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Posted: 5/9/2003 9:00:50 AM EDT
Fellow Peoples Republic of New York Subjects....

When the Federal AWB sunsets, what the frig we subjects going to do?

I have just about had it with the endless taxation, supporting the worthless welfare rats, while not being able to enjoy god given rights... I have seen my property, income taxes soar and just can't wait for the next new round of income and sales tax increases to support some of the more worthless POS here in New York...

Are we going to light a fire in Albany and have the bullshit laws dumped? I suspect the bulk of the common folk will just "let it ride"...

Time to get out this worthless friggin state...

Rant off...
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 10:32:21 AM EDT
Civil disobedience and fight Albany at the same time.  
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 2:18:43 PM EDT
Civil disobediance sounds good. I might point out that Albany and Rochester have AW bans.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 3:08:39 PM EDT
Well, us southerners are going to pop open a few beers, get piss drunk and cry like little bitches while the rest of the country enjoys freedom!

In other words, same old same old...
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 3:43:11 PM EDT
Get pissed at everyone showing there new fancy illegal for me own toys.  Hope and pray I win the lotto so I can move to a real state
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 4:02:03 PM EDT
Be Very, Very glad I live in a FREE State and Not New York any longer! Hilary!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 4:22:25 PM EDT

Be Very, Very glad I live in a FREE State and Not New York any longer!
Enjoy Saint Hilary!

Don't you have a new governor? Isn't he a bit on the anti-gun side? A governor sure as shit can change the gun laws in the state you live in, but.. that hitlary can't do a damn thing about guns laws in this state, thank god!
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 5:20:14 PM EDT
I do believe I will be visiting my parents in WA, having brought a few AR's along for fun. A quick change to collapsible stocks, a photo, a visit to a notary public, and I will have a few documented Post-Post-Ban adjustable stock AR's waiting for when I retire and return to WA in 2007.

Of course, I will have to return them to their current configuration if I bring them back here.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 6:50:34 PM EDT

I do believe I will be visiting my parents in WA, having brought a few AR's along for fun. A quick change to collapsible stocks, a photo, a visit to a notary public, and I will have a few documented Post-Post-Ban adjustable stock AR's waiting for when I retire and return to WA in 2007.

Of course, I will have to return them to their current configuration if I bring them back here.

Of course. ;)
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 7:08:39 PM EDT


Be Very, Very glad I live in a FREE State and Not New York any longer! Hilary!hr

Don't you have a new governor? Isn't he a bit on the anti-gun side? A governor sure as shit can change the gun laws in the state you live in, but.. that hitlary can't do a damn thing about guns laws in this state, thank god!

At the moment he is proving to be a complete Phoole (Thank you George Carlin for the spelling.) and an incompetent idiot.
He was brought into power by an approximate ratio of 10 “yea” to 1 “nay” vote in Philly, with somewhat the same ratio in Pittsburgh.  In short, if the ratio in Philadelphia had been 1 to 1, he would have lost very handedly.

So with the way the rest of the State is slowly turning against him, it is NOT very likely we’ll get anything CLOSE to what the sanest NY law is.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:46:25 AM EDT
The hard part I have, in NY anyway, is justifying why I want 30rnd mags. The "its just so cool" and "I'm not gonna shoot anyone" argument isnt working around here.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:30:52 AM EDT

The hard part I have, in NY anyway, is justifying why I want 30rnd mags. The "its just so cool" and "I'm not gonna shoot anyone" argument isnt working around here.

Umm.. you don't have to 'justify' it to anyone. if you want them buy them, if you don't, then don't. Less of course you're from NYC, Albany, or one of the other counties with a ban on mags...  :)
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:35:30 AM EDT
I mean to my parents. lol. Im 17.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:36:01 AM EDT

So with the way the rest of the State is slowly turning against him, it is NOT very likely we’ll get anything CLOSE to what the sanest NY law is.

Well, the only law difference between where I live and you is the fact that you can get 'full auto'. I'd love to be able to own that stuff, I'm sure you're having lots of fun with it.. but, it's too expensive anyway. Now, don't go throwing in NYC laws, I don't live there any longer and could give a hoot what they do there now.. :) Besides, I'm sure some of your cities ban assault weapons, mags, etc.. just like NYC. Philly and Pittsburgh perhaps, do they have greater firearms restrictions then the rest of the state?
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 9:36:40 AM EDT

I mean to my parents. lol. Im 17.

Heh, yikes.. just hide them.. :)
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 10:05:56 AM EDT


I mean to my parents. lol. Im 17.

