyone ever heard of porn.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 10:44:48 AM EDT
Sorry, double post.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 10:49:00 AM EDT
Well, if this was an April Fool joke, it sure got some debate started.

If you don't think it's an addiction, you are in denial.
You want to know what is even worse?
If you are in bondage to porn, your son or daughter is probably going to have trouble in those areas.
I've seen it in my own life.

EX 20:5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

check out [url]www.promisekeepers.org[/url],
and find a conference near you.
You'll hear real men, talking about real problems, and real freedom.

Jesus made a lot of people mad when he said it was a sin, if you did it in your mind.

Oh, by the way, I'm no better than the worst of you guys, but I sure am thankful for the forgiveness in the blood of Christ.

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 3:07:13 PM EDT
Well, if this was an April Fool joke, it sure got some debate started.

If you don't think it's an addiction, you are in denial.
You want to know what is even worse?
If you are in bondage to porn, your son or daughter is probably going to have trouble in those areas.
I've seen it in my own life.

EX 20:5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,

check out [url]www.promisekeepers.org[/url],
and find a conference near you.
You'll hear real men, talking about real problems, and real freedom.

Jesus made a lot of people mad when he said it was a sin, if you did it in your mind.

Oh, by the way, I'm no better than the worst of you guys, but I sure am thankful for the forgiveness in the blood of Christ.

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Nothing like being able to absolve yourself of personal responsibility through a 2000 year old book of histo-mythology.

How conveniently simple.

I don't think porn or sex or nudity is a "sin" at all.....just think it's somewhat rediculous that many religious folks regularly wash their hands of responsibility by uttering a few prayers. That's not what is called taking personal responsibility....it's called lacking the strength to actually shoulder responsibility yourself. Your only kidding yourself, and offering nothing to those you "sin" against. A very obviously self deceptive and selfish approach as far as I'm concerned.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 3:27:49 PM EDT
Jord Jesus Christ, your loving forgiveness knows no limits.  You took our human nature to give us an example of humility and to make us faithful in every trial.  May we never loose the gifts you have given us, but if we fall into sin lift us up by your gift of repentance, for you live and reign for ever and ever.  Amen.

-The Rite of Penance
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 3:48:45 PM EDT
What would your parents or wife think if they found the pics on your computer?  
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Dude...Get a grip. (yuuk yuuk)
Hell, I got pictures of my wife on my computer ! !
And I don't give one shit what my folks think about what's on my computer. I stopped worrying about that sort of thing when they quit paying my bills.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 4:33:17 PM EDT
Good for you Grimshaw and all the rest who posted that they had destroyed their "collections". Rely on the Lord to release you from your bondage.
It seems to me that we beleivers take more heat on here when we speak up for our faith than if someone happens to LIKE OLYS or does not have a CHROME LINED BARREL!!!
I think every red blooded male has had to deal with this in one way or another during his lifetime.I most certainly have and will need Gods strength to keep away from it.
As for those of you who think God and Jesus is a bunch of crap, I do feel sorry for you, truly. I hope that the God will create a stirring in your heart to draw you to him and you will accept the free gift of salvation he offers to you from Christs death on the cross!!

Yeah, you think I and every other Christian on here are weak minded fools.
Guess what guys, I KNOW WHERE I WILL SPEND ETERNITY, DO YOU? I also know that unless you have accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior you are going to spend eternity with the creator of all of your beloved porn, I believe he is better known as satan, the devil or lucifer, take your pick and I hope you like warm weather.

This little light of mine, Im gonna let it shine, hide it under a bushel, no, Im gonna let it shine!!!!!!!!

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:04:49 PM EDT
Jord Jesus Christ, your loving forgiveness knows no limits.  You took our human nature to give us an example of humility and to make us faithful in every trial.  May we never loose the gifts you have given us, but if we fall into sin lift us up by your gift of repentance, for you live and reign for ever and ever.  Amen.

-The Rite of Penance
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[b]AKA-The Big Cop-Out[/b]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:06:23 PM EDT
If you think you are not hooked on it, try NOT looking at any for 30 days.  If you are hooked, you will know in less than a week.

It has absoulutely nothing to do with weakness.  It has everything to do with satanic control.

