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Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:27:43 AM EDT
I went back to college at 40 to add some computer courses that were not around when I went through the first time. Had to take some econ and accounting courses for the degree. I knew I was in trouble when the professors were younger than me and never worked a day in the real world. Some of the assumptions in class were just

Thorton Mellon in "Back to School" was not that far off when he showed up the snooty professor.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:45:33 AM EDT
I’m pretty much in the same boat. 46 and getting ready to go back to school. I should be able to get through it debt free or at least damn close. Looking for a drastic career change. I figure even if it’s a lateral move financially the conditions I have to work in will be infinitely better
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:45:56 AM EDT
I went back at 35 for my masters in information science. Some classes were cake but there were a few that really kicked my butt with a ton of hard work. Of course, those were the ones where I learned the most.

My work payed for about 85% of mine and I was able to pretty much immediately apply a lot of the skills I learned so it was worth it for me.

It sucked while I was doing it though, working all day and school on nights sucks.

One thing that kept me going though was to look around. OMG were there some stupid ass people there and I figured if they are doing it then I can and will do it too.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:52:30 AM EDT
I went back at 47. Chicks aren't worth going back for. They're like 12. Maybe you'll get a hot teacher.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:55:49 AM EDT
I'm older than 40 and younger than 50. Any tips? Any older guys do this? Experiences? Chicks?
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The contracting folks in .gov acquisitions always seem to need people. Getting a warrant seems to be the fast trask to securing a good paying position.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:11:18 AM EDT
Started online classes after being out of school for years. I should hopefully be done with my BS next week sometime. I really dragged ass when I started but got used to the work and I have been knocking classes out.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:25:27 AM EDT
What level of education are you looking at? A bachelor's to masters is different than Highschool to bachelors. If you're shooting for a bachelor's, can you handle all of the bullshit electives (This is where the commie bullshit tends to lay), and presumably foreign language classes required? Does it make financial sense at your age? I graduated community college in 2012 or 13 and subsequently dropped out of university shortly after (couldn't afford it, not because I was a dumb dumb). I could not see myself going back to a traditional school ever again because the bullshit was already palpable back then and I'm sure it's only gotten exponentially worse since. I am going the certification and licensure route now, which is something to consider if your career path has a viable route through those means, as it's generally significantly cheaper, and you only learn what you need to learn and there's no communist fluff classes you have to pay out of the ass for. In my case I would need a bachelor's to get the highest license in the field, and I'm not currently interested in that at all anyway.

If you already have a bachelors and the only viable way to move up in whatever your field is, is to get a masters/doc/post doc, then it might make more sense, before you factor cost to benefit at least.

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:27:33 AM EDT
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I am also considering saying f-it on an upper management job and going to nursing school.  

I can legit work full time at both jobs.  But I'd get murdered on taxes.
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You would probably have trouble with the math classes.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:33:46 AM EDT
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Did my BA at night classes after working a full time job for years from age 25-30ish. The other students thought I was old even then. 40-50s? Yeah, you aren't gonna have a place in the college babe scene like on Pornhub so fugettaboutit.
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You would be surprised. Granted OP has to look good for 40s to 50s, but I've been privy to enough ladies room talk to tell you with absolute confidence that they don't have any qualms chasing older guys (again, if they look good). My favorite was a chick that was going on about how Robert Di Niro was fuckable, and that conversation was only a couple years ago now, so he was still in his 70s when that took place.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:41:37 AM EDT
Do it.  Older college grad here

ETA: Nursing is a great choice for a career change.  Great ROI
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:41:41 AM EDT
Do it bitch. I am early 30's so not quite your age, but I can still vouch for going back as a "non-traditional" student.

I went back in 2018 and am just finishing up my last semester. I had difficulty the first time around as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, and didn't want to go into debt just to get a degree. Now that my company will pay for school  it was a no brainer to go back. When I was younger I had difficulty just making myself buckle down and do the thing, however, now that I am older/more mature it is easy mode.

Also, as someone else already said kids these days are fucking retarded.

How I feel while reading some of their posts on the weekly discussions:

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:48:28 AM EDT
I am currently working on my last 2 classes.  As a working adult, let me tell you IT FUCKING SUCKS!  
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I was 40 when I finally graduated.  It wasn't any easier the 2nd time around, but this time I had a reason to finish.
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My experience was not the same as yours. I found it to be way easier after going back.

