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Posted: 8/14/2007 9:59:47 AM EDT
I've found several, but
I'm looking for references.
Are any preferred by arfcommers
or 'should avoid'?

eta: wow, nobody has an opinion?
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 5:37:09 PM EDT
I did a transfer with Landrys Guns. He treated me ok. Gave me the dealer price then only charge me $50 for transfer. This was last year so you may want to check out his price.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 6:58:36 PM EDT
If that's the only reference I get, that's where I'll go.
Although, it's a little out of the way for me, I want to go
someplace that has helped other AR15.com'ers.

edit:  Yes, there is that election.
Landry's is in Morganza on Hwy10, near False River..

Thanks again for schoolin' me at the range Zach3G.
Much fun and very informative day that was.
I'll never forget the way those English guys looked shooting your MAC.
I'd go to any place you recommend, but I'm trying to stay closer to home
if I can.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 7:32:24 PM EDT
I'd like to know this too, since we will be having an sheriff's election pretty soon.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 8:24:58 PM EDT

I did a transfer with Landrys Guns. He treated me ok. Gave me the dealer price then only charge me $50 for transfer. This was last year so you may want to check out his price.

Where is that?
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 8:25:47 PM EDT
i can make a few recommendations in the lafayette area. i don't get over to BR much.
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