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:27:01 PM EDT
I'm sorry! Its like fish and bread! Thank you guys! I got rid of something that making me sick, and I really feel a lot better! Thank you.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 5:52:27 PM EDT
To all of you, hiding behind your screen name, who think there is nothing wrong with being a subject of "porn" post your real names and we will make your families aware, after all there is nothing really wrong with being a pervert, is there?  What do you have to be ashamed of?

Come on.  I dare you.

I thought so.

Only the moral law is written into the human heart.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:03:15 PM EDT
M4. your email [email protected]

Lordtrader.  Your email [email protected]

[email protected]

I'll email your resonses to email addy on a regulr basis.

More to come...
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:12:58 PM EDT
What's "porn"?
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I think it's a combination of corn and pork. We may have had that for dinner last night. If that's what it is, then my wife nuked ours, also.[:)]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:13:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 6:38:20 PM EDT

Only the moral law is written into the human heart.
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How do you think that happened?

Link Posted: 4/2/2002 7:32:32 PM EDT
Please explain Garandman.  Jesus specifically said that lusting after a woman other than your wife - or indulging in lust - was adultery just as surely as if you slept with that woman.  Repetitive viewing of porn is indulging in lust.  Of course we all fall short and no one is perfect, but how can keeping a collection of porn for easy viewing be OK.  In other words, failing and sinning occasionally due to the weakness of the flesh may be pardonable if you truly repent.  Keeping a hard core porn collection is hardly repenting.  Just a thought about your post and no flame intended.  Just looking for answers.

I ditched my entire porn collection about 9 months ago.  I did not feel that it was consistant with my efforts at being a good Christian, husband, and father.  I think I made the correct choice.  
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:06:55 PM EDT
If you think you are not hooked on it, try NOT looking at any for 30 days.  If you are hooked, you will know in less than a week.

It has absoulutely nothing to do with weakness.  It has everything to do with satanic control.
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You are aptly named.
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:08:02 PM EDT
To all of you, hiding behind your screen name, who think there is nothing wrong with being a subject of "porn" post your real names and we will make your families aware, after all there is nothing really wrong with being a pervert, is there?  What do you have to be ashamed of?

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Why is it your business to tell their families anything?
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:08:34 PM EDT

Only the moral law is written into the human heart.
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How do you think that happened?

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Why are you talking to yourself, dude?
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:19:00 PM EDT
Only the moral law is written into the human heart.
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How do you think that happened?
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Why are you talking to yourself, dude?
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LOL, Good thing I wasn't eating this time! [:D]
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:26:17 PM EDT
Jord Jesus Christ, your loving forgiveness knows no limits.  You took our human nature to give us an example of humility and to make us faithful in every trial.  May we never loose the gifts you have given us, but if we fall into sin lift us up by your gift of repentance, for you live and reign for ever and ever.  Amen.

-The Rite of Penance
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Heh, heh, heh... dude, Half[b]cocked[/b], and he said [b]"lift us up"[/b]...  heh heh..
Link Posted: 4/2/2002 9:49:31 PM EDT
I love those 'got Jesus?' bumperstickers- I want to pull up to folks and say that I had him, in my trunk, but he escaped.

Seriously, I found Jesus, and spent five years as such a strict Conservative Christian that it would have made Jerry Falwell cringe. Then I came to College and learned a few things about truth and reality and began apporaching Jesus as a man with a message rathar than some cold hard statue of "GOD" and came to the realization of how sad Jesus would be to see what is carried out in his name, and how much his message has been perverted.

My bone isnt with Christians, its with all people who believe their Religion has granted them true wisdom and the corner on truth, and thus the right to lord over everyone who doesnt agree with them. Too many people use religion as an excuse to keep them from having to make decisions and deal with reality on its own. A very close person who I cared a lot about had been raped when she was a child by an intruder. Her belief in Christianity had become the lynch-pin in her life and she truely believed that the twenty odd people who went to HER CHURCH were the only 'saved' people in the world. It had become such an impedment to her that anything including spaceflight, etc, that conflicted with what was taught at HER CHURCH, was heresy and could not possibly exist.

I may have CHOSEN to become a Muslim, but at my heart, I have a GOOD IDEA, not FACT. I do not believe in one true religion, I think we as humans are incapable of comprehending that kind of truth in its entirety, and anyone who claims to posess that kind of truth is full of bullshit.

