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Posted: 3/12/2006 11:49:20 PM EDT
I just "played" on a server with the biggest bunch of tag changing, non-dying, spawn camping, TKing people on the planet!!


How can someone take a mag from a MP5 and come right up and knife you? How can some one take the same amount of rounds and kill you dead with one pistol shot? ARRRGGG. I tried to switch servers, and got a bunch of bunny hopping, plane hoggin, non-team playing asses!!!

Why is no one on the ARFCOM server? I wanna play right damn it!!!!!

Link Posted: 3/13/2006 1:03:54 AM EDT
That's okay.

I just got off of a 24/7 wake server that had only 20 or so people on it, US side got the chinese down to one flag and they couldn't break out.

We made several efforts to take the last flag and end the game but the other team managed to defend it.     But with me flying I made damn sure nobody broke out.   They tried swimming across the channel to the other side, they tried doing the buggy race of dewm to get to other flags.

But I kept killing them left and right.   Eventually I crashed(went like 29 and zero before the crash and had around 60+ kills total in the round) and that gave them the opportunity to break out and finally get some flags.   While I respawned to get another jet they managed to take over 1/2 the island.   Ofcourse once they had their jets back they came right out to camp the carrier and try to suppress the jets, don't blame them HOWEVER....

while we had them down to one flag the stupid fucks were trying to vote kick me.   Whiney little poor sports, if they didn't like it they should have rolled over and let the last flag get capped.   They couldn't convince people on my team to vote yes and all they ever got was 5 out of the 8-10 needed to kick me.

I didn't start stupid vote kicks against them for camping the carrier but man I have never seen such idiots with this vote kicking bullshit.   I tried to ask them if they tried to do the same shit in ordinary life if they are playing regular sports(fat fucking chance, probably don't ever get out of their houses).   Love to see them petition to kick the star player of the opposing team on grounds that it's unfair, they didn't get what I was trying to say to them but ohwell.

I've got a screen shot of my score, it was 183 by the end of the round but what is more impressive is I have most flag defends, most combat points, most anti armor kills, most spec ops kills, most aviator kills, and at the end most armor kills.

Towards the end I got so sick of their whining and complaining that I bailed out over one flag, captured it.   Then took their airfield which they weren't defending for shit.   Then I took the beach, at which point we again had them down to one flag and I said fuck it and camped them to kill them off.

This community is the poorest bunch of sad sack pieces of shit I've ever seen.    The people who throw themselves on friendly planes to try to earn the pilot TKs so they can punish/kick the pilots infuriates me so much that I want to break things.    Sat on the carrier for 1/2 a round the other night punishing some dumb ass who purposely threw himself on a friendly plane plus TK'd a pilot inorder to try to fly.    I hopped in the essex and told him if he so much as tries to fly I will TK him for his antics.   He never flew once the whole damn round because me or some other teammate would kill him to teach him a lesson.

Link Posted: 3/13/2006 6:43:12 AM EDT
I ran into a guy the other day that I couldnt kill, no matter what.

I put at least 10 rounds from a tank right into him (he was standing up against a wall on Karkand), and nothing happened.  Server didnt kick him either.

He was just laughing in the chat menu.  what a douche.  We still won though.
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 6:48:48 AM EDT
As long as there are games to play, people will feel the need to "Hack the Gibson".

Fuck them.

It just shows you how insecure they really are.

btw - Congrats Squirrel!  I hope to some day have your pilot Kung Fu skills.  
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 7:48:38 AM EDT
honestly, ive seen alot of people call other people "cheaters" but ive never seen an actual cheat or hack for BF2. Show me a hack for BF2! I challenge you!

But I have killed alot of poor players with shitty connections with shitty PC's that think im cheating.
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 8:07:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 8:11:33 AM EDT
you mean you haven't enabled your cheat codes like in quake and unreal.    

push the ~ key  then type godmode.......... allammo..........killall.........invinsibility

works everytime
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 8:48:28 AM EDT

you mean you haven't enabled your cheat codes like in quake and unreal.    

push the ~ key  then type godmode.......... allammo..........killall.........invinsibility

works everytime

Link Posted: 3/13/2006 9:20:44 AM EDT



2 WORDS:  RANKING SYSTEMin BF1942 cheaters were almost non existent.  
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 9:30:02 AM EDT

honestly, ive seen alot of people call other people "cheaters" but ive never seen an actual cheat or hack for BF2. Show me a hack for BF2! I challenge you!

But I have killed alot of poor players with shitty connections with shitty PC's that think im cheating.

