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Posted: 11/1/2004 4:29:05 PM EDT
Tired of hearing this on the news...

Well are you?
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:31:04 PM EDT
financially better, and working on making it even better through a college education.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:32:02 PM EDT
Two more ARs = Better.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:32:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:32:49 PM EDT


Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:33:36 PM EDT
Well, I've got a real M16 now and just had AR's four years ago.......  I'd say that's better!
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:36:36 PM EDT
Well I would say better off. We have bought a new house in the last 2 1/2 years and seems to get better as time goes on.  Hopefully it will continue.  But all I do is work, work, shoot, work, work.   I feel like it should be shoot shoot work shoot shoot.   Oh ya 2 AR in the last year.  Not bad
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:39:48 PM EDT
Company layed me off, brought me back, layed me off and brought me back part time at half my salary.  I'd say I am worse.  Plus all the aformentioned see-saw crap sent my BP through the roof and I am now on beta-blockers.  The whole IT market is the pits.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:41:02 PM EDT
Way worse.  But mainly through faults of my own making. I make more money but my bills and debts are much greater.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:42:06 PM EDT
I am much better with President Bush in office.
I got laid off twice while Clinton was in office.
My company is having a great year (wholesale electrical supplier)
and have had very good raises and bonuses these last four years.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:43:23 PM EDT
Let's see, I'm making TWICE as much money as I was in 2000.

I actually have REAL health insurance now.

A few extra thousand$ in the bank.

New Harley.

New car.

Good pickup truck.

Yep, we be happy!

[rainman] Tell 'em Raymond, liberals suck[/rainman]
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:44:41 PM EDT
I'm not doing better.  None of that is GWB's fault, though
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:45:26 PM EDT
Money - Better.
Car - Better.
Motocycles - Better.
Rifles - Better.

Dumping the girl I've loved for 8+ years over some hoochy because I was blinded by ass and boobies .... WORSE, a HELL LOT WORSE.  
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:46:11 PM EDT
A little less in debt
A little larger weapons cache
A little larger beer belly
A little more in my paycheck

Much prouder to be an American!
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:46:16 PM EDT
End of AWB = alot better.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:46:17 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:47:31 PM EDT
Much better. Still have the same wife though......
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:47:35 PM EDT
Worse, but it is my own fault, not the president's, legislatures, or anyone else.  This is something the democrats don't understand.  I accept responsibility for my situation.  I don't shift the blame to someone else.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:47:50 PM EDT
Gas prices - worse
Medical insurance - worse
Illegal immigrants flooding into the country during a time of war -worse
overtime for the wife (I'm retired) - worse
inflation - worse
NAFTA - worse

Damn keep this up and I will vote Kerry ...
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:52:55 PM EDT
I paid half the tax last year as the previous year. The hurricanes hurt me but I'll forgive GW for them since its an election year.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:56:49 PM EDT

End of AWB = alot better.hr

Link Posted: 11/1/2004 4:56:52 PM EDT
Past 4years or so, lets see......

- Met and Married the Girl of my Dreams
- at least 50% Pay increase
- Have owned 2 different homes (currently sitting on over $100K in equity)
- Moved to the free state of VA (from PR-of-MD)
- Payed off my Cars
- Got NFL Sunday Ticket
- Upgraded from Dial-up to Cable Internet
- Upgraded from 0 guns to 3 guns (ETA: all three in the past 6 months)
- Joined the NRA and VCDL
- Found out about ARFCOM

Thats about all I can think of.... I think I'm doing much better than 4yrs ago.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:01:03 PM EDT
I'm doing a lot better than 4 years ago in just about every way, but the last few months have nearly caused me ulcers.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:05:32 PM EDT
Doing much better. For the most part, it has nothing to do with any politician.

Oh, and I already voted for Bush 04.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:19:46 PM EDT
Some of both.

Income - Better
Taxes - Better
Health - Worse
Socialist oppression - Worse
Hot chicks - Worse
Terrorist danger - Not sure???
Stress - Much worse

Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:20:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:28:00 PM EDT
Much better. I lost the best job I ever had, but got a higher paying job that is ok.

I have NO car paynets, and I'll never, ever, buy another new vehicle. I have had two wonderful little children in the last 4 years, and my wife absolutely rocks.

I have bought at least 5 new rifles, and 3 new pistols in the last 4 years, and joined the Garand Collectors Association. I do not even own a credit card, and I try to live as cheap as we can, but still have fun. I help out as many people as I can that have hard times like I used to.

Oh yeah, the AWB died.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:35:17 PM EDT
versus 2004:

Annual income - up about 25K vs. 2000, but have to drive a lot further, 5 times as far.

another AR
Russian SKS in cosmoline
10/22 H-Bar project rifle
Liberty Safe
Bass Boat
not brand new but much newer and bigger  truck (vs. POS Tonka w/4 cyl.)
new 48" riding mower
new Sony Big Screen
new shop

Bill Clinton & democrats help put me lose my local job due government regs they instituted in the nineties. Probably would still have happened w/GOP but much later. Work more hours now, less time to play, shoot,  less time for volunteer work, family, church, etc.

Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:40:56 PM EDT
I was making more in 2000 at the height of the dotcom boom, but I am making really good $$$ now, especially for Florida, with only a 10-minute commute, and I have a much nicer home than I did in 2000...but we are all better off than we were in 2000 because now we are actually doing something about the terrorists...
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:47:37 PM EDT
Better,  Was unemployed from 10/99 - 05/01.    Landed this job, The director asked why I applied for it as I was well overqualified for the position.   The Pay for this position was double what I was making before the previous employer was bought and closed by a compeditor.  Which dumped alot of IT people into our market on top of the recession starting.

My 2 year unemployment term was more of a vacation then unemployment.

I cannot claim Bush helped, but he did a good job at minimizing the scale the recession could have become and made it a quick recovery compaired to past recessions.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:53:19 PM EDT
Two more guns and three more raises so I'm better and it's not because of the feds and thier "help".
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 5:58:57 PM EDT
Worse, but it's my fault not W's.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:04:04 PM EDT
Way better........ I have a BA in Economics now. I didn't 4 years ago.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:05:11 PM EDT
Much better.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:05:40 PM EDT
9 new guns (tax returns and extra OT due to gov. funding)
Bought my first house(low interest loans)
was able to purchase a new off the lot truck in 01 pre 9-11 (low interest rates)
and I feel better too.

Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:07:28 PM EDT
Retired from the military.
Wife has a good job.
Have a nice job that fits my wants.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:10:44 PM EDT
My wife left me, & took most of our assets, & I now live at my parents house, with my 7 yr old son, don't get any pie, & Have no money, & many unpaied bills.

On the other hans, a problem I didn't know exsisited is come to a head & is now healing, I will be back in my own home sometime very soon, & I have the prospect of meeting someone special all over again. This time with a better measuring stick of what I want. My bills are slowly getting caught up, & for now I have the freedom to choose whatever I want.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:10:53 PM EDT

4 yrs ago I was a stressed out IT Manager sitting in front of a computer screen 10-12 hrs a day.  Now I'm working in a gun shop.  Not the same $, but I sleep netter at night.  I armed over 100 people with new guns at this weekend's sale...... Go 2nd Amendment!
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:12:38 PM EDT
I'm in college now, and it's really because of bush and his admin, oh and I have a nice colt AR-15 and AK-47 now
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:17:54 PM EDT
4 years ago I was a contractor, uncertain about the stability of my job. I was living in an apartment, driving a Volkswagen and paying outrageous taxes! I was actually making more money than I am now, but I had less descretionary income and less money saved.

Today I have a much more secure job (making almost 6 figures) I own my own home, drive a Lincoln Continental, and I have more money in the bank than ever before. I owe this all to the Bush tax cuts!

I also have a bigger gun collection, which would not have been possible if the Cigar Store Indian had won in 2000!
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:18:36 PM EDT

Gas prices - worse
Medical insurance - worse
Illegal immigrants flooding into the country during a time of war -worse
overtime for the wife (I'm retired) - worse
inflation - worse
NAFTA - worse

Damn keep this up and I will vote Kerry ...

You're just a crabby old man!!!
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:30:11 PM EDT

Tired of hearing this on the news...

Well are you?

4 Yrs ago: Dave_A, Sophmore in college, broke & piling up school debt...

Today: SPC Dave_A, on my way to basic training & OCS, breaking even financially & paying off school debt, and looking forward to a huge boost in income when I leave the computer industry for the Army...

Link Posted: 11/1/2004 6:56:24 PM EDT
I'd go so far as to say MUCH better.  But the "much" became applicable after the AWB sunset . . .  
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:00:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:05:39 PM EDT
fanancial better and bought a new house. going to pay off my car with my tax return and just built a pimped out AR15.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:13:34 PM EDT
way worse off, four years ago I had a steady relationship which was on its way to getting married, was pulling in a bunch of money, had a bunch of really good friends, things were looking good.  Now I'm single, barely making any money and most of my friends moved or are locked up.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:18:51 PM EDT
Divorced in 2001, after 16 years, married the greatest man in the world last year. Definitely better.
Financially worse thanks to the lawyers, but my happiness far outweighs our finances.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:19:00 PM EDT
Much better!

In money, and a lot more firearm toys.

On the down side, I am older and fatter.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:24:13 PM EDT
Well I was 18 then, now Im 22 (already!)

Then I had been working for a few months, just started driving, now I got more sutff, but life still normally sucks.

3 years ago things were better.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 7:29:42 PM EDT
I had a discussion about this very thing today with a group of strangers at a restauraunt.

My job is being sent overseas very soon - actually already been done.

Probably going to sell my beloved quad cab 4x4 - gasoline is killing me.

I'm worse off financially for sure.

That being said:

How could *anyone* with any sense vote for Kerry and completely compromise the safety of our Nation?  The safety of our own children?

btw, everybody in the conversation was voting Bush.    The conversation got started when I heard them bad-mouthing Kerry.
Link Posted: 11/1/2004 9:44:54 PM EDT
More guns, more money, more education.  What's not to like?  
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