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Posted: 8/28/2008 6:10:56 PM EDT
We're in trouble if this turdwad gets elected.

Link Posted: 8/28/2008 6:12:46 PM EDT
Thank you for that insight.
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 6:38:17 PM EDT
Here's some more for you MOTOWN, you have over 33 THOUSAND posts on this message board. You need to get a life man.

Link Posted: 8/28/2008 6:57:09 PM EDT
so do you make bows or something?
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 6:58:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 7:29:27 PM EDT
I watched the speech on Fox News.  He is a charismatic bastard, and we are sooooo screwed.
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 7:45:26 PM EDT
Has this been posted in any other place? Maybe GD should be made aware.
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 8:06:45 PM EDT

Here's some more for you MOTOWN, you have over 33 THOUSAND posts on this message board. You need to get a life man.


At least my 33,000 posts are worth reading.
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 8:14:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 8:27:13 PM EDT

Here's some more for you MOTOWN, you have over 33 THOUSAND posts on this message board. You need to get a life man.


Michael Dudikoff is on to you!
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 8:32:23 PM EDT
******************* But obviously that didnt happen. We are so screwed if this bastard wins. See how he promised all this free shit? But didnt even say how he's gonna pay for it. I remember being raped by taxes when Slick Willy was in office. Its going to be even worse than that if this douchebag gets in there.

Now that he's taken his cheap shots at McCain I wonder what they are going to fire back with? Im still hoping that that elusive video where M.O. is supposed be be caught talking down to "whitey" is published....if it even exsists.

~ Please don't post that stuff.  COC #4...  Soowah
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 8:44:32 PM EDT
That sux.

What are some of the things that will be banned/outlawed/restricted/etc first, say, if he was elected???
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 9:03:47 PM EDT

That sux.

What are some of the things that will be banned/outlawed/restricted/etc first, say, if he was elected???

Well, the US Supreme Court recently decided that firearms which are in common use cannot be banned by the Federal Government, so to be honest with you I am not overly concerned with new bans. I am concerned about the possibility of licensing, registration and the ever increasing list of prohibited persons though.
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 9:08:40 PM EDT


That's not a very smart thing to say on the internet. Obama is still a US Senator as well as a candidate for the presidency.

Besides, if you think that anything would be solved by someone assassinating Obama then you are dead wrong. There were very violent riots in many American cities when MLK was assassinated and there have been two riots in my lifetime over police brutalizing blacks (Los Angeles and Benton Harbor Michigan). Assassinating the first viable black contender for the Presidency of the United States would spark an open race war all over this nation.

edited quote. Soowah
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 9:10:59 PM EDT
He keeps preaching "CHANGE!", however with his time in the senate(BTW, NOT DUE TO OUR TEXAS VOTES) he has toted the party line to keep his senate seat. If he really wanted "CHANGE", he should have spent his time beating his drum there!!! When is he going to be called the hypocrite he really is?
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 9:30:09 PM EDT
well....At least we know where he stands regarding 2A.....not so sure about flip flopping McCain.
I'll cast my vote for Bob Barr this november.
Link Posted: 8/28/2008 10:05:58 PM EDT


That sux.

What are some of the things that will be banned/outlawed/restricted/etc first, say, if he was elected???

Well, the US Supreme Court recently decided that firearms which are in common use cannot be banned by the Federal Government, so to be honest with you I am not overly concerned with new bans. I am concerned about the possibility of licensing, registration and the ever increasing list of prohibited persons though.

Sorry, just read the Top 10 "changes" in gun control Obama wants to implement in my American Rifleman, courtesy of the NRA.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 3:25:23 AM EDT



There were very violent riots in many American cities when MLK was assassinated and there have been two riots in my lifetime over police brutalizing blacks (Los Angeles and Benton Harbor Michigan). Assassinating the first viable black contender for the Presidency of the United States would spark an open race war all over this nation.

I had that very thought while viewing the messiah last night.
If something happened to him this Nation burn for weeks/ months.
(Coast to coast Katrina with more violence)
Not a good thing at all. AQ and the likes would love it.
To add insult to injury Biden would be POTUS with a Pelosi waiting in the wings.
If BHO gets the prize we need to keep that POS alive.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 4:20:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 4:58:11 AM EDT
So, where can I get a good AK-47 in Houston? Pruett's? Sounds like JJ... I mean Obama, wants to make it impossible to get one in the US. Figure I better act fast and put some under ground in the back yard like a damn Iraqi.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 5:32:28 AM EDT




There were very violent riots in many American cities when MLK was assassinated and there have been two riots in my lifetime over police brutalizing blacks (Los Angeles and Benton Harbor Michigan). Assassinating the first viable black contender for the Presidency of the United States would spark an open race war all over this nation.