On this board I have seen people who claim to be 'Good Chritians' cheer on genocide, murder and hate. If I were to base my understanding of Christianity off of what I hear in here from a day to day basis I would come to the understanding that to be a Good Christian you must pass judgment on others, and take part in their conversion or destruction. Furthermore Jesus teaches us that hate is right and good, and that forgivness and understanding is not important. It is more important to look at people as enemies, than look at them as brothers.

But Christians arnt the only ones to blame. Muslims are right up there with them. If more of us actually followed our faith to the letter, we would know things like terror campaigns and harbouring a deep seated hatred of people who are different and will not buy into our faith, is a hellworthy offense. It is written both in the Quran and the Sunna that Faith is not compulsory, if one does not believe of their own free will, then they CANNOT be forced, and should not be.
I'm not that well schooled in Hinduism, but I know they too harbour 'unholy hate'.

In the end I feel that the biggest mistake that Humans have ever done with His word is to form a belief structure out of it. I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to
certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't

I believe in God, and I have a Good idea. So far thats been good enough for Him to bless me as He has. And if it isnt good enough for you? I've got a closet full of ammo I'll give you at the rate of several thousand FPS, one at a time.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 7:36:46 AM EDT
M4 wrote:
Nothing like being able to absolve yourself of personal responsibility through a 2000 year old book of histo-mythology.

How conveniently simple.

I don't think porn or sex or nudity is a "sin" at all.....just think it's somewhat rediculous that many religious folks regularly wash their hands of responsibility by uttering a few prayers. That's not what is called taking personal responsibility....it's called lacking the strength to actually shoulder responsibility yourself. Your only kidding yourself, and offering nothing to those you "sin" against. A very obviously self deceptive and selfish approach as far as I'm concerned.
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Hey, it's a free country, and I'm so glad it is.
You have a right to your opinion, just as I do.

And, I am [b]absolutely[/b] responsible for my actions.
Sex within marriage is not only not a sin, it is a wonderful gift of God.
Nudity, as in being naked is not a sin.
To look at that nude (or clothed)person, and have sex with them in your mind, that's a sin.
Don't like that? You don't have a problem with me. You have a problem with Jesus Christ.
Do I sin? Every day. My prayers are to ask forgiveness, because I claim the blood of Christ to cleanse me of all sin.

Some things I had to come to terms with:
1. Are there absolutes? "If I hit you in the head with a hammer, it will only hurt if you allow it to hurt?"
2.If there are absolutes, then is there a God, creator of all things.
3. If there are absolutes, and there is a God, do we find our own way to Him? Or is it possible that this Supreme Being has made one absolute way to know Him and fellowship with Him, and it is up to us to discover that truth.

I believe that Way, that Truth, is Jesus Christ.
No other man left an empty grave behind, did miracles in all areas of life, (weather, health, food, DEATH) in front of witnesses, and changed the course of history.
You think I'm wrong.
But what if I'm right?

One "simple" concept from that "2000 year old book of histo-mythology", (for us simple-minded folks):
Eternal life through Jesus Christ is a free gift. But, it will cost you everything you have.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 7:41:59 AM EDT

Only the moral law is written into the human heart.
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How do you think that happened?

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Why are you talking to yourself, dude?
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I'm typing real slow Rik so try to stay with me here.

Hypocrite.  Someone who says one thing but there actions don't always coincide with what they say they believe.

These people are saying there is nothing wrong with looking at porn.

When confronted with telling everybody that means anything to them, about their actions they would say "no I don't want that to happen".


Because they would be ashamed of themselves.


Because they know in their heart that it is wrong.

Am I getting my point through to you?
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 8:20:30 AM EDT
Please explain Garandman.  Jesus specifically said that lusting after a woman other than your wife - or indulging in lust - was adultery just as surely as if you slept with that woman.  Repetitive viewing of porn is indulging in lust.  Of course we all fall short and no one is perfect, but how can keeping a collection of porn for easy viewing be OK.  In other words, failing and sinning occasionally due to the weakness of the flesh may be pardonable if you truly repent.  Keeping a hard core porn collection is hardly repenting.  Just a thought about your post and no flame intended.  Just looking for answers.
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I agree 1000% . I apologize for anything I said that made you think otherwise.

Just ask SteyrAug how much I hate porn. He'll tell ya!!!! [:D]

I ditched my entire porn collection about 9 months ago.  I did not feel that it was consistant with my efforts at being a good Christian, husband, and father.  I think I made the correct choice.  
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ABSOLUTELY you made the right choice.

