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Posted: 7/20/2007 7:35:27 PM EDT
Just curious if any central Wisconsin arfcommers would be up for a mini shoot at the Duane L Corbin shooting range outside of Wausau on August 18th.

That range isn't really the perfect place to hold a shoot because there is no rapid fire, and you can't shoot at human shaped targets, but it really is the only public range for many many miles. It would be fun to just get some local guys together. It's probably not worth it for you guys that live a long ways away to come here, but it would be open to anyone.

I went to a mini shoot at this range that was organized literally overnight through IMs when SubnetMask was in Wausau last fall, and one other arfcommer besides me came. We each shot a few mags and then just spent a bunch of time standing around talking about guns.

My question is are there any local guys that would show up? I can think of 3 arfcommers, including myself, who would probably show up. I know there are a few others in the area, but am unsure of how closely they even watch these boards.

This is not a 100% go as of yet, but I'm really really shooting for August 18th (that is the only weekend day I am free from now until I head to college). So if anyone wants to attend, post here and we'll see if we can work out the time.

(here's a link to the range information site for anyone interested)-


ETA: I'll be at the Duane L Corbin range this coming Saturday if nothing big comes up. My (arfcommer) brother will be there with me, and hopefully some other people show.

I will try and make it there at about noon, but the time is not 100% set in stone yet. I have yet to make contact with another arfcommer that I was sure would be there, so I'm not sure if the time will work. It should be fine though.

Try to bring paper or cardboard (non-human shaped) targets and some tape. Target backers are provided. The range has a pretty cool trench system set up so you can safely change targets without calling a cease fire.

I'm probably gonna bring my .22s along with my normal centerfire range guns. Ammo is procey, and since the range fee covers the whole day, I wouldn't mind some plinking with my .22 at 100 yards.

Since the range master frowns on rapid fire, we don't usually go through tons of ammo. Standing around talking about guns fills in the time.

I'll be the 18 y.o. guy with the Wolf ammo t-shirt and the AKs. Maybe I'll see some of you guys there!
Link Posted: 7/20/2007 11:17:12 PM EDT
Actually sounded like fun, till I read the rules,  & way too many of them....can we say no fun ?
Link Posted: 7/21/2007 5:13:57 PM EDT
 I live in wausau and know the range here sucks hoot I would be interested in meeting others there tho...

BTW.. I own the house that Duane L Corbin lived in for many years.  It has a 20X30 gun room with built-in gun racks and reloading bench and shelves. In the basement workshop (BIG) he had a lathe and mill for making guns.
Link Posted: 7/22/2007 10:44:16 AM EDT
Im from Antigo. The range here is cool. 25 and 50 yard with a backstop around 125 yds beyond. Also a 100 and I think a 200 yard. No full auto, that sucks. No range cop so you can do anything else. Just clean up when you leave. South of town on hyw 45. Look for the signs. Turn east at the corner of hwy G. E-mail me with your phone# and I will answer any other questions.
Link Posted: 7/23/2007 3:57:49 AM EDT
I live in Wausau and drive to the Antigo range because ours sucks. I won't be able to attend (although it sounds like fun) but i would suggest moving it to Antigo.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 5:16:27 PM EDT
bumpage for the update.
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