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Posted: 7/3/2018 7:46:38 PM EDT
I was thinking about this the other day.  In some ways it almost seems as bad as the power going out (that might happen as a consequence, too) since so many things would just halt.  I work at a 400+ person manufacturing facility and even though none of our process equipment is networked, we would be crippled.  No e-mail (off-site server, wouldn't surprise me if it's in China), no phones as all of them except for 1 at security are IP phones and even those are going away to be replaced with everything going through skype, no way to do planning, can't access networked drives (all off-site), etc.

Aside from these minor issues in the grand scheme of things, what else stops working due to the internet being out?

Credit card processing including EBT?  I know most places at least around here have dial up backups, but if the internet was truly out would that stop the servers at the other end from working?  Do regular land lines still keep working?

Cell phones?  Do cell towers usually still have a POTS line or two, or do they all use the internet backbone to connect in some way?

Flight tracking/timing/etc?

Power generation?

Even tv and radio would be hit.  Lots of them get their programming from an internet data connection.

I know due to the way it is designed the entire internet going dead at one time is unlikely, but what else are we taking for granted when it comes to interconnected communications?
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 8:07:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 8:35:14 PM EDT
CQ CQ de...
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 8:46:38 PM EDT
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CQ CQ de...
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And a good book!  73's
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 9:01:24 PM EDT
would have to break out the dual band mobile.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 9:21:42 PM EDT
South Park  covered what would happen in accurate detail.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 9:40:27 PM EDT
Yep. South Park did it.
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 10:29:00 PM EDT
I'd have to dig up my old hard copy porn stash
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 11:11:36 PM EDT
My life would go back to a more peaceful time
Link Posted: 7/3/2018 11:27:21 PM EDT
Civil war would break out.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:30:03 AM EDT
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Civil war would break out.
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And then civilization would end.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 1:00:44 AM EDT
I'd fix it or create a new one and we'd be good to go.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 1:02:26 AM EDT
Well, I guess I wouldn't be able to order any more toys or MRE...  I would save money that's for sure!  

Realistically, I still have a regular twisted pair, but even those use networking at some point in the connections.

While service providers, and various server supplies could go down here and there, the internet is like a spider web of connections that would be hard to take down all at once.  Significant power outage caused by any number of reasons would be more of a concern.

With all that said I would refer to this chart and key up:

Link Posted: 7/4/2018 1:44:00 AM EDT
If the internet got shut off (I don't believe it would "stop working") I would be pretty sure things are about to get sporty. I think without much prompting the world would go into

Link Posted: 7/4/2018 2:06:53 AM EDT
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My life would go back to a more peaceful time
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Yeah, roughly the 1200's, because without electricity we'd regress to the 1800s, but we don't have the infrastructure for trade, healthcare, sanitation, refrigeration, food production and communications to only go back to the 1300s.

Banking and utilities would cease without computers, the infrastructure would crash, nobody could live in any hi-rises in the cities above the 5th floor, especially without working fire suppression, or climate controls in buildings with non-functional windows, and we dont have people who can make wagons or barrels or candles, or train horses, for daily life in the 1300s.

Without google and databases - nobody (95% of the population of 1st world countries) would know how to DO anything to survive.
50% of the 3rd world would starve if we stopped sending them food and ammunition.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 2:32:02 AM EDT
Mines has been out like 20 hours or so.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 2:48:45 AM EDT
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Yeah, roughly the 1200's, because without electricity we'd regress to the 1800s, but we don't have the infrastructure for trade, healthcare, sanitation, refrigeration, food production and communications to only go back to the 1300s.

Banking and utilities would cease without computers, the infrastructure would crash, nobody could live in any hi-rises in the cities above the 5th floor, especially without working fire suppression, or climate controls in buildings with non-functional windows, and we dont have people who can make wagons or barrels or candles, or train horses, for daily life in the 1300s.

