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Posted: 4/10/2006 11:22:56 AM EDT
They were here today.  This is at my new job but several times every year someone drops into beg for money.  I usually don’t have much of a problem with it.  Sweet-tarts for $2.00  sure.  Sign me up for the Girl Scout cookies.  World’ finest chocolate?  It’s nasty shit but I am good for a bar.  You know its bad chocolate when sea gulls won’t eat it…

This one takes the cake.  A cute girl came by and wanted me to “sponsor” her in a marathon in Alaska.  The company would match the funds if I donate.  So I get her to tell me the story.  Seems the short of it is I was being asked to finance part of a three day all expense paid vacation for TWO to anchorage and the surrounding area.  They would fly up.  Spend a day sight seeing, run the marathon, then one more day of goofing off and fly back.  Counting air travel she would be out a week of work and fellow employees and the company would pay for her vacation.

I told her go marathon off of a pier.  

Have you ever gotten this at work?
Sound like a deal?  Want to go fishing in AK on your fellow employees note?
Or am I just being a heartless bastard again?

Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:29:48 AM EDT
They try to push the United Way stuff, some people sell cookies, but nothing like a marathon
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:31:25 AM EDT
I won't even do the Girl Scout cookies, if you feed one of them then they expect you to pony-up for ALL of them so why even get it started?

I don't let my kid beg for special events either. If he comes home with the "candle" order form or the "holiday cards" or whatever, it gets sent straight back. My kid is NOT free labor for ne'er do wells posing as program directors. Just my .02, nothing more.

Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:36:28 AM EDT
i remember when i was a kid, had to raise money for trips for church and for school.....i remember how shitty I felt when I would knock on doors and the adults would shut them in my face. So when its legit I spend a few bucks for the candies and cookies.....I dont get assaulted with requests either. I maybe get 1 every other month.  
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:37:25 AM EDT
Thats obsurd, paid vacation to go run.

Off topic: how do you people with kids teach them about capitolism? How do you instill a work ethinc in them? How do you teach them the value of a dollar? And how do you do all this in a positive light? Nothing like working as a kid mowing lawns for a dollar then realizing that you are getting ripped off, then the kid says to himself "f&ck work,  I wanna be a socialist".
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:38:50 AM EDT
Last company I worked for, the kitchen workers came up with a reason to beg for money every other day...

"my boyfriend is an alcoholic, spent all of our money and now I can't pay the electric bill"

"They're going to cut off my water/phone/cable service if I don't give them some money by next week (said employee was "sick" the last three days)"

"My grandfather died <extends open hand>"

Eventually you become jaded and run the tisk of turning away someone who legitimately needs the help...

I don't work for the same company anymore (my marketing counterparts were jackasses) and this isn't a problem in my current environment.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:39:56 AM EDT
You heartless bastard........
can I borrow $100?
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:40:28 AM EDT

I won't even do the Girl Scout cookies, if you feed one of them then they expect you to pony-up for ALL of them so why even get it started?

I don't let my kid beg for special events either. If he comes home with the "candle" order form or the "holiday cards" or whatever, it gets sent straight back. My kid is NOT free labor for ne'er do wells posing as program directors. Just my .02, nothing more.


Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:41:03 AM EDT
sounds like quite a deal... i think i'll give it a shot
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:43:01 AM EDT
Reminds me of people who wanted me to help sponsor their missionary work to Sydney, Australia; and by "missionary work" I mean sightseeing, drinking, surfing, shrimp on the barbee, scuba/snorkeling, trips to the Outback, etc.  Basically a 6-month vacation.

Seems to me there are already plenty of Christians in Australia.  People, even goodie-two shoes Christians like these guys, not to say all Christians are like them, will try to take advantage of the generosity of others.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:43:35 AM EDT

I told her go marathon off of a pier.  

Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:45:10 AM EDT
I hate all of that at work begging shit. I never donate at work.

It used to really piss me off when the Navy would ride our ass about donating to all of these different causes (circa 1993-1997.)

Now. if you work in a building with a lot of women (banks come to mind) you are bombarded with requests for money. Just an observation.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:45:23 AM EDT
Hey guys, I have a "fund raiser" going on to help me get out of debt, just need $1 from everyone!!

Sound good??