I had that very thought while viewing the messiah last night.
If something happened to him this Nation burn for weeks/ months.
(Coast to coast Katrina with more violence)
Not a good thing at all. AQ and the likes would love it.
To add insult to injury Biden would be POTUS with a Pelosi waiting in the wings.
If BHO gets the prize we need to keep that POS alive.

I believe if he doesn't win there will be rioting in the streets.

More Ammo, Lockdown the Ponderosa. Barricade the neighborhood. Set up perimeter alarms..etc...
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 5:36:12 AM EDT



That's not a very smart thing to say on the internet. Obama is still a US Senator as well as a candidate for the presidency.

Besides, if you think that anything would be solved by someone assassinating Obama then you are dead wrong. There were very violent riots in many American cities when MLK was assassinated and there have been two riots in my lifetime over police brutalizing blacks (Los Angeles and Benton Harbor Michigan). Assassinating the first viable black contender for the Presidency of the United States would spark an open race war all over this nation.

edited quote. Soowah

I apologize to everyone for saying that. Thanks to all for keeping me in check.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 6:45:57 AM EDT




That's not a very smart thing to say on the internet. Obama is still a US Senator as well as a candidate for the presidency.

Besides, if you think that anything would be solved by someone assassinating Obama then you are dead wrong. There were very violent riots in many American cities when MLK was assassinated and there have been two riots in my lifetime over police brutalizing blacks (Los Angeles and Benton Harbor Michigan). Assassinating the first viable black contender for the Presidency of the United States would spark an open race war all over this nation.

edited quote. Soowah

I apologize to everyone for saying that. Thanks to all for keeping me in check.

Well apparently censorship has aready happened without Obama even being sworn in yet. Does the First Amendment not mean shit on this board. Now the editing of gods makes the original poster sorry for speaking his mind. I don't agree with half the shit on this board but Everyone has the right to say what thay want.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 6:47:16 AM EDT
I don't care if you can't stand McCain, you need to get out and vote for him if for nothing else, at least to keep Obama out of there. Obama and Biden are so pro gun control its pathetic. Even with the Heller decision, there is no telling what gun control measures those two can come up with. Hang on to your hats.

Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:09:37 AM EDT





That's not a very smart thing to say on the internet. Obama is still a US Senator as well as a candidate for the presidency.

Besides, if you think that anything would be solved by someone assassinating Obama then you are dead wrong. There were very violent riots in many American cities when MLK was assassinated and there have been two riots in my lifetime over police brutalizing blacks (Los Angeles and Benton Harbor Michigan). Assassinating the first viable black contender for the Presidency of the United States would spark an open race war all over this nation.

edited quote. Soowah

I apologize to everyone for saying that. Thanks to all for keeping me in check.

Well apparently censorship has aready happened without Obama even being sworn in yet. Does the First Amendment not mean shit on this board. Now the editing of gods makes the original poster sorry for speaking his mind. I don't agree with half the shit on this board but Everyone has the right to say what thay want.

no they don't, advocation of violence is not protected speech.  That's middle-school civics class.  come on.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:09:44 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:20:32 AM EDT
Who???? Sarah Palin
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:26:14 AM EDT

Who???? Sarah Palin

The first films of her on Fox News just now were of her shooting an M4!

She's nice looking and wants to drill in ANWR. Sounds like a tough lady, hopefully, it will sway the Hitlery folks to come over to McCain.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:38:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:44:44 AM EDT


The first films of her on Fox News just now were of her shooting an M4!

She's nice looking and wants to drill in ANWR. Sounds like a tough lady, hopefully, it will sway the Hitlery folks to come over to McCain.

Yup....but there goes McCain argument about inexperience.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 7:56:11 AM EDT


Here's some more for you MOTOWN, you have over 33 THOUSAND posts on this message board. You need to get a life man.


At least my 33,000 posts are worth reading.

Well at least 32,500 + of them!

Link Posted: 8/29/2008 8:04:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 8:47:59 AM EDT




The first films of her on Fox News just now were of her shooting an M4!

She's nice looking and wants to drill in ANWR. Sounds like a tough lady, hopefully, it will sway the Hitlery folks to come over to McCain.

Yup....but there goes McCain argument about inexperience.

IMHO a 1 term Governor has way more political leadership experience than a 2 term senator.

Yep, and Obama isn't even that.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 2:09:16 PM EDT



Well apparently censorship has aready happened without Obama even being sworn in yet. Does the First Amendment not mean shit on this board. Now the editing of gods makes the original poster sorry for speaking his mind. I don't agree with half the shit on this board but Everyone has the right to say what thay want.