Without google and databases - nobody (95% of the population of 1st world countries) would know how to DO anything to survive.
50% of the 3rd world would starve if we stopped sending them food and ammunition.
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Technology is here to stay, its not going away...  Don't need to make wagons from natural materials, there is no shortage of low resistance rolling dummy axles/ bearings in modern vehicles.  Plastic barrels and buckets wont disappear.  Things wouldn't be easy but everything modern wont disappear, contrary to many TEOTWAWKI fantasy scenarios...    Big city locations will be in trouble if it gets that bad, don't disagree with you there.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 11:36:42 AM EDT
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CQ CQ de...
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An almost forgotten language among the young.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 12:13:20 PM EDT
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Yeah, roughly the 1200's, because without electricity we'd regress to the 1800s, but we don't have the infrastructure for trade, healthcare, sanitation, refrigeration, food production and communications to only go back to the 1300s.

Banking and utilities would cease without computers, the infrastructure would crash, nobody could live in any hi-rises in the cities above the 5th floor, especially without working fire suppression, or climate controls in buildings with non-functional windows, and we dont have people who can make wagons or barrels or candles, or train horses, for daily life in the 1300s.

Without google and databases - nobody (95% of the population of 1st world countries) would know how to DO anything to survive.
50% of the 3rd world would starve if we stopped sending them food and ammunition.
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The OP said just if the internet would go down, not all the electricity.  Plus, computers work without the internet. Mine do.

BUT all the snowflakes would collapse without their net to rely on.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 1:48:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 5:07:52 PM EDT
I'd sure as hell get more done.
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 6:09:37 PM EDT
The millenials would all commit suicide
Link Posted: 7/4/2018 9:08:07 PM EDT
Yep! Us old timers can remember there being no Internet, cellphones, microwaves, and even AC was scarce!

Somehow we all survived just fine!
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 12:39:31 AM EDT

Cell phones?  Do cell towers usually still have a POTS line or two, or do they all use the internet backbone to connect in some way?
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Backhaul is usually either more wireless (different band, usually you'll see a small dish on the tower) or fiber.

Lots of internet carried on phones and lots of phones carried on internet. I doubt they can be separated.

Most the telco stuff can just be viewed as a separate, timing-sensitive network parallel to the internet.

It's really not possible for the whole internet to go down, due to the reasons you cite. It is possible,
however, for it to be broken into a thousand separate islands and with loss of access to things like
DNS servers, the average user is going to have a hard time accessing much in those islands.
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 9:57:04 AM EDT
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The millenials would all commit suicide
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We had an unplanned internet outage last Monday.  My daughter went nuts!

Me?  I just went to bed.

I have been at two grocery stores, one of which was Wal Mart, when they had internet outages.  If you had a credit or debit card, you could not pay for your purchase.  It was cash or check only.  Just in the few minutes I was there, Wal Mart had to lose hundreds of dollars in sales.  With the prevalence of credit and debit cards,  I can't believe they don't have an alternate method of processing credit cards, even dial up!
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 10:33:00 AM EDT
I'd have no job and be a broke joke  
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 10:47:34 AM EDT
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We had an unplanned internet outage last Monday.  My daughter went nuts!

Me?  I just went to bed.

I have been at two grocery stores, one of which was Wal Mart, when they had internet outages.  If you had a credit or debit card, you could not pay for your purchase.  It was cash or check only.  Just in the few minutes I was there, Wal Mart had to lose hundreds of dollars in sales.  With the prevalence of credit and debit cards,  I can't believe they don't have an alternate method of processing credit cards, even dial up!
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Long gone are the days of a manual credit card transaction...  Well at least for big chain stores.
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 10:54:42 AM EDT
Things would be tough for a lot of reasons for awhile in some areas and much better in others areas, such as social media's control of people's thoughts.  Then the country would start improving quickly as folks figured how much social media had been inappropriately controlling their lives and they had to start thinking for themselves instead of being led like lemmings.
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 11:09:58 AM EDT
I was in the mountains in Colorado a couple of years ago when someone managed to cut a main fiber trunk.  Internet and cell phone service were down for several hours.

The interesting thing was that most gas stations couldn't even pump gas...even if you had cash.  Almost all of the pumps are turned on by Internet connection now, apparently with no manual override.
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 11:32:29 AM EDT
At work, we'd have to figure out how to transfer programs to the CNC machines via the USB/card ports, at least the machines that have them, instead of the network.

