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Posted: 2/21/2023 8:04:53 PM EDT
Plan on going to the NRA show in indy, but i dont want to give any more than i needed to get in `free` as a memeber.
Been a memer for yrs, to only watch them piss away our money, and not fight for us..
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 11:32:48 AM EDT
1 yr 45$ is cheapest they show on their website
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 8:50:57 PM EDT
Why even go to the show? I'm a lifetime member and I refuse to even darken the doors of anything that's NRA until they get rid of Lapierre and his ilk
Link Posted: 2/28/2023 12:00:08 PM EDT
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Why even go to the show? I'm a lifetime member and I refuse to even darken the doors of anything that's NRA until they get rid of Lapierre and his ilk
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I like the cut of your jib.
Link Posted: 2/28/2023 4:52:08 PM EDT
Same. Wish l could get my Life Time membership money back and give it to an organization like GOA that actually give a shit about the libfucks trying to erode out 2A rights
Link Posted: 3/6/2023 10:25:37 PM EDT
You can pay at the show.  

They usually have deals and discounts too.

I did not go to Huston last year, but years prior in Indy, Louisville, and St Louis, I think is was $25 per a year to sign up at the show.

Link Posted: 3/19/2023 6:53:24 AM EDT
<<~~lifetime member

The NRA taught me a lesson about Lifetime memberships.

Never again.  

From now on, I just do annual memberships on clubs and organizations that I am involved with.

Link Posted: 4/9/2023 5:50:54 PM EDT
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