I'll throw my vote in for two point slings. I prefer the
Boonie Packer 2P 1.25".
It has all the benefits of a 3 point with a buckle to allow for transitions. $12 shipped from them for a high quality sling is hard to beat.
The Specter Gear slings are nice and very well constructed. The 3 point is probably a bit more secure than the 2P but has an additional strap along the line of the weapon to contend with. I also do not like the emergency release or transition buckle that they offer. Keep it simple. 3 points are already more complicated than they need to be in my opinion. I definitely say stay away from the single points(nut busters). Get either a 2P or 3P.
I'm sure people will mention the Vickers two point sling. It is a nice robust sling but to me its not worth $45. It works as well as the BooniePacker 2P but the BP is only $12 shipped. The 2P does not need any special adapters to work with the CTR and front side swivel that you have.
Again.....just my opinions. You will be happy with either a 2 or 3 point. The only benefit that I can see with a single point is ease of transition to opposite shoulder.