You're welcome to say anything you want, no one stopped that.

When you come into someone elses house you act polite and abide by the homeowners rules. When you type on this board you are in the owners house, you play by his rules or get asked to leave.

I could have just trashed this whole thing, but I felt atxjax had the internet version of a Freudian Slip.

I understand CC#4 but unless the poster says he wants to kill "said" person I think it's alittle to much censorship.
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 2:12:44 PM EDT
sorry for getting off topic on your thread Texasrecurve
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 3:20:47 PM EDT
sorry for getting off topic on your thread Texasrecurve he
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 3:26:02 PM EDT
I'm also hearing that she an NFA owner!
Link Posted: 8/29/2008 3:29:10 PM EDT
so do you make bows or something?

Yep, I'm just getting started.

Link Posted: 8/29/2008 4:50:07 PM EDT
I lost all respect for obama (no I wont capitalize) when I seen the video of him with Hillary and McCain(I think) and while playing the National Anthem he refused to put his hand over his heart. If anyone votes for him after that then maybe we need a cleansing of sorts.
Link Posted: 8/30/2008 7:23:07 AM EDT
Obama is just another road side warning along the road to doom.

The British Empire didn't become a joke overnight....It became minimalized a little at a time by poor leadership and societal erosion from within.

Same with America..

We're on the way down because we're fat and spoiled.

None of us really have to struggle through things like influenza epidemics that kill tens of thousands, ecomonic depressions that last a decade, or world wars against murderous racial supreme driven meglomaniacs.

Obama is only a viable option because most people live and breathe by what Lindsey Lohan did yesterday rather than what Jesus did..

We're a spoiled, selfish, gluttonous nation.....and the worthless, baby killing, homosexual promoting democrats are dragging us into their hellish lives...

There.....Unfortunately most people wold call that a "rant" from someone that is "extreme"....or a "Bible thumper" because I dare to say "Jesus".....

Man, I'm just a regular dude with a wife and kids. I work, I pay my taxes, I love my country, and I just HATE to see where this place is going and the world that my sons are going to have to live in well after I am taking a dirt nap..

UNfortunately people are more worried about offending someone than standing for everyone to see....

UNfortunately people would rather argue about nothing than do something about anything...

Unfortunately Americans spend twice as much on dog food every year than that which is given to all NPO religious organizations combined.

Not under my roof...

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Vote for McCain if for NO other reason....just because he is not Obama and at least he'll be a speed bump in the road of national erosion and eventual subjugation by the Communist Chinese and oil rich Arabs..

Vote McCain because he belongs to a party that does NOT represent abortionists and homosexual rights activists..

Vote McCain..
Link Posted: 8/30/2008 9:26:08 AM EDT

Obama is just another road side warning along the road to doom.

The British Empire didn't become a joke overnight....It became minimalized a little at a time by poor leadership and societal erosion from within.

Same with America..

We're on the way down because we're fat and spoiled.

None of us really have to struggle through things like influenza epidemics that kill tens of thousands, ecomonic depressions that last a decade, or world wars against murderous racial supreme driven meglomaniacs.

Obama is only a viable option because most people live and breathe by what Lindsey Lohan did yesterday rather than what Jesus did..

We're a spoiled, selfish, gluttonous nation.....and the worthless, baby killing, homosexual promoting democrats are dragging us into their hellish lives...

There.....Unfortunately most people wold call that a "rant" from someone that is "extreme"....or a "Bible thumper" because I dare to say "Jesus".....

Man, I'm just a regular dude with a wife and kids. I work, I pay my taxes, I love my country, and I just HATE to see where this place is going and the world that my sons are going to have to live in well after I am taking a dirt nap..

UNfortunately people are more worried about offending someone than standing for everyone to see....

UNfortunately people would rather argue about nothing than do something about anything...

Unfortunately Americans spend twice as much on dog food every year than that which is given to all NPO religious organizations combined.

Not under my roof...

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Vote for McCain if for NO other reason....just because he is not Obama and at least he'll be a speed bump in the road of national erosion and eventual subjugation by the Communist Chinese and oil rich Arabs..

Vote McCain because he belongs to a party that does NOT represent abortionists and homosexual rights activists..

Vote McCain..

I agree with +- 95% of this.  Very well spoken.  I haven't stepped into a church in over 20 years, except for a few weddings, (including my own), for personal reasons.  

But Osama MUST NOT be elected President.  I would sooner vote my old high school janitor to the office than that buffoon.  