I just did a quick google search for "bf2 hacks". I got a lot of unsafe looking links that were more than likely bogus. I've never seen a player I was 100% sure was cheating.

eta: It think I found a cheater today or an insanely lucky player. I had the drop on him from about 30 meters with a g36e and he whipped around and killed me with a single shot from his pistol.
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 11:22:04 AM EDT

honestly, ive seen alot of people call other people "cheaters" but ive never seen an actual cheat or hack for BF2. Show me a hack for BF2! I challenge you!

But I have killed alot of poor players with shitty connections with shitty PC's that think im cheating.

Check out this video of hacks in action.....

Check these out....

These you gotta pay for....I guess if you really wanna cheat, you'll pay

Link Posted: 3/13/2006 1:05:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 1:49:19 PM EDT






in BF1942 cheaters were almost non existent.  

there were tons of them. Especially in the Desert Combat mod.
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 2:18:19 PM EDT

A lot of the hacks will only last for a few days though.. before PB picks them up and looks for them.

Link Posted: 3/13/2006 2:28:29 PM EDT
If you get caught cheating, EA will wipe your account and stats.
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 7:41:56 PM EDT






in BF1942 cheaters were almost non existent.  

I loved BF1942 (and it's related expansions and mods) but there were times the cheating was so rampant, it wasn't funny.  People taking 4-5 hits from an M82-A1 (DC final) without dying, using utilities to find enemy players, switching teams just to find snipers and switching back, etc....  I've been accused of using an aimbot, but the guy that accused me was a newb who kept doing the same exact thing every time he respawned.

I wish I could say I loved BF2 as much, but I keep having issues with it (especially since I installed Special Forces).  It keeps saying I need to revert my game to the official version in order to play online (the problem is, all the patches I've ever downloaded for it are from FilePlanet, and I lost my CD key in a move).
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 8:05:19 PM EDT
It's the same in COD2. Lately it's rediculous and there is no PB to stop it.

Guys running into a group of 8 enemies and and taking them all out with out getting killed. Tonns of people that I just keep shooting and they never drop. Also servers that I play on often and get a good connection are now getting ping fucked by people on other teams.

I hate gamer kids.
Link Posted: 3/13/2006 11:10:24 PM EDT


I hate gamer kids.

I starting to feel the same way. Where is everyone here playing now? The ARFCOM server always seems empty........?

Link Posted: 3/13/2006 11:35:51 PM EDT



I hate gamer kids.

I starting to feel the same way. Where is everyone here playing now? The ARFCOM server always seems empty........?

Do you have Xfire?  If not get it.  It's great for finding our clan mates!
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 3:19:20 AM EDT
We do need to start playing on our own server more.  
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 3:57:35 AM EDT

We do need to start playing on our own server more.  

No Kidding.

I will be playing more once I get 1st Sgt.  Only a couple of more days.......

Been playing on a Karkand 24/7 server to get mad points.
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 6:30:27 AM EDT

We do need to start playing on our own server more.  


I notice the most fun we have is when we have our server going. I'm sick of playing on servers with little asshats where everytime they kill you they say shit like "I own you" or "haha". I usually try to ignore it, but one time i got so pissed off at a Tk'er on my team on the old [9] server that I down talked the kid on VOIP so much he actually left the server.

Way too many little Fricken s

Link Posted: 3/14/2006 6:48:31 AM EDT

We do need to start playing on our own server more.  

I'm with you.  It seems always empty when I can get free to play.  May jsut be my bad timing, but who knows.

I usually try a few other BF@ servers and then go play iron gator on SF if I can't find a worthy group on BF2
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 6:53:01 AM EDT
I like playing on our server too. The only problem is getting enough people to get a game going. If you join, don't leave when we need only one more player! Let's all try to get on BRD this week.
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 9:12:35 AM EDT

I like playing on our server too. The only problem is getting enough people to get a game going. If you join, don't leave when we need only one more player! Let's all try to get on BRD this week.

Will Do!
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 10:17:22 AM EDT


I like playing on our server too. The only problem is getting enough people to get a game going. If you join, don't leave when we need only one more player! Let's all try to get on BRD this week.

Will Do!


As soon as I get some major global points to go towards my 1st Sgt promotion.

I want the promotion to happen before I get Elder Scrolls 4 in the mail, cause I am probably going to drop off the planet for a while when I start playing that.  Plus it would be nice to get some unlocks, since I never got my SF unlocks or anything.
Link Posted: 3/14/2006 2:33:08 PM EDT
With my schedule this week, I can be found between 2400 - 0200 or 0900 - 1200.

All times are Pacific.

I ran into Tex last night.  We sniped for most of the evening.  Pretty much pwned the maps for the most part.
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