Being older, knowing how to handle your time and responsibilities, and knowing how the world works made school a lot easier. (It also helped that my old ass gets hangovers now, and I can't go out and drink five nights a week like I did when I was younger.)

And now, with everything being digital, I didn't have to worry about losing my syllabus, because it is posted to the class website. I didn't have to worry about copying somebody's notes if I couldn't make it to a class, because the lecture slides were posted to the class website. When I had to do research, I could get better results from twenty minutes on my cell phone or laptop than I could in a half a day at the library twenty years ago. Every assignment, quiz, and test is automatically on a calendar that you can add to your phone. Lecture sucks? No problem, you can find thirty other lectures on the same topic on YouTube, EdX, Coursera, Khan Academy, or one of the other similar sites. I didn't have to stand in line to register for classes when I went back--I just registered online, after checking out all the professors on RateMyProfessors.

It is difficult to overstate how much easier it is now than even 20 years ago.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:52:36 AM EDT
Do ett, pick a good program, speak with advisors in the program (not just the university), map out any prerequisites, bang them out at a community college, take the classes very seriously.

Also start jogging, lifting weights and reading about nootropics now
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 5:13:39 AM EDT
Have fun going around the room the first day of class and specifying your pronouns.

People at my job are starting to include them in their email signatures.

Whole goddamned world's gone crazy.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 7:44:42 AM EDT
I'd wait till the pandemic is over - if you are looking to relive that college experience. Pretty sure the kids in college right now are taking online classes from their dorm rooms.

Talking to my nephews who are both in college, they tell me the online classes are a major pain in the ass. What used to be a 45 minute to hour long classroom lecture now takes 3 hours of more to complete per day.

Oldest nephew is a senior and the whole covid thing has ruined his college experience.

I'm 45 and enjoying early retirement. Could go for my Masters but why bother?

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:04:57 AM EDT
I think the key part of that phrase is "back"  I don't go backwards myself.  At your age you should have skills and contacts that give you the advantages a degree does.  Although not necessarily in the same field.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:14:56 AM EDT
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I'd wait till the pandemic is over - if you are looking to relive that college experience. Pretty sure the kids in college right now are taking online classes from their dorm rooms.

Talking to my nephews who are both in college, they tell me the online classes are a major pain in the ass. What used to be a 45 minute to hour long classroom lecture now takes 3 hours of more to complete per day.

Oldest nephew is a senior and the whole covid thing has ruined his college experience.

I'm 45 and enjoying early retirement. Could go for my Masters but why bother?

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I'm 46 now and will be 48-49 when I finish. I'll admit that I'm getting the BSN and the Health Care Administration Bachelors for the bump in pay. I do not plan on using the BSN to take care of patients. I'm getting it for the letters behind my name and to pad the resume.

I am currently working as an LVN making damn good money in the civil service sector. Once I have the two degrees, I hope to transition into a department supervisory role. Once I have the "high three" pay, I'm going to retire.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:15:20 AM EDT
Wife had a two year degree and was constantly complaining about the pay differences in the hospital she worked at. When we first started dating 12 years ago she went back to school and then stopped. She finally started back this year at age 45 and is struggling , but will do fine once she gets a rhythm going.

Find a rhythm , set a schedule , and don't forget to walk away for some down time when you can. These days everything is online , so it makes work and school much easier. Amazing how things have changed as well as opinions to online classes and schooling.

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:15:56 AM EDT
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Have fun going around the room the first day of class and specifying your pronouns.

People at my job are starting to include them in their email signatures.

Whole goddamned world's gone crazy.
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I only had to do that once. I said "I don't care what you call me. I promise I won't get bent out of shape over it."
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:27:36 AM EDT
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Wife had a two year degree and was constantly complaining about the pay differences in the hospital she worked at. When we first started dating 12 years ago she went back to school and then stopped. She finally started back this year at age 45 and is struggling , but will do fine once she gets a rhythm going.

Find a rhythm , set a schedule , and don't forget to walk away for some down time when you can. These days everything is online , so it makes work and school much easier. Amazing how things have changed as well as opinions to online classes and schooling.

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It's because now legitimate schools have online programs, it's not just all University of Phoenix.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:30:15 AM EDT
For a long time, I wanted to get my master's and doctorate in political science or history.

With the nuclear dumpster fires that universities have become even since the '80s, I can't think of why I'd want to, even if somebody else paid for it.

If you want to learn history, you read Glantz, Conquest and Applebaum.