Heh, yikes.. just hide them.. :)

Or have your parents bid on ebay for some of the "PRE BAN 10-Round Magazines" I see advertised there all the time.  Funny, in the photos of those auctions those "Pre Ban 10 Round Magazines" look alot larger than the "Post Ban" 10-round magazines I see elsewhere.  After the AWB went into effect, is Post Ban .223 brass really THAT much thicker than the other stuff?  
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 2:15:40 PM EDT
Sorry guys - Im .. um  moving to PA
before fall

you may spank me now
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 5:56:36 AM EDT
PA is looking better and better as long as Rendell does not screw things up there.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 7:50:50 AM EDT
give him time, like all democraps.. that's what they do best!
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 7:53:10 AM EDT
Wanna talk about Pataki? lol
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 8:22:59 AM EDT
Sure thing, what would you like to know? Has there been some change that stopped me from getting a certain weapon I don't know about?
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:06:27 PM EDT
The original question is....

When the AWB sunsets (Big IF) what are we going to do here in New York State? This POS state has its own AWB on the books, but no sunset provision...

I fear it will stay on the books if nobody raises hell over this!

Looking to kick around some strategy but get the feeling that everyone has written this state off and plan on leaving town...

Any ideas other than bugging out or start voting from the rooftops?

[email protected]
Link Posted: 5/14/2003 9:07:46 PM EDT
Well leaving aint gonna change this upstate. The economy is already shit.

But IF it is legal to carry rifles openly in NY mabey we should start walking around with them... Make people a little less afraid or get yourself arrested, your guess is as good as mine. Possibly we could have "invite a liberal to shoot day", where everyone asks a liberal to come to range and have some fun ;).

Seriously though unless NYC becomes its own state we will probably never have a repeal of any state gun laws. I mean look at pistol licenses, how much crime do you think they are preventing? I doubt the average gangster in Syracuse cares much about whether his gun is registered, whereas my mom is still waiting on hers.

The only way its gonna change is if we can convince the average Joe that we (the law abiding gun owners) aint a bunch of crazys living in log cabins, eating deer and shitting in the woods.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 3:37:38 AM EDT

First positive response I have seen yet....

That is what I am looking for... What the hell do we do? I see the general mood here in this state.... Aw shucks, how can I change that ?.

I see this as a huge issue and I what I am still trying to determine if there is enough support or willpower here in NYS to doing something about it. Before Sep 2004....

I don't want to leave.... I have spent the past 20 years builing a life here in UPstate... But it comes a time when ideas and reality collide...

At this point...
On the negative
*Property Taxes that increase by double digits every year
*State Income Taxes (and yes the state thinks I have a abundance of cash so they feel I can contribute more) bullshit...
*Sales tax to take another jump
*A pistol permit system that is very restrictive
*AWB and a whole varity of crap... Ballistic fingerprinting to mention a few...

Plus side
* My roots
* Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks-damn pretty country

Look if was 18-21 years old and just starting out, I would quite honestly run from this state. For me, a father of two and on the verge of 40 you stop and think.... Is this state worth it?
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 6:30:40 AM EDT

The only way its gonna change is if we can convince the average Joe that we (the law abiding gun owners) aint a bunch of crazys living in log cabins, eating deer and shitting in the woods.

And WHAT exactly is wrong with this image???

Well pickupdan, my philosophy is, if you can't convert 'em to a conservative, shoot 'em

The odds of getting a true conservative in any position of real power in this liberal-infested state is nil without a MAJOR shakeup of the status quo. You will need something like a huge economic downturn leading to a "Patriot's" type of scenario.

In short, the guys who jump to a "free" state are probably doing the smart thing, at least in the short term. Pickup, I personally thought you phucked up when you had the chance

As for me, I'll continue to shower the respect on unconstitutional laws that they deserve. I love my semi-rural lifestyle here in CNY. Other than the occasional stupid local lib and moronic dictates from Albany, life is generally good. If things get more ridiculous? well, I haven't crossed that stream yet.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 6:58:21 AM EDT
Yes, I frigged up and now starting to kick myself for it...I had the chance to move to Vermont... But the wife and kiddie's have a way of changing one's mind.

Since I am chained to New York, I was looking to piss off enough people to get off their dead ass and make something happen...

I'll get off my soapbox and go back into submission....
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 7:05:42 AM EDT

...I was looking to piss off enough people to get off their dead ass and make something happen.......

I think the LAST time we did this, LEO were involved              
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 7:29:49 AM EDT
Yeah, but they ended up on our side.....
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 9:00:50 AM EDT
No matter what we do we have to do something besides whine. Cause hell doing something is better than doing nothing.

To me anyway it doesnt seem as if most people are liberal so much as they just dont care one way or the other.

Well pickupdan, my philosophy is, if you can't convert 'em to a conservative, shoot 'em.

That could make for problems in the short term... ;)
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:57:07 PM EDT
My thoughts on this subject are as follows

1 We don't have a snowballs chance in hell to get it off the books before the end of 2004.

2 If the ban is allowed to sunset without any new ban passed and all goes well(All those new legal evil weapons don't start killing people left and right) we might have a chance at convincing the morons that the ban doesn't effect crime one way or the other.  But I dought it will happen anytime soon.  
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 3:05:54 AM EDT

My thoughts exactly....