I have heard that one before.....  
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:49:38 AM EDT

Thats obsurd, paid vacation to go run.

Off topic: how do you people with kids teach them about capitolism? How do you instill a work ethinc in them? How do you teach them the value of a dollar? And how do you do all this in a positive light? Nothing like working as a kid mowing lawns for a dollar then realizing that you are getting ripped off, then the kid says to himself "f&ck work,  I wanna be a socialist".

Off topic, but it's a hard one.  I basically am doing for my kids what my dad taught me.  First, the work I do for the family is just my part of being part of the family.  Dad didn't ask us to pay rent or get paid by us to fix the roof, so why would I get paid to pick up after the dog or mow the lawn.  That understood, he did give me jobs for pay so I would learn the value of money and told me that was why I was getting paid.  Mine are young, but I am paying them a pittance reward for picking up the pinecones that fall in the backyard.  They are too young to understand anything beyond earning and saving yet, but eventually we'll get onto investing.  The speeches against using credit started young - hopefully they sink in so they don't learn things the hard way like me (of course, my dad warned me the same way - so hopefully they are smarter than me too).
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:52:00 AM EDT

I won't even do the Girl Scout cookies, if you feed one of them then they expect you to pony-up for ALL of them so why even get it started?

I don't let my kid beg for special events either. If he comes home with the "candle" order form or the "holiday cards" or whatever, it gets sent straight back. My kid is NOT free labor for ne'er do wells posing as program directors. Just my .02, nothing more.


I agree.  Once you start buying something at the office from someone's kid, they all want something.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 11:55:37 AM EDT
This is why I enjoy working in a proper office at 230 Park Ave. (Ok, I'm not there anymore, but I'm still in the same sort of setting.) No f***ing bull***t or solicitations! How can you guys in the flyover bear working in such unprofessional places where such behavior is tolerated? I would jump out the window after the 2nd incident... A work place should be a place of work, and just that.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:16:56 PM EDT
I read one of those "Financial Tricks" books years ago, it had about every kind of "get Rich Quick" scheme there was...

Anyway, it had a whole chaprter about "Free Vacations" or how to make your vacation "Tax Deductible" (read: AUDIT BAIT) and had several ways including:

Talk to your pastor and get a bunch of people together for a group vacation, then call it "Mission Work" and deduct all your expenses.

Go on a job interview, where ever you might want to vacation (going to Hawaii? get a newspaper while you're there and look in the want ads for a similar position and then schedule an interview while you are there) to make the vacation "tax deductible".

Go to a "seminar" while you are on vacation at DisneyWorld (or whereever) and call it business expense)

Call your travel agent and get a "group rate" for travel to whereever, then factor in your own costs and high-pressure sell all your so-called "friends" into going on a cruis with you (and make sure you divvy up all your expenses between the prices you quote to your friends...)

Sounds like your situation came straight out of one of those books...
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:22:33 PM EDT
"I gave at the office. Er, I gave when your kid bothered me at dinner."

Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:26:01 PM EDT
Doesn't United Way support the NRA (as a 501c3)???
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:27:28 PM EDT

I hate all of that at work begging shit. I never donate at work.

Now. if you work in a building with a lot of women (banks come to mind) you are bombarded with requests for money. Just an observation.

And add "so & so is getting married/having a baby/retiring/lost X# of lbs on her diet" so please donate money/food/time for the party we're having for her Friday......

Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:31:31 PM EDT
I've heard of walks/ runs to fight/research disease, but they're local
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:32:38 PM EDT


Thats obsurd, paid vacation to go run.

Off topic: how do you people with kids teach them about capitolism? How do you instill a work ethinc in them? How do you teach them the value of a dollar? And how do you do all this in a positive light? Nothing like working as a kid mowing lawns for a dollar then realizing that you are getting ripped off, then the kid says to himself "f&ck work,  I wanna be a socialist".

Off topic, but it's a hard one.  I basically am doing for my kids what my dad taught me.  First, the work I do for the family is just my part of being part of the family.  Dad didn't ask us to pay rent or get paid by us to fix the roof, so why would I get paid to pick up after the dog or mow the lawn.  That understood, he did give me jobs for pay so I would learn the value of money and told me that was why I was getting paid.  Mine are young, but I am paying them a pittance reward for picking up the pinecones that fall in the backyard.  They are too young to understand anything beyond earning and saving yet, but eventually we'll get onto investing.  The speeches against using credit started young - hopefully they sink in so they don't learn things the hard way like me (of course, my dad warned me the same way - so hopefully they are smarter than me too).

