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Posted: 4/30/2013 8:28:51 PM EDT

Is it legal to ship 30 round AR magazines to an FFL/Dealer in Maryland?

Link Posted: 4/30/2013 9:16:17 PM EDT
There is no exception for FFLs.
Link Posted: 5/1/2013 2:28:23 PM EDT
I have had multiple. Rifles shipped in with "standard" capacity mags and they have been taken,

Stupid md.
Link Posted: 5/1/2013 3:16:01 PM EDT
I actually spoke with the MD State Police today and they indicated that FFLs can receive normal capacity magazines.
Link Posted: 5/5/2013 5:15:39 PM EDT
20 rounders and less.  You can ship them to and retrieve them in PA, VA, or DE, then
bring them into MD.  Because, you know, its safer that way.....
Link Posted: 5/10/2013 8:45:47 AM EDT
If you take them apart and put them in a bag labled parts kit, they are perfectly legal. The recipient will have to drive across a border to put them together, but they wouldn't be violating any laws.
Link Posted: 5/12/2013 7:22:18 PM EDT
There is no exception for FFLs.

Well, if that is true the owner of Atlanticfirearms should be in jail.

Plus, the firearm manufactures in Maryland.
Link Posted: 5/20/2013 4:58:10 AM EDT
Hello All,

I have been out of country since about 2003.  I was active with the ar15.com MD guys way back when.  Am I reading this correctly that 30 round mags are now illegal in MD?
Link Posted: 7/4/2013 10:34:15 AM EDT
The manufactures/companies will NOT ship mags larger than 20 rounds to anyone in Md., that includes FFLs. If you purchase a gun with a mag that holds more than 20 rounds one of three things will happen. 1) They will NOT ship you the gun period. 2)  They will ship you the gun without any mag, but still change you the full price.3) They will ship you a gun with a mag that conforms with the Law.

Anyone can order and receive mags with less than the 20 round capacity not just FFLs.   Md. has a bad reputation with most of the companies that sell arms and arms related stuff.

Many of the Companies that manufacture guns in the oppressive state of Md. are considering MOVING to a more friendly state and who can blame them ?
Link Posted: 7/5/2013 3:43:33 PM EDT
My son ordered a Tavor from Texas two weeks ago, and the FFL included a 30 round magazine.  My local gun shop just kept the mag.  If I had been thinking, I would have told my son to tell the Texas dealer to disassemble the mag and send it as parts.  Oh well, live and learn.
Link Posted: 7/5/2013 4:42:02 PM EDT
Law enforcement and FFLs are indeed exempt from the law. If the FFLs didn't have the regular capacity mags where else would individual officers get theirs for off duty use?
Link Posted: 7/10/2013 1:09:19 PM EDT
I've never heard about the disassembled thing, so I don't trust it (even if it's kosher). Then again, the fact that the only legitimate way of legally getting a 30-rd mag is to cross a border to "take possession" of it, then come back into MD like some kind of smuggler is totally insane. Actually obeying the ridiculous laws of this state is so much shadier than just having laws that make sense. Way to go MD!

That said, IMHO, I'd just ship them to a friend in VA, DE, WV, or PA if I were you and go pick them up there. A hassle, yes, but how many mags do you really need? Just buy a ton all in one go and you're set.
Link Posted: 7/18/2013 3:41:23 AM EDT
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Hello All,

I have been out of country since about 2003.  I was active with the ar15.com MD guys way back when.  Am I reading this correctly that 30 round mags are now illegal in MD?
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No, you are not reading this correctly. Since 1994, it has been unlawful to Transfer any magazine with a capacity of over 20 rounds within the borders of Maryland. There is no law banning the possesion of magazines over 20 rounds. You can buy them all day long in PA, VA, WV, etc. and bring them back.
Link Posted: 7/25/2013 7:09:45 AM EDT
I am a MD FFL

Dealers can have 30 round mags shipped to them.  Military and LEOs are exempt from the law if they have a letter from their Agency stating the purpose of buying the mags.  Also, disassembled 30 round mags can be sold as mag rebuild kits in MD.
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