i am shipping an AR to a friend in NJ and have a few questions.
i have already made it NJ compliant with a fixed stock and a crowned barrel and railed gas block (no bayonet lug).
can a NJ AR have a vertical grip on it w/o any issues?
anything i need to do special to send it to his local FFL? is there anything special that needs to be done?
if he were to pick it up from me Face to Face can he just take it back or does he have to "register" it with the state?
just want top make sure he won't have any issues getting it.
thanks for your help.
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1. No issues with the VFG - legal here.
2. Nope - just make sure you talk to the FFL first, and he/she is OK with receiving a firearm from an individual. Usually, they want a copy of your D.L. or other state-issued ID in the box.
3. I don't understand this question. "Pick it up from you FTF"... you're a resident of SC, your friend is a resident of NJ. By federal law, the transfer must go through an FFL. He can drive to your state, and you can do the transfer at an FFL in your state, if you'd like. NJ law still needs to be followed though, meaning your FFL would need to verify that your friend has a NJ Firearms ID card, and they would both need to fill out a NJ Certificate of Eligibility form to complete the transfer (in addition to the federal 4473 form). No formal registration here in NJ is required.