It'd cut production WAY down, let me tell you. Still have a number of machines that are network only, no cards (not even the big old ones), no USB. I think they finally took the last floppy drives out of the older machines a few years ago.
I know they finally figured out how to (or installed a interface) get the wire EDM on the network. It was only 2-3 years ago they were using 3.5" floppies, then briefly USB sticks.
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 11:34:20 AM EDT
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We had an unplanned internet outage last Monday.  My daughter went nuts!

Me?  I just went to bed.

I have been at two grocery stores, one of which was Wal Mart, when they had internet outages.  If you had a credit or debit card, you could not pay for your purchase.  It was cash or check only.  Just in the few minutes I was there, Wal Mart had to lose hundreds of dollars in sales.  With the prevalence of credit and debit cards,  I can't believe they don't have an alternate method of processing credit cards, even dial up!
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hmm being monsoon season maybe I should up my emergency currency from a $20 bill to a $120. for me it would suck to have to head back home to get more cash in that event. I live pretty rural and most trips to any store exceed 15min one way.

Luckily my children are young still young (oldest being 10) they enjoy their Netflix and all but as of late I've had to throttle them down a bit and force them to be kids. Being in AZ it takes work as a parent to not succumb to the ease of just letting them watch tv or play Nintendo when it's hot out, taking a trip to the pool is fun and all but you can only do that so much or things around the house start to stack up.

One gripe I do have is it seem's like family support systems are a thing of the past. I know the wife and I have zero support aside from making a hour and a half drive to the in laws but even then they don't have the patients to watch the grandkids for more than a few hours. I remember growing up always having a aunt/uncle, grandma or grandpa to spend time with, heck we used to get put to work in the fields as adolescent kids during the summer and had a blast doing it. was money in our pockets and we often got to drive our grandfathers truck, mower and occasionally the tractor from about age 12ish. Now a days both parents often have to work to live comfortably, both grandparents have to work full time up to the wire and by retirement age they're tattered. I work with several guys who are well into their 70's and continue to work as they have an ill spouse and they won't make it without quality insurance, or their still supporting their 30-40 year old children and there children. it's pretty grim times it appears. I for one attribute a lot of these issues to the internet and ultimately American Greed! too to many people are all worried about what everybody has than to just live humble and enjoy the finer things in life like family, morals, values and thy fellow man.

I'll get off my soap box now. sorry for the winded rant
Link Posted: 7/5/2018 12:27:07 PM EDT
You can text on the ham radio APRS system.
You can also e-mail but that won't help if internet is down.

"Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio-based
system for real time digital communications of information of immediate
value in the local area.[1] Data can include object Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates,
weather station telemetry, text messages, announcements, queries, and other telemetry.
APRS data can be displayed on a map, which can show stations, objects, tracks of moving objects,
weather stations, search and rescue data, and direction finding data."
Link Posted: 7/8/2018 6:47:33 PM EDT
OMG, the world would end as we know it.
Link Posted: 7/9/2018 7:53:06 AM EDT
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We didn't have the internet 25yrs ago and survived just fine.

I think it would be great!

Kids would go outside and play again, people would socialize in person.
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Ask anyone below 25 in age to run a cr3dit card the old way, or write a check.
Then watch as they complain about 3 layer carbon paper and who keeps what.
Let alone the increase in carpal tunnel from the effort of sliding the copier over the card twice
Link Posted: 7/9/2018 11:14:13 AM EDT
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Ask anyone below 25 in age to run a cr3dit card the old way, or write a check.
Then watch as they complain about 3 layer carbon paper and who keeps what.
Let alone the increase in carpal tunnel from the effort of sliding the copier over the card twice
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Who even HAS one of those anymore?
Link Posted: 7/9/2018 4:26:52 PM EDT
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Who even HAS one of those anymore?
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Several of my cards don't even have the raised name/numbers necessary for an imprint.

I seriously doubt most stores have an imprint machine or even a stock of the slips.
Link Posted: 7/9/2018 7:57:17 PM EDT
I was thinking about this the other day.  In some ways it almost seems as bad as the power going out (that might happen as a consequence, too) since so many things would just halt.  I work at a 400+ person manufacturing facility and even though none of our process equipment is networked, we would be crippled.  No e-mail (off-site server, wouldn't surprise me if it's in China), no phones as all of them except for 1 at security are IP phones and even those are going away to be replaced with everything going through skype, no way to do planning, can't access networked drives (all off-site), etc.

