my old Military unit got to do a few weeks of training on site. it was pretty cool and I learned a lot I did not know.
Driving around the place in Humvee's was cool, lots of roads...
The building designs were cool for the time.
Steam heat (No flame/No electric spark) was generated into the buildings by miles of pipes.
Every building had slides on the second floor for fast evacuation in the event of an explosion.
Building spacing and the size in general was part of the design to prevent chain reactions of one building touching off another.
A lot of buildings had lights on the outside of the building s that were designed to shine into the buildings (Spark/Fire prevention).
I believe Olin (Part of Winchester) has the Gov Contract to maintain parts of the complex.
The ground and top soil is so contaminated with bad shit like mercury ,etc, that we were not allowed to fire crew served weapon's blanks unless we laid down a ground tarp first. The fear was hot brass could ignite the soil (Not cool)
We did a few drill weekends there and the immense size of the place really stuck with me. Pretty Impressive and I can say I got to see a lot of the place most people don't get to see...