Link Posted: 4/3/2002 8:33:50 AM EDT
...the phrase "kindling the fires of passion to a red hot glow" indicates to me that someone's been reading too many Barbara Cartland novels...
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I wouldn't know anything about Barbara Cartland.

But with all the "confessing" goin' on round here, I'll take this as YOUR confession that in order to supplement your porn habit, you've added trashy romance novels.


Link Posted: 4/3/2002 8:51:41 AM EDT
...and another thing.

You people that attempt to diminish your own feelings of guilt by corrupting another person who is trying to lead a better, cleaner life deserve a special place in hell.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 9:08:18 AM EDT
...and another thing.

You people that attempt to diminish your own feelings of guilt by corrupting another person who is trying to lead a better, cleaner life deserve a special place in hell.
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What a dick!  

You live up to your name.  Why are you compelled to be the moral compass for porn?  Smut is what it is, it is the person that is the evil component.  Tell us what demons you are hiding before you project your issues onto other people.  

If you have a real problem you wanker, e-mail me.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 9:16:09 AM EDT
Hay, I'm no saint, Lord knows.

I just think that people who would try to drag some one down into the gutter with themselves are cowards who have no spine.  They don't want to die alone.  

I really don't give a rats ass what you do with your life, but I have great deal of contempt for the cowards that try to drag others with them.

I believe that God does also.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 9:27:19 AM EDT
Hay, I'm no saint, Lord knows.

I just think that people who would try to drag some one down into the gutter with themselves are cowards who have no spine.  They don't want to die alone.  

I really don't give a rats ass what you do with your life, but I have great deal of contempt for the cowards that try to drag others with them.

I believe that God does also.
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People have self control. I have a problem with the strong preying on the week.  Is smut a bad thing?  If you look at what the industry breeds, I would say yes.  Would we be better without it?  Probably.  Do I have the right to judge or be self righteous?, No.  The best I can do is not indulge in that behavior  and set an example for others to follow.  That is what being a Christian is all about.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 10:17:58 AM EDT

Go back and re-read my posts.  I don't judge anyone for looking at porn, if I did appear to, it was not intentional.  I believe that every person knows the difference between right and wrong, what it takes to lead an honorable righteuos life.  When they say that there is nothing wrong with something, that I know they really wouldn't be proud caught doing, that's being a hypocrite and then yes, I do judge them for that.  I figure they should have this pointed out to them.  I would want to be corrected for any lapses in logic I might have.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 10:30:31 AM EDT

Go back and re-read my posts.  I don't judge anyone for looking at porn, if I did appear to, it was not intentional.  I believe that every person knows the difference between right and wrong, what it takes to lead an honorable righteuos life.  When they say that there is nothing wrong with something, that I know they really wouldn't be proud caught doing, that's being a hypocrite and then yes, I do judge them for that.  I figure they should have this pointed out to them.  I would want to be corrected for any lapses in logic I might have.
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Fair enough.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 10:36:34 AM EDT
QCMGr.....I stayed out of this so far, but I think I agree with you...The beauty industry breeds rampant stupidity...the nudie industry seems to breed rampant drug use and an absolute lack of anything resembling a normal life. If ya want to pose nude, or strip, or whatever...I support the act, but what made you choose to be an exhibitionist. Most of them have been molested and most of them aren't happy with the way they look. I had a very personal experience with this on sunday...a girl that I had dated made a public spectacle out herself at a club,
I turned to my girlfriend and said " I am truly happy that I am with you"
Moral issues aside---most of these chicks are very screwed-up and aint going to get any better....now that I have said that...I know personally of a couple that are happy as hell to be naked and it ain't a personality problem...
Dallas is the main hub for most of those sites out there and I know some of the models and the photographers....two sides to this and I know g-man is going to jump all over this but oh well...And can one of the religious nuts explain to me why G*D created something we are not supposed to look at?
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 11:05:02 AM EDT
....I know g-man is going to jump all over this but oh well...And can one of the religious nuts explain to me why G*D created something we are not supposed to look at?
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Well, let it never be said I disappointed my fan-base. [:D]

When God created the human female form, I beleive it was the absolute pinnacle of His creation. Nothing is more beautiful in the world to me. But WHEN He created it, man was sinless. Well, then Eve was tricked by the serpent to sin, and Adam WILLINGLY followed Eve into sin, and so even the good things God created could them be used abusively.

