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Posted: 5/5/2003 5:04:27 PM EDT
I've been here for years, but don't post much.  Several years ago all my posts were lost somehow.  I spend a lot of time at Bowers and Sturmgewehr now.  Just got two toys pending, and have two more waiting "pending".

Not many places to shoot here in douglas Co, but shoot all I can at the folks in the Sandhills.

Anyone know where to find a good transferrable RLL?  (for a good price)


Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:24:32 PM EDT
I have 4 links comming in on consignment but the good price will be good only for the seller not the buyer.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 5:45:38 PM EDT
So will you enlighten us?

Will you post here on the Nebr board first?  Give us first shot so to say.

Enquiring minds want to know?

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