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Posted: 9/5/2016 10:38:11 PM EDT
Where would a non resident have the best chance of drawing a tag and actually dropping a moose?  Antlers don't matter, this is all about the tasty, tasty moose meat.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Link Posted: 9/8/2016 11:00:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2016 2:26:29 PM EDT
Yeah, Alaska.  

I believe the moose hunt in Idaho is a draw for a cow or a bull, and is good for entire state.  Once in a lifetime kill for each sex.

Most never draw it.  I don't bother to put in, as I'm drawing for elk tags all the time.

Someday I'd like to go to Alaska and drop a moose.
Link Posted: 9/8/2016 3:59:32 PM EDT
Hate to echo everyone else, but Alaska.  I've put in for it every year the past 15-20 years and have never been drawn.  I was born and raised here, but moved to Texas for a brief spell after college so I've applied as a resident and non-resident.  Last year was the first year I didn't and will likely not again for the foreseeable future.
Link Posted: 12/3/2016 10:19:29 PM EDT
i have not put in for moose for 40yrs.  If I had to buy oos lic. and spend bucks doing it I would go to the Yukon and bag a monster.  The moose here are a small variety BUT are quite tasty.
Link Posted: 12/5/2016 8:37:10 PM EDT
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i have not put in for moose for 40yrs.  If I had to buy oos lic. and spend bucks doing it I would go to the Yukon and bag a monster.  The moose here are a small variety BUT are quite tasty.
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 Well the lady who help me find my house got a 1200 Lb around Mackay Id . But don't tell no body. And yes the head is on the wall
Link Posted: 12/17/2016 10:40:01 PM EDT
I just put in my upteenth tag request this last season as a non-resident and have never drawn one, for either Idaho or Montana, where I am a resident, by the time I draw one, I will be to old to hunt the darn thing!
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