God gave us food, but TOO MUCH food will make us fat, and in the extreme lead to obesity and death.

God gave us water, but hold someone under long enuf, and they'll drown, and you'll be a murderer.

God gave us the Grand Canyon, but push someone off, and yer goin' to jail.

So again, the fact that  God gave us something does NOT mean we have unfettered use of it. We are required to use God's gifts in God's way. He's God - He's in the rule-making business [:D]

But back to the beauty of the female form. God did this so there would be a NATURAL inclination to pro-create. But God ALSO gave the marriage union so the off-spring would have a stable, well-rounded (read: Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve) environment to raise the child with the knowledge that the child is (in time) first accountable to the parents, so that the child would learn that later in time it would be accountable to God.

What God did, He did PERFECTLY. Man messed it up by sinning. But God in love remedied man's sin problem thru His Son Jesus Christ, for all those that repent and beleive in Him.

That's the "short" version, anyway....

Link Posted: 4/3/2002 11:54:19 AM EDT
My $.02:

Own ANY weapon you want as long as you don't use it to commit a crime.

Sex between CONSENTING ADULTS is a good thing.

Alcohol consumption is fine as long as you don't mix it with cars, guns, work, etc.

Live your life as you see fit and respect others right to do so as well. In other words you don't have to "love thy neighbor" just leave the son-of-a-bitch alone!

In a world full of 12 year old suicide bombers and crud like the Klintons - don't pass judgement on me!
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 12:56:59 PM EDT

I wouldn't know anything about Barbara Cartland.

But with all the "confessing" goin' on round here, I'll take this as YOUR confession that in order to supplement your porn habit, you've added trashy romance novels.

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Well, I will freely admit that my mother read the damned things for decades, but I never cracked one.
Don't have a porn habit either...as I've stated before, I find most porn either fake or gross.
I can come up with much more interesting sexual fantasies in my own imagination that don't involve as much plastic.
The fact I have no moral objection to porn doesn't mean I like it....of course, some people can't quite wrap their minds around the concept of defending the rights of others to do something that you don't personally care for.  
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 12:59:18 PM EDT
...and another thing.
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What was that first thing again???
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 1:22:24 PM EDT
My $.02:

Own ANY weapon you want as long as you don't use it to commit a crime.

Sex between CONSENTING ADULTS is a good thing.

Alcohol consumption is fine as long as you don't mix it with cars, guns, work, etc.

Live your life as you see fit and respect others right to do so as well. In other words you don't have to "love thy neighbor" just leave the son-of-a-bitch alone!

In a world full of 12 year old suicide bombers and crud like the Klintons - don't pass judgement on me!
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Link Posted: 4/3/2002 1:58:59 PM EDT

The fact I have no moral objection to porn doesn't mean I like it....of course, some people can't quite wrap their minds around the concept of defending the rights of others to do something that you don't personally care for.  
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I agree completely.

If you haven't gotten my point by now you're either hopelessly ignorant or just trying to fuck with me.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 2:07:32 PM EDT
If you think you are not hooked on it, try NOT looking at any for 30 days.  If you are hooked, you will know in less than a week.

It has absoulutely nothing to do with weakness.  It has everything to do with satanic control.
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You are aptly named.
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Damn!  Beat me to it!

But regarding all those who thing that porn is a sin(especially Halfcocked, who seems to be the most vocal porn opponent):
The reason that people who don't believe that porn is a sin don't want it known that we look at it is due to the fact that many, including loved ones, DO view it as wrong.  Once people know that you watch porn, the ones who believe that it is a sin look at you differently, have a different opinion of you.  However, it is not something that myself and many others consider to be bad or wrong or sinful.  The knowledge changes others perceptions of you just slightly.(Even though most of the people I know look at porn.)  Although, my family knows I look at porn, and so do my friends.  It ain't all that big a deal, until you make it one.  

I also get just slightly annoyed that people use religion as a reason that I shouldn't look at it.  Does it make God and Jesus angry that I look at porn?  I really don't care, as religion is not a part in my life.  I personally believe that porn is one of those things that is not harmful just like alcohol, tobacco and marijuana, as long you are in control of it, it is okay.  However, any one of these things has the potential to mess up your life if you let it, if it begins to intrude into other parts of your life, than it becomes a problem.  However, if your vice of choice starts to take over your life, then I would wholeheartedly recommend quitting.  But if you have control over this, and it is merely a vice, and not a habit or an addiction, than by all means, keep on doin' what you're doin'.