If you want to learn infantile Marxist bullshit, you go to college.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:37:38 AM EDT
I'm older than 40 and younger than 50. Any tips? Any older guys do this? Experiences? Chicks?
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Ha, ha, ha.

I dare you!

You might as well try and screw a platypus.

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:41:45 AM EDT
Ahhh college.

I had a GREAT time in my early 20s.

I also love telling the millennials I work with that I graduated from college in 1995 when we're discussing schools.  I get a lot of looks.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:43:25 AM EDT
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As a general rule, the older guys tend to have their shit together, be more serious, and be much better at time management.

If you decide to do it, it will probably be pretty easy for you.  
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I did it at 43. This was my exp. Masters netted me $10k more a year instantly. Online so no yoga pants
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:45:36 AM EDT
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Do it. Will be the time of your life and you will be an object to young females - they will get wet from you with all your middle-aged idiosyncrasies and fallibility. Go big though, college girls are size queens, the very idea of a voluminous peen sends them into spiritual rapture. So emphasize this, either through very tight jeans, or if needed, stuff a tightly-rolled old t-shirt down there. it doesn't matter how, just emphasize the gondola, as we call it in the size community. it won't matter what you say, you will be able to spout-off all your borderline boomer tropes and gibberish without repercussion. As an older man, you will inevitablly accidentally chit yourself in class at some point, we all do it. But if you are "Flexing the Gondola," as we say, they won't care....chit your pants, wax borderline racist rhetoric, talk about voting machines, wear your Glock tutleneck, whatever you want. They will be so distracted by the prodigous older man in their vicinity, you will fly above all the social justice-Marxist- anti-American gibberish they spew.

Pro Tip: When you are sitting across from them talking, subtly use your hands to form a square or diamond and rest it upon your stack. There is a reason artists frame their work, it draws the eye in. Anytime you are talking to any woman, you should be framing YOUR art. Make her fight the stare. Make her get neck and jaw spasms from craning a peak as you wave to Mr. Egerton, your English Lit professor across the Quad. "Always be framing" as my Grandfather used to say. Just be subtle but efficient. For example, anytime I leave a restroom, i get a paper towel on exit I start patting and wiping my crotchal-proud, as we call it. Every woman within 37 feet of the bathroom door will immediately find themselves gazing at the art. Go to college, frame it, get drunk with a homely gal, prosper.
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Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:47:08 AM EDT
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I went back at 47. Chicks aren't worth going back for. They're like 12. Maybe you'll get a hot teacher.
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some of the older students are pretty damn hot.

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:48:44 AM EDT
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I'd wait till the pandemic is over - if you are looking to relive that college experience. Pretty sure the kids in college right now are taking online classes from their dorm rooms.

Talking to my nephews who are both in college, they tell me the online classes are a major pain in the ass. What used to be a 45 minute to hour long classroom lecture now takes 3 hours of more to complete per day.

Oldest nephew is a senior and the whole covid thing has ruined his college experience.
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that's how it is for my nephew who is a sophomore at an elite college.  He said it's like being at a prison camp
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:49:43 AM EDT
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You might as well try and screw a platypus.

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did you know platypuses die when they have sex?
the one I fucked did.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:52:15 AM EDT
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I heard chicks are more into anal these days so thats a plus
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They're also really into eating ass for some reason. I say go for it!
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 11:55:43 AM EDT
Should be a breeze since you have some real world experience and work ethic.

ETA i went back to school for nursing 10 years ago, great decision. If I didn't have young kids I could pay off my house in a year with all the contract work.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:26:33 PM EDT
I went back for my masters and finished at 35.  One of the better decisions I have made.

It was actually a very pleasant experience, even enjoyable at sometimes.

Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:35:24 PM EDT
If there's no return on the investment - why?
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 12:51:04 PM EDT
Having been employed at a University for 28 years and putting two daughters through college, you need to completely take the "chicks" aspect out of the equation.  You are going to be referred to as "grandpa" by the students if you're over 30.  And if you try hitting on any of them, you will become known as "The old perv in the class"  Just some perspective.  
But go for it.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:02:59 PM EDT
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Having been employed at a University for 28 years and putting two daughters through college, you need to completely take the "chicks" aspect out of the equation.  You are going to be referred to as "grandpa" by the students if you're over 30.  And if you try hitting on any of them, you will become known as "The old perv in the class"  Just some perspective.  
But go for it.
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This is the part that is keeping you blinded.

