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Posted: 11/16/2023 5:54:13 PM EDT
My current workout as of now consists of a full body workout of about 7-9 sets of 3x10-12 three days a week, followed by another three days of some form of cardio (HIIT, running, loaded hiking, etc). I guess my biggest area of interest is in how and what I consume pre-workout. On my lifting days, I tend to eat a decent breakfast and lunch and about 4:30pm, take 5g creatine monohydrate plus a scoop of ON whey powder with 8oz of lactose free whole milk. I wait ~15-30 minutes and then warm-up and workout (takes about an hour with 60-90 seconds rest between exercises and 120 seconds between sets) and don't tend to eat a meal post workout, maybe a snack. On my cardio and off days, I don't do anything per se, no creatine, protein shakes, etc. I don't know that I have any specific goals other than I want to maintain a good fitness base. I am currently 73", 185lb and wear a 32/34 pant. Looking for input, thanks all.
Link Posted: 11/16/2023 10:45:50 PM EDT
I always drink a pre workout shake an hour or so before I lift.  It's three ingredients: non fat Greek yogurt, whey powder, and blueberries.  I usually drink a cup of coffee on the way to the gym and I have good energy throughout my workout.
Link Posted: 11/17/2023 6:51:36 AM EDT
Whatever you're comfortable with.

I don't like lifting fasted with an empty stomach, but I also don't like lifting after my big meal for the day.

Sometimes I'll just grab a small snack and then workout, then stuff my face as supper. If I workout in the morning I'll do it with an empty stomach but I'm starving by the time I get done.
Link Posted: 11/17/2023 11:27:22 AM EDT
Do what you're comfortable with, but I'd say make sure you still get the protein you need by kg on the non-lifting days. Those are just as important as lifting days, if not more.

Link Posted: 11/17/2023 1:10:23 PM EDT
You want to intake some simple carbs or carbs that contain low fiber. These carbs tend to break down easier. Lots of debate on this topic and so many avenues you could take depending on a persons opinion but simple sugars are great preworkout options. You’ll be able to burn them off during your workout. For example, my preworkout consists of a Rice Krispies treat…and of course I drink a pre workout supplement 30 minutes prior. But others could be a banana or a couple of rice cakes.

Post workout meals are crucial IMO. No better meal in the day than a post workout. High protein, high carb for me.
Link Posted: 11/17/2023 1:36:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/17/2023 2:24:54 PM EDT
I’m the opposite I eat large meals pre workout and no pre workout drink.  

Large amounts of eggs and oatmeal pre workout.  I eat the faster digesting carbs immediately after workout with slower digesting carbs pre workout.
Link Posted: 11/17/2023 11:06:33 PM EDT
[Last Edit: SG55xdude] [#7]
I've gotten my best results/performance eating meals with quick digesting carbs and protein sources 30-60 min before working out and immediately post workout.  So basically whey based protein and simple carbs.

Then all other meals are whole food meals evenly spaced through the day with protein from lean meats and eggs. Carbs from mostly rice, potatoes, and oats. I have 4 whole food meals and 2 whey non whole food meals.

Typically I have a whey shake with Gerber baby rice cereal before working out.  The baby cereal is very digestible with little sugar.  After working out jts a shake and some breakfast cereal.  I tend to favor cinnamon toast crunch.  Blood sugar and glycogen is at its lowest point so its about the best time to allow for a little sugar/sweets.  I don't really do "high" days much any more where I go much higher carbs than typical but it I do want to go a little higher ill add a rice crispy treat to both the pre and post meal.  My 4 normal meals though I may add more carbs etc sometimes but never sugary stuff like my meals around my workouts.
Link Posted: 11/19/2023 3:02:09 PM EDT
I usually eat about 90 min to 2 hours before working out. Half cup rice and 4 oz ground turkey. Mostly just to keep me from getting hungry during the workout as I train after work around 6 pm.
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