And to all of the rabid anti porno people: we're not making you look at it, so just chill.  My porn affects you about as much as your gun affects your senator(I'm talking direct effects, not perceived ones).
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 3:29:21 PM EDT
If you haven't gotten my point by now you're either hopelessly ignorant or just trying to fuck with me.
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Actually, I will freely admit I was just trying to fuck with you. [:D]
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 5:06:29 PM EDT
Thanks for the Promisekeeper link! I went to Detroit in '94 and '95 and Washington DC in '96. Almost 2 million Christian men marching on Clintons lawn. "I shall return". Thanks Schnert.

My porn is gone. My wife knew about it, but she doesn't know its gone yet. I'm waiting for her to realize! It would really hurt her when she would find it,and that bothered me, but I didn't change anything. I was really screwed up from my divorce and got into porn, and then I remarried, but I kept the porn.

We were watching "The Ten Commandments" on Sunday, and here I am getting angry with my wife because she doesn't believe any of it. I asked myself why I expected there to be any power in my belief or testimony considering I believed in my heart that the Bible is the Word of God, but my life gave a different testimony. I hope that I can do better!
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 7:10:17 PM EDT
It has absoulutely nothing to do with weakness.  It has everything to do with satanic control.

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Ummmm....wing-nut...party of one....your table is ready.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 7:17:15 PM EDT
Good for you Grimshaw.  It is a struggle to be a good and righteous person.  Goodness knows it can be difficult.  Mostly, I know what is right and wrong.  Deep down I know what I should and should not be doing.  Often it is easy to JUSTIFY actions that are not consistent with being a good Christian.  I am trying to get away from the BS and face the truth head on.

Also, I could care less whether someone views porn.  That is their decision and their life.  I would never want laws against it or anything like that.  That would be about the worst thing that could happen.  Look what our drug laws have done to our nation.  My decision to get rid of my porn was a personal one.  I based my decision on my Christian beliefs and I am happy that I did so.
Link Posted: 4/3/2002 7:30:18 PM EDT

What exactly was your "point" by posting the email address of everyone who disagrees with you? What a pathetic little turd you must be to think that gets some little point of yours across.


Link Posted: 4/4/2002 4:32:34 AM EDT
Hey grimshaw,
Wasn't Stand In The Gap, in D.C. awesome!

As we were waiting to get on trains, after it was over, thousands of guys were in the subway tunnels singing "Amazing Grace" and "Lord I Lift Your Name on High".
Don't know if there will ever anything like that, this side of Heaven.

Link Posted: 4/4/2002 5:19:25 AM EDT

The fact I have no moral objection to porn doesn't mean I like it....of course, some people can't quite wrap their minds around the concept of defending the rights of others to do something that you don't personally care for.  
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I agree completely.

If you haven't gotten my point by now you're either hopelessly ignorant or just trying to fuck with me.
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Uh, do you want your mom to know what language (the "F" word) YOU use on the internet? How about if we tell your kids, your co-workers, your wife, your neighbors daughter... stay away from the bad man with the filthy mouth! [;)]
Link Posted: 4/4/2002 11:06:16 AM EDT
Hey I thought this was about porn.

The girl I'm seeing right now doesn't have a problem with it. She even offered to get me a subscription to Playboy. Now, my mother on the other hand, might not approve...
Link Posted: 4/4/2002 11:35:28 AM EDT

The fact I have no moral objection to porn doesn't mean I like it....of course, some people can't quite wrap their minds around the concept of defending the rights of others to do something that you don't personally care for.  
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I agree completely.

If you haven't gotten my point by now you're either hopelessly ignorant or just trying to fuck with me.
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Uh, do you want your mom to know what language (the "F" word) YOU use on the internet? How about if we tell your kids, your co-workers, your wife, your neighbors daughter... stay away from the bad man with the filthy mouth! [;)]
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If you feel the need you go right ahead.  My e-mail is in my profile.  I am not perfect, but I try like heck to not be a hypocrite.  I'm not proud of my language but all my family knows I use it.  I pretty much am what I am.  I don't hide anything.
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