Same story , Have an AR that is haveing short stroke problems. EVERYTHING checks out. EVERYTHING. Swappped ammo ( quality stuff ) While it did function better with the Q3131A it still acted up.
Its a Colt preban 1986 rifle. Less than 600 rnds through it. I have checked everything yall have suggested. Im about to part swap this rascal. The ejection patern is great .It piles the brass up 6ft away at a 5 oclock position if 12 noon was the muzzle . It has the style Bolt carrier with the UnHooded fireing pin. It normally don't jam but won't lock the bolt back and one or two rounds pre 30rnd mag might not get back far anough to strip a round for the next shot. Rifle Colt A2HBAR 20" Factory rifle.
List of things I checked out :
Gas Rings
Gas carrier key staked and tight
Gas tube aglinment with carrier key
No binding in the buffer tube
Swapped to A good batch of Q3131A .No go .Ran better but not solved
No binding of carrier sliding in upper
Lubed properly, Breakfree,or FP 10, or Mil com.
I cleaned the gas tube with Gun Scrub by shooting it down the tube for 10 seconds.
Along time ago I did something stupid. I tried some reloads in her and she malfuction terrible. I threw the rounds away and put the rifle in back of the safe for many many years. Could the power residue from these shitty rounds , while sitting up so long cause this and hardened up to wear Gun scrubber and the blast of quality ammo going threw the gas tube not blow the it out and be acceptable. Guys Im reaching deep and about to go to a Palm reader on this one. Im not claiming to ever be an expert but I know AR's and this one has me mind boggled. Thanks for hearing me unload. Thanks to the Ga Gang for any replys I might get WarDawg.