Just a technicality on the Handgun Carry Permit. By Law, it's not required to be concealed, thus the Tennessee permit is not called a Concealed permit. However, it's prudent to do so, since Law Enforcement can be a little fuzzy on the actual law.
I've always carried my ammo in a zippered range bag and my rifle in a case. Even if they're both in the same compartment, they're in separate containers, which *should* be an adequate defense if you're ever charged for having the weapon and ammunition together. East Tennessee and rural law enforcement don't usually get too excited if they see a firearm, but the big city cops can be a little stuffy. As mentioned before, Memphis is best avoided if possible. I consider the probablility of having to defend myself in most of Memphis to be at least ten times higher than in the bad parts of Nashville.
Before you come, you might thing about getting printouts of various matches throughout the state since there isn't a weekend out of the year when there isn't some kind of match going on; and travelling to or from a match or hunting is a positive defense for posession, provided you're legally allowed to have the firearm to begin with.
It's been a running joke in most of the state for years that "I don't need a Carry Permit, I've got a Hunting License." :)
Usual disclaimers apply, IANALAIDSAAHILN. :P