Aside from these minor issues in the grand scheme of things, what else stops working due to the internet being out?
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Losing access to  PornHub is not a minor issue.  

We need to be thinking seriously about a work-around solution if the 'net were to go down tomorrow.
Link Posted: 7/10/2018 9:41:48 AM EDT
Wait! The Far Left Fake News Media has all ready said:
"With out Net Neutrality", The Internet is gone!!!

Link Posted: 7/10/2018 10:42:31 AM EDT
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Several of my cards don't even have the raised name/numbers necessary for an imprint.

I seriously doubt most stores have an imprint machine or even a stock of the slips.
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From a business management point of view, that drives me up a wall.  I learned management from my father, who spent over 20 years as an assistant and then store manager.  He taught me to make the sale.

Who carries enough cash on them to pay for a purchase or who carries a checkbook anymore?  I carry a few dollars, but not much, and haven't carried a checkbook in 15+ years.  From what i've seen at the stores, most folks are using credit cards or debit cards.  So when the internet goes down, cards can't be read and sales are lost.  If I owned a company or a business, i'd definitely try to find a backup way other than saying "sorry folks, can't sell to you today."
Link Posted: 7/10/2018 8:50:55 PM EDT
A week or two ago the internet service in my area went out for almost 5 hours. After 2 hours, my wife lost her marbles and proceeded to use our entire month’s worth of LTE.

She just “had” to send that picture and “had” to look up some random thing on google.

Yeah. I think we’d be boned if the internet went out for more than a few days.
Link Posted: 7/10/2018 9:11:34 PM EDT
I wouldn't be able to reach ARFCOM and would assume it was FO time.
Link Posted: 7/10/2018 10:41:29 PM EDT
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Several of my cards don't even have the raised name/numbers necessary for an imprint.

I seriously doubt most stores have an imprint machine or even a stock of the slips.
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Who even HAS one of those anymore?
Several of my cards don't even have the raised name/numbers necessary for an imprint.

I seriously doubt most stores have an imprint machine or even a stock of the slips.
A winery we went to a few months ago had a power outage. We left and came back and their power was still out but the older employee working had found their imprint machine so we could buy a few bottles. I hadn't seen one of those since I was a kid.
Link Posted: 7/10/2018 11:00:00 PM EDT
I've been to an area that had its internet blown offline. It wasn't fun. Businesses were cash only because there was no comms to the banks. No cash? Too bad, sucks to be you. The ability to order supplies and the business logistics pipeline in general failed. Some of the big-box stores (Wallyworld, HomieDepot, others) had to create their own logistics pipelines before they could reopen. Businesses without that wherewithal just had to close up and wait.

Sending e-mail required using a ham radio and Winlink to connect to someplace off the island. If somebody clobbered the root servers, even that wouldn't be available.

We've become so accustomed to having the internet at our beck and call that when we don't have it, we're suddenly at a loss for how to entertain ourselves. There were times when I didn't have cell or internet in the evenings that I just decided to go to bed at 9-930. Probably just as well since I was working 11 hour days 7 days a week.
Link Posted: 7/11/2018 7:56:04 AM EDT
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I've been to an area that had its internet blown offline. It wasn't fun. Businesses were cash only because there was no comms to the banks. No cash? Too bad, sucks to be you.
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I've been to an area that had its internet blown offline. It wasn't fun. Businesses were cash only because there was no comms to the banks. No cash? Too bad, sucks to be you.
Not only that, but how chaotic and likely violent would the immediate run on every bank become?  People with at least some assets/accounts/SD boxes wanting to withdraw all of it right now in cash. Banks only keep a relatively limited supply of hard green cash on hand.

For example, my wife worked at a major banking institution in the late '90s in the run up to Y2K, which as we now know was a nothing-fizzle. But in the fall of 1999,  there were several 'anticipatory' panic runs on banks in our area after rumors spread, along with one or two front page news reports, of banks not having enough cash reserves for hand-to-hand withdrawals if Y2K shut down vaults and electronic transactions due to electricity loss.

For a few days there were long lines of panicky folks trying to get inside to a teller to withdraw cash, and lines of cars waiting to go thru the drive-thru ATM line.