Not to hijack the thread, but my wife got my kids a candy machine.  They sell skittles at the local grocery.  The money they make gets divided up into money to put back into the business, money to save, money to play with and money to donate.  When were at the store and they want candy or little toy I just ask "Did you bring your money?"  No fussing, no begging.  When they do have their money they think long and hard about what they'll spend it on.  They're 4 and 2 years old.  By the time they need more money they'll be able to buy a couple more machines and find other locations.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:34:54 PM EDT
Some girl awhile back tried to get me to help sponsor her for an AIDS walk.  I told her, "Why, I don't have AIDS".
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:37:21 PM EDT


I hate all of that at work begging shit. I never donate at work.

Now. if you work in a building with a lot of women (banks come to mind) you are bombarded with requests for money. Just an observation.

And add "so & so is getting married/having a baby/retiring/lost X# of lbs on her diet" so please donate money/food/time for the party we're having for her Friday......

At least with the food I'll get something back for it.

It's just a matter of keeping the free-loaders out.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:38:19 PM EDT


I hate all of that at work begging shit. I never donate at work.

Now. if you work in a building with a lot of women (banks come to mind) you are bombarded with requests for money. Just an observation.

And add "so & so is getting married/having a baby/retiring/lost X# of lbs on her diet" so please donate money/food/time for the party we're having for her Friday......

Christ Almighty!!

One of my girlfirend's coworkers is having a baby out of wedlock.  She notices no one has jumped at the chance to throw her a "baby shower" (parties for womenz where they babble and get gifts).
What does aforementioned whore do?  Asks the girlfriend if they're having her a shower.  Girlfriend concedes (why I don'y know...she doesn't want to do it either).  So now I've got to "find someplace to go" while they cackle, eat my food, and dirty up our home!!!!!!

WTF?  My girlfriend is her boss...it's not like she HAD to say yes either.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:42:57 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 12:53:33 PM EDT



I hate all of that at work begging shit. I never donate at work.

Now. if you work in a building with a lot of women (banks come to mind) you are bombarded with requests for money. Just an observation.

And add "so & so is getting married/having a baby/retiring/lost X# of lbs on her diet" so please donate money/food/time for the party we're having for her Friday......

At least with the food I'll get something back for it.

It's just a matter of keeping the free-loaders out.

+1 even though I end up being an invited freeloader a lot of the time (being one of the few guys around & helping them set up tables/chairs/extension cords counts as contributing I guess ).  But even then I'll make damn sure everybody who contributed has gotten their fill before fixing a plate.  Usually it's a case of finishing off the remains so they can clean the dish & won't have to take home leftovers.
Mooches who always end up first in line for food really piss me off.  One coworker is a real assclown about it.  First thru the line to get a plate, stuffs himself silly with free food, drinks free soda like he's dying of thirst, double dips chips, fingerfvcks every pretzel in the bag, etc  
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 1:08:10 PM EDT

I hate all of that at work begging shit. I never donate at work.

It used to really piss me off when the Navy would ride our ass about donating to all of these different causes (circa 1993-1997.)

Now. if you work in a building with a lot of women (banks come to mind) you are bombarded with requests for money. Just an observation.

I work at a bank and if someone quits they want us to chip in to give them a gift.  I have never heard of such BS, I am getting hit up about every week for some BS donation fund raiser crap.
Link Posted: 4/10/2006 3:34:01 PM EDT
Most of the stories are nothing compared to what I saw in a union shop in Indy:

Every day, (and I mean every fucking day), one of the stewards would come around collecting for one hardship for another.  Over time, the "hardships" degraded to broken down cars, appliances and whatever bullshit somebody was whining about.

One day, the steward who was his mob's "chief collecting agent" had a car wreck and they came around asking for cash.  I had enough and declined, as did most people in the plant.

When this douche returns to work, he begins asking about "his" collection.  He pitches a fit and sends all the other stewards around with a jar.  Some people began spitting chewing tobacco on the few dollars that some suckers contributed.

That shit finally stopped.
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