I have no problem with a black man as my president.  When he loses, it will not be racially motivated.  It will be that his policies, when you can pin one down, are retarded.  
Link Posted: 8/30/2008 10:12:19 AM EDT
Interesting Obama video someone sent.... I'll be forwarding.


Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:40:56 AM EDT

Interesting Obama video someone sent.... I'll be forwarding.




Sort of a novice attempt.....but well meaning...

The most meaningful part of it is that it talks about the "Black Liberation Theology" topic that the media seems to be ignoring for some odd reason..
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 7:57:20 AM EDT
1) Remember, Hitler was a charismatic speaker.
2) A vote for Barr is virtually a vote for Obama.
3) The credibility of the mass media = the credibility of the National Enquirer.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 8:51:05 AM EDT
Me?  I'm voting for McCain if for no other reason than to get Palin experience to run for President in 4 or 8 years.

I can see it now.  Her first campaign promise would be a Class 3 weapon in every gunsafe.

That would get my vote!

Link Posted: 9/6/2008 9:09:12 AM EDT
I dont care who McInsane picked for his VP, this is still same big government, internationalist that shook hands with Kennedy in hopes of turning millions of illegals into Roman, err American citizens.  McCain is another Bush, more nation building, more globalism, more illegals, more stationing of troops all over the world to save the world from itself while the American tax payer foots the bill.

I wont apologize, forget or forgive.  

The next time a dump truck driven by an illegal mexican runs over a little girl, pat yourself on the back that you "made a choice" for president.

Obama is nothing more than a chocolate version of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin rolled into one.  It does not speak highly of this society, when he gets the amount of support that he does.   Then again, that depends on your world view, and with today's balkanized society, this shouldn't surprise me.

America has been on the wrong path for decades and neither of these ass clowns is going to change that.  

Link Posted: 9/6/2008 10:13:52 AM EDT

I dont care who McInsane picked for his VP, this is still same big government, internationalist that shook hands with Kennedy in hopes of turning millions of illegals into Roman, err American citizens.  McCain is another Bush, more nation building, more globalism, more illegals, more stationing of troops all over the world to save the world from itself while the American tax payer foots the bill.

I wont apologize, forget or forgive.  

The next time a dump truck driven by an illegal mexican runs over a little girl, pat yourself on the back that you "made a choice" for president.

Obama is nothing more than a chocolate version of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin rolled into one.  It does not speak highly of this society, when he gets the amount of support that he does.   Then again, that depends on your world view, and with today's balkanized society, this shouldn't surprise me.

America has been on the wrong path for decades and neither of these ass clowns is going to change that.  

Do you have an idea or suggestion that is better than McLame? This is certainly a case of lesser evils...IMHO...a lot less evil. Not voting is a vote.

I like Palin though...if John should pass on during his term...she seems tough and certainly has more spine than hussien obama.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 10:15:27 AM EDT
Oh, Texas could secede!!!! What about Austin though?
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 10:30:56 AM EDT

I dont care who McInsane picked for his VP, this is still same big government, internationalist that shook hands with Kennedy in hopes of turning millions of illegals into Roman, err American citizens.  McCain is another Bush, more nation building, more globalism, more illegals, more stationing of troops all over the world to save the world from itself while the American tax payer foots the bill.

I wont apologize, forget or forgive.  

The next time a dump truck driven by an illegal mexican runs over a little girl, pat yourself on the back that you "made a choice" for president.

Obama is nothing more than a chocolate version of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin rolled into one.  It does not speak highly of this society, when he gets the amount of support that he does.   Then again, that depends on your world view, and with today's balkanized society, this shouldn't surprise me.

America has been on the wrong path for decades and neither of these ass clowns is going to change that.  

I understand your thinking.  I was listening to the speeches during the convention.  The speakers kept up the promises of better times ahead, like they were looking for a chance to prove themselves.  Here's a thought.  They have held the White House for the last 8 years, and the legislative branch for 4 of the last 8.  why didn't they do these wonderful things they keep promising then?  They kept up the promises of conservative government, and conservative spending.  Last time I looked, they have been on a spending spree for the last 8 years that rival any democrat administration.

The republicans if I remember right came up with the patriot act, and other freedom limiting legislation, all the while, promising freedom and smaller government.  I can see why people are turned off by elections in this country.  One party promises bigger government, while the other party promises smaller government and then gives you bigger government.  

Link Posted: 9/6/2008 12:31:18 PM EDT

Oh, Texas could secede!!!! What about Austin though?

austin would be quarantined and starved out of existence.
Link Posted: 9/6/2008 1:32:36 PM EDT
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