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Posted: 3/16/2001 7:20:08 AM EDT
Ok, Lets say that a father, mother, aunt, uncle,  ect... want to buy a handgun or AR style gun for a son or daughter or something but this person is under 21.  Can the gun be passed as a gift legaly??
Link Posted: 3/16/2001 9:31:53 AM EDT
Although I can't comment on the Fed's laws, most states have different statutes governing gun possession, ownership and purchasing. Furthermore, states' laws differentiate between rifles and handgun.  The "record" of the minor and use for which it was given may also be a factor.  So to make a long story short...it depends.  I recommend you making two calls, one to your local ATF Office, and second to your local District Attorney.  Don't rely on police or others advice, as they aren't going to be the one's prosecuting you.  Illegal gun possession has become a hot topic and I suggest you get your information from the best source.  Good Luck
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