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Posted: 7/15/2006 5:13:27 PM EDT
I recieved a letter today from the Georgia Gun Owners organization.   I was undecided who to vote for before this letter, now I will vote for Cagle.

Dear Mike:

The statewide race with potentially the biggest impact on gun owners this year is the Republican Primary for Lt. Gov.

The winner has a good chance to become Lt. Gov. which is a key statewide political office.

We've focused mainly on legislative acitvity this year, but the outcome of this race could significantly affect future work for your gun rights in the state senate.

The Candidates are Sen. Casey Cagle R-Gainsville and national lobbyist Ralph Reed who is now based in Duluth GA.

Like we do in all crucial races, we sent our gun owners candidate survey to both Sen. Cagle and Mr. Reed.

Casey Cagle answered his gun owners survey 100% correct He also has a proven pro-gun voting record over 12 years in the State Senate.

Ralph Reed has no record of pro-gun work, and he refused to answer his gun owners survey.  In 17 years of work at the statehouse, we've never seen a true pro-gun candidate refuse to answer the survey.  This leads me to believe that Ralph Reed can't be trusted on guns

Please pass this information along, with a reminder that, if you chose to vote in the Republican primary, the election is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18.

George Hills

Link Posted: 7/15/2006 5:18:07 PM EDT
BTW - Don't forget that Sonny turned his back on us and prevented concealed carry reform.  Its unlikely he'll lose but voting for McBerry is a way to register your disapproval.

From the AJC Insider Column 2/21:


Check your piece at the door, partner. It doesn't look like the housewives are that desperate

Published on: 02/21/05

Both sides are telling us that Gov. Sonny Perdue has slapped a lid on the Legislature's efforts to ease restrictions on concealed weapons, so that hidden sidearms can be carried — by permitted owners — into many restaurants and some bars.

No explanation was given, but we can hazard a guess. With the exception of a very few bills intended for the Republican base, this session's low-volume agenda has been devoted to: A) reinforcing GOP ties with a business community that will be funding the '06 contests; or B) convincing suburban women — now a key swing vote in Georgia — that they need not fear the excesses of GOP rule.

Apparently, the concealed weapon issue didn't go over well with either "A" or "B." Restaurateurs had nightmares over liability issues that come when 9mm semi-automatics mix with surly waiters and dirty spoons.

And women somehow found no comfort in the possibility that the gentleman in the next booth at Applebee's could offer cover fire in a pinch.

Maybe next year.

Link Posted: 7/15/2006 5:29:10 PM EDT

BTW - Don't forget that Sonny turned his back on us and prevented concealed carry reform.

True, but he is better than Mark Taylor.

P.S.  I'm voting for Cagle, too.
Link Posted: 7/15/2006 7:34:02 PM EDT
Who is McBerry?

You quote an article from the AJC and we all know the AJC would never lie to help the dummycrats.

According to the son of a state legislature, the AJC article is a lie:

btw, i talked to dad...he said what you told me the ajc said was bullshit and its just liberal columnists which it is...the gun issue will be brought up as soon as possible.
the problem is that there is so much on the table already and the whole session has already been planned out...but the republicans support it and it will prob. be passed next year"

This was a note that he left for his roommate, who is a member here and posted the note.
Link Posted: 7/15/2006 8:27:29 PM EDT
I was all for Cagle before I read some disturbing news regarding eminent domain.

I'm not going to post details for fear of screwing up, but you can research it for yourself.

Link Posted: 7/16/2006 4:01:21 PM EDT

Who is McBerry?

You quote an article from the AJC and we all know the AJC would never lie to help the dummycrats.

According to the son of a state legislature, the AJC article is a lie:

btw, i talked to dad...he said what you told me the ajc said was bullshit and its just liberal columnists which it is...the gun issue will be brought up as soon as possible.
the problem is that there is so much on the table already and the whole session has already been planned out...but the republicans support it and it will prob. be passed next year"

This was a note that he left for his roommate, who is a member here and posted the note.

That person was Kblagg.   That was the story in 2005 and many of us believed it.  However, this year we got the same story .... 'we're to busy' ... 'wait till next year'.   The facts are the facts, the law has not changed with the Republicans controlling both chambers of the legislature and the Governors office.   The Governor used his influence to be sure that no bill was passed once again.  The story and end result was true.

Frankly, I'm not suggesting we vote for the Democrat in the general election.  Sonny hasn't done anything for us but we all know a Democrat will push for anti gun laws.  Thus Sonny is the least offensive for us in the General election.  

I don't know much about McBerry.  I did hear an ad where he clearly advocated a pro-2nd Amendment position.  Here is his web site:


Here is his positon statement on the second amendment

Ray McBerry for Governor on the Second Amendment
A Platform for the Citizens of Georgia

Second Amendment

The meaning of the Second Amendment is clear.  “Shall not be infringed” means “shall not be infringed.”  Criminals will never abide by gun control laws; and armed, law-abiding Georgia citizens are no threat to public safety.  The purpose for the Second Amendment, according to the Founding Fathers, was to guarantee that the citizenry would be able to ensure the protection of their liberties and families –from any source whether it be thieves and robbers, or encroachments upon those liberties by the federal government… which are very real threats in the opening days of this twenty-first century.  

As governor of Georgia, I will repudiate any limitation on the citizens’ right to keep and bear arms and will do all within my power and influence to increase the awareness of the citizenry that the guarantee of their liberties is best preserved by an armed populace of good citizens.

Georgia First!
P.O. Box 921328
Norcross, Georgia  30010


Link Posted: 7/16/2006 5:49:01 PM EDT
Being from Gainesville Cagle already had my vote, (not because he's from here, but I already had a feel for his politics) but it's good to see he did so well in the survey.

Link Posted: 7/17/2006 5:34:03 AM EDT
We have an election?  
Link Posted: 7/17/2006 8:20:18 AM EDT
Cagle it is...
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