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Posted: 1/11/2005 6:10:35 PM EDT
Probably already been done in GD,so if it is,please delete for me.
Link Posted: 1/12/2005 2:13:11 AM EDT

Probably already been done in GD,so if it is,please delete for me.

Tsunami made hot
Link Posted: 1/12/2005 2:15:26 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2005 6:27:22 AM EDT


I think I'll be retiring to the mountains thanks very much.

first Penisacola then this, another note to self, dont move to the beach.
Link Posted: 1/12/2005 6:37:03 AM EDT
The first few photos I was thinking...."well that doesn't look all that bad".......then the last 10 or so comparisons ger really ugly.

God have mercy on those people.
Link Posted: 1/12/2005 7:33:54 AM EDT
I heard on Boortz a few minutes ago, that as the wave was on it's way in Sri Lanka, the ocean receded greatly and lots of fish from the deep ocean had been pushed in to shallow water before the water began to recede.When the water receded, it left a lot of these fish on dry ground. Fishermen went out on to the dry ocean surface to look at the wierd fish, and that's when the water returned in the tsunami wave and killed them.

Meanwhile, some of the native tribes saw the water recede, and they headed for the hills immediately. They survived for the most part. The stories of tsunamis had been passed don through the generations in these tribes, so when they saaw the water recede, they knew what was up.

This speaks volumes in a bigger way. When we remember what our forefathers teach us, and hold on to it, it can save us in a dark hour. If we forget what we've been taught, and are tempted to draw near to the strange things before our eyes, we will be consumed by our ignorance.
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