The ability to order supplies and the business logistics pipeline in general failed. Some of the big-box stores (Wallyworld, HomieDepot, others) had to create their own logistics pipelines before they could reopen. Businesses without that wherewithal just had to close up and wait.

Sending e-mail required using a ham radio and Winlink to connect to someplace off the island. If somebody clobbered the root servers, even that wouldn't be available.

We've become so accustomed to having the internet at our beck and call that when we don't have it, we're suddenly at a loss for how to entertain ourselves. There were times when I didn't have cell or internet in the evenings that I just decided to go to bed at 9-930. Probably just as well since I was working 11 hour days 7 days a week.
Yep, good points.
Link Posted: 7/11/2018 1:14:13 PM EDT
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The OP said just if the internet would go down, not all the electricity.  Plus, computers work without the internet. Mine do.

BUT all the snowflakes would collapse without their net to rely on.
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Yeah, roughly the 1200's, because without electricity we'd regress to the 1800s, but we don't have the infrastructure for trade, healthcare, sanitation, refrigeration, food production and communications to only go back to the 1300s.

Banking and utilities would cease without computers, the infrastructure would crash, nobody could live in any hi-rises in the cities above the 5th floor, especially without working fire suppression, or climate controls in buildings with non-functional windows, and we dont have people who can make wagons or barrels or candles, or train horses, for daily life in the 1300s.

Without google and databases - nobody (95% of the population of 1st world countries) would know how to DO anything to survive.
50% of the 3rd world would starve if we stopped sending them food and ammunition.
The OP said just if the internet would go down, not all the electricity.  Plus, computers work without the internet. Mine do.

BUT all the snowflakes would collapse without their net to rely on.

You really have no idea how much of the stuff you take for granted relies on networked connections, do you?  Seriously, banking, manufacturing, food distribution, maintenance of utilities... I'm not sure what you use your computers for, but most of ours at work need an internet connection to be anything more than a paperweight. If the intranet went down (which it likely would in short order) then every one of them would be a paperweight.

The 1200's might be a stretch, but it would take quite a bit of time to get things back to just an 1800's level of productivity.
Link Posted: 7/11/2018 5:11:58 PM EDT
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From a business management point of view, that drives me up a wall.  I learned management from my father, who spent over 20 years as an assistant and then store manager.  He taught me to make the sale.

Who carries enough cash on them to pay for a purchase or who carries a checkbook anymore?  I carry a few dollars, but not much, and haven't carried a checkbook in 15+ years.  From what i've seen at the stores, most folks are using credit cards or debit cards.  So when the internet goes down, cards can't be read and sales are lost.  If I owned a company or a business, i'd definitely try to find a backup way other than saying "sorry folks, can't sell to you today."
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It's not the end of the world....
You can still sell to customers that HAVE MONEY.
Link Posted: 7/11/2018 10:18:32 PM EDT
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It's not the end of the world....
You can still sell to customers that HAVE MONEY.
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From a business management point of view, that drives me up a wall.  I learned management from my father, who spent over 20 years as an assistant and then store manager.  He taught me to make the sale.

Who carries enough cash on them to pay for a purchase or who carries a checkbook anymore?  I carry a few dollars, but not much, and haven't carried a checkbook in 15+ years.  From what i've seen at the stores, most folks are using credit cards or debit cards.  So when the internet goes down, cards can't be read and sales are lost.  If I owned a company or a business, i'd definitely try to find a backup way other than saying "sorry folks, can't sell to you today."
It's not the end of the world....
You can still sell to customers that HAVE MONEY.
Translation: you can still make a fraction of the sales of your competition.  Not a great business decision.
Link Posted: 7/12/2018 11:32:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 7/13/2018 8:24:22 AM EDT
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Translation: you can still make a fraction of the sales of your competition.  Not a great business decision.
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Agreed.  If you watch the next time you go to Walmart or the grocery store, most people are paying by credit or debit card.  If you lose the ability to process credit/debit card transactions, you lose sales.
Link Posted: 7/15/2018 4:11:25 PM EDT
The building next to me was a gas station from 1946 till 1974. I bought it many years ago and it still has a manual CC machine and boxes of three copy carbon slips up in the attic.
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