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Posted: 6/7/2002 6:49:10 AM EDT
Terrorists of 09-11 sought to finance the murders of US citizens with Govt loans...
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:01:15 AM EDT
I saw the interview on ABC last night. I can't believe she was too dumb not to report Atta to someone with the things he supposidly said to her. She is either making some of it up or just too stupid to live.
My god who in this country hadn't heard of Bin Laden before sept 11th? Living under a rock?
(sorry just really ticks me off.)
Link Posted: 6/7/2002 7:11:20 AM EDT
Also why would you buy a plane and have it fitted with a chemical tank....for the money any crop duster would sell you his.....I had four friends die in three years...all dusters...ya want to buy a plane?
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