Many daughters don't have daddies around to put them through college
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:06:39 PM EDT
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Do it. Will be the time of your life and you will be an object to young females - they will get wet from you with all your middle-aged idiosyncrasies and fallibility. Go big though, college girls are size queens, the very idea of a voluminous peen sends them into spiritual rapture. So emphasize this, either through very tight jeans, or if needed, stuff a tightly-rolled old t-shirt down there. it doesn't matter how, just emphasize the gondola, as we call it in the size community. it won't matter what you say, you will be able to spout-off all your borderline boomer tropes and gibberish without repercussion. As an older man, you will inevitablly accidentally chit yourself in class at some point, we all do it. But if you are "Flexing the Gondola," as we say, they won't care....chit your pants, wax borderline racist rhetoric, talk about voting machines, wear your Glock tutleneck, whatever you want. They will be so distracted by the prodigous older man in their vicinity, you will fly above all the social justice-Marxist- anti-American gibberish they spew.

Pro Tip: When you are sitting across from them talking, subtly use your hands to form a square or diamond and rest it upon your stack. There is a reason artists frame their work, it draws the eye in. Anytime you are talking to any woman, you should be framing YOUR art. Make her fight the stare. Make her get neck and jaw spasms from craning a peak as you wave to Mr. Egerton, your English Lit professor across the Quad. "Always be framing" as my Grandfather used to say. Just be subtle but efficient. For example, anytime I leave a restroom, i get a paper towel on exit I start patting and wiping my crotchal-proud, as we call it. Every woman within 37 feet of the bathroom door will immediately find themselves gazing at the art. Go to college, frame it, get drunk with a homely gal, prosper.
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You gave me a good laugh.  
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:07:02 PM EDT
Waste of time and money.
Go to gunsmithing school so you can make smg’s for bikers when they ban guns like in Australia and the world goes all MadMax and stuff.

I went back after 12 years in the service and ended up competing with kids in their 20’s. Would have done better in the trades.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:09:20 PM EDT
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Should be a breeze since you have some real world experience and work ethic.

ETA i went back to school for nursing 10 years ago, great decision. If I didn't have young kids I could pay off my house in a year with all the contract work.
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Can you explain what you mean by contract work?
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:19:08 PM EDT
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Do it.  Older college grad here

ETA: Nursing is a great choice for a career change.  Great ROI
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I second this. You can make very good money in nursing with the right experience
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:23:08 PM EDT
I am doing it at 39.  Started back in october with Calculus 1 after basically a 20 year break in math.  to finish off 5 courses left for a bs after trasferring in credits.  Finishing Calculus 2 in 3 weeks.  The rest should be down hill after that.  Doing online.

There is really great math help on youtube.  I have literally learned Calc 1 and 2 via youtube.  If you need math help checkout kahn academy or professor leonard on youtube.  

Good luck.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:26:58 PM EDT
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They're also really into eating ass for some reason. I say go for it!
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I heard chicks are more into anal these days so thats a plus

They're also really into eating ass for some reason. I say go for it!

this guy cracks me up!

Girl talks about eating ass
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:28:12 PM EDT
There's a certain level of bullshit you're gonna deal with. And my deal wasn't necessarily going to the classes and taking tests, it was the fucking projects. Every 2 to 3 weeks, there was some paper or presentation or group project. Shit gets old busting your ass for things that don't mean anything and you don't get paid for.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:31:50 PM EDT
I would be sending people crying & screaming to their safe spaces if I went back to school right now. I dont think mu opinions would settle well w/ this generation.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:35:02 PM EDT
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As a general rule, the older guys tend to have their shit together, be more serious, and be much better at time management.

If you decide to do it, it will probably be pretty easy for you.  
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This. Not being an idiot, showing up on time and turning in assignments on time virtually guarantees a C in almost anything* even if you have no talent for the subject. The immaturity and lack of discipline among the "traditional" students will be shocking.

*does not apply to math.
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 1:45:53 PM EDT
Finished mt BSN online @ 48 y/o. Get a Rx for Adderall. It'll be over before you know it!
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 2:21:25 PM EDT
Thanks for all the responses, everyone!
Link Posted: 2/25/2021 3:22:51 PM EDT
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Couple hundred k in student loan debt at that age?
It'd never get paid back.

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Link Posted: 2/25/2021 3:51:05 PM EDT
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this guy cracks me up!

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I haven't laughed like that in a long time.
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