My best friend did the "GRRR-Weee!" to a boot when I was in North Carolina, I laughed my ass off because his "weeee!" sounded completely maniacal and he looked absolutely apeshit. Found out the boot was terrified from his room mate later.
I once put on 1st LT bars and ripped a boots room apart for a "Surprise Inspection!" I mean this kid just got in from Engineer school and had not put anything away. I locked him at POA, dumped his seabag, stuffed half his shit in the secretary screaming "LET ME PUT THIS STUFF AWAY BECAUSE EVIDENTLY I DON'T HAVE ANYTHING BETTER TO DO!" He failed the inspection, I took his liberty away for the weekend, confined him to quarters, and told him there would be another inspection Monday morning at O-dark-thirty, if he did not pass, he was going to the Brig.
He started crying. Man I felt like shit. Of course after he found out he was so happy he wasn't going to the brig he decided not to beat the shit out of me. Later on my SSgt pulled me aside to remind me that impersonating an officer was punishable by the UCMJ. I told him I did not know what he was talking about but I was sure nothing like that would ever happen again.
As for the Shellback ceremony, I've got to experience that twice, once as a Wog, and once as a Shellback. Several years ago one of our trash cans did not get picked up when we were on vacation and it cooked in the heat of summer. When I took the lid off and that smell hit me, I threw up, violently. Took me right back to that ceremony. I can still smell that shit if I think about it to much.
Good times.