If the Federal AWB does expire in 2004, do you think there is enough desire or drive within we the NYS subjects to do something about it? Today if you ask the guy at the range or a coworker, they don't know the first friggin thing about the NYS AWB. And even amongst the few I see hear on AR15.com from NYS, they would prefer to flee the state than fight!

Just my observations, what do you think? What would it take to get people involved? One could suggest the NRA, but look what they did for Kalifornia... Nothing... I could be a pipe dream, but goddamit how do you fight this!!!!!!

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 3:35:56 AM EDT
Is there a link to the NYS AWB regs?  Is it just as restrictive as federal?  At least we wouldn't have to worry about Carolyn and Hillary- they are U.S. shills...
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 5:30:02 AM EDT

And even amongst the few I see hear on AR15.com from NYS, they would prefer to flee the state than fight!

heh, does Don Quiote, Sancho Panza, and Windmills ring a bell? Seriously, short of a major cultural shift in this state, I can't forsee a damned thing happening. Shit, Hillary even carried parts of CNY. You will not see a major hue and cry for revocation of our NY ban, despite a floodgate of letters. Those letters wouldn't be coming from downstate or the major upstate cities. Hell, I probably couldn't get most of the assclowns at my gun club to argue for it.

Dan, things will have to get a lot worse before they get better. Count on it.

Had to chuckle a bit this AM. Pataki was crying that the reapproved budge had "unconstitutional" provisions. This, after he wipes his a$$ with the 2nd Amendment. Fucking hyprocrite.

Link Posted: 5/16/2003 6:19:13 AM EDT
Well SP10, things are getting worse....

The Tax man cometh and he dishes out a heavy load. See, the fucked up system we have is rearing it's ugly head.. The liberals are taking our freedoms away, little by little each day and making the residents pay more for it...

From what I can gather, there is going to be a income tax increase with the submitted, vetoed, and now approved late state budget. Well, the increases for all of the property taxes are in place due to the anticipated lack of funding. School budgets have been drafted and being voted over the next few weeks, with these increases....

So, We (I) will pay for the double digit increase in property taxes and have to fork out another couple of grand in income taxes.... Boy, don't I feel good...

NYS just went thru another reassement... Ah we all know how well these go. Raise your assesed value, but ah we forget to lower the tax rate per $1000. You talk to them and that is not how is supposed to work, but it is the end result...

Quite honestly, I am sick and tired of the rat race here in the People's Republic of NY. A cleansing needs to start and I mean soon. Any ideas?

First, we need to rid our selves of NYC. Somepeople don't like that idea, but the ideaology are completely differnent than the rest of the state. Don't say other counties voted for Hillary proves the mindset is the same, who was that puke they put on the Republican ticket? He was a joke..

The freeride wellfare system is bankrupting this state. Get off your dead ass or starve is what I say... Now our personal freedoms, again, influenced by the biological infestation down south....

Is it just me, or do other fellow NYS residents feel the same?

Off the soapbox
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 8:57:36 AM EDT
I think a good diuretic should help your BP, coupled with a valium to ride over the rough spots! Welcome to reality, USA/NY 2003. And check your EM
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 10:53:57 AM EDT
Guys lets think happy thoughts.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 12:44:14 PM EDT

I honestly think it will get worse before it gets better.  To get it repealed they need to piss off alot more people.  Like hunters adding "high powered sniper rifles" like the 30-06 and the 308 to the list would be a good start and pissing off enough people.  Then for icing on the cake those evil shotguns.  

Other then waiting for that the best thing I can suggest is maybe joining NY Pistol and rifle association and SCOPE.  Maybe some other local groups.  Also any hunters you know that have never shot one of those evil guns take them out and let them burn off some rounds.  Makes friends of the AR pretty fast.  Also maybe get involed in the CMP,  I am surprised the the Dems havn't banned that yet saying there training future beltway snipers or something.

But basicly it's an uphill battle seeing half of the state is NYC and most of those people have never touched a gun for legal purposes anyway, and thats all they think of killing people when they here of guns.

and oh yeah I am not leaving anytime soon.  Not unless I win the lotto.  I have a good job and great benifits can't give that up.  Not to mention my state pension.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 5:54:49 PM EDT
I do enjoy bringing people to the range. I would say about a dozen or so todate. At work, the owners are as about as liberal as you can get. Canadains.... Any way, a few have bit hard and have purchased Ar's and other assorted firearms. I still get a thrill when a "virgin" for lack of a better description, pulls the trigger. The glow on there face is undescribeable... The ladies are the best..But the owners frown on my personal views and have made it quite aparent in a few of my reviews...

I have seen the SCOPE bunch at the gun shows and have had a number of good conversations. I do contribute.... The NRA, GOA todate are my main organization that I support todate.. Good point and I may need to focus more on the regional outfits...

As of late I feel (as a friend pointed out) John Galt in Atlas Shrugged...Time to hop outta the boiling pot and make a stand...

Dan out...
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