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Posted: 8/9/2007 1:40:48 PM EDT
How expensive is it to live in vegas? How hard is it to get a job in security at a casino? I heard they will send you to school to learn to be a dealer, if you indenture yourself to them for so long. Are there other jobs in nevada? I just see about it on TV, and it seems like the perfect town for someone with ADHD Just wondering how it is to actually be more than a tourist there.
Link Posted: 8/9/2007 9:50:43 PM EDT
Can't answer the casino questions or security job questions, but from what I can tell, lots of job available in general
Link Posted: 8/9/2007 10:17:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 12:30:33 AM EDT

Good jobs in Vegas

Metro....PD!  Good for you......
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 3:58:43 AM EDT

How hard is it to get a job in security at a casino?

Very easy, but pay is shit and job is mind-numbingly boring.  Free food helps, though. =D

I heard they will send you to school to learn to be a dealer,

Only in special cases.  You can knock out dealing school yourself .. 2 games, 1 month, $400.

Are there other jobs in nevada?

Majority of people do not work in casino or hotel related jobs.

As far as cost of living goes...  I believe officially, our food cost is only something like 20-25% above national average, but to me it seems higher.  I think rent is damn expensive, too, though CA and NY people may disagree.
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 9:18:45 AM EDT
I do work security in a casino. Getting a job there is fairly easy, just apply and have a clear background and you should be in. Private security starts at about 7-9 an hour. The starting pay at Mandalay Bay is $ 12.00/hour, I think. I work a standard 40 hour week and overtime is there. I know of a guy who was making 13.00 an hour and he cleared 50k two years ago. He hardly saw his family but the money is there. You can go online and check the job  availability by going to the websites for the casinos. mandalaybay.com  or try a google search.

Hope this helps.
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 9:20:42 AM EDT


How hard is it to get a job in security at a casino?

Very easy, but pay is shit and job is mind-numbingly boring.  Free food helps, though. =D

I'm Entertainment Department, I have a running contest with one of the girls in Security about who does less work for more money.

I think she's winning.
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 1:18:43 PM EDT
if you are a hot chick with big boobs they will put you through dealer school. Other then that you can pay for it yourself, dont expect to start off at the wynn or venetian though....you will get a job, but at a low end casino and in a few years work your way up to the big leagues and make great money (70+) but you have to deal with every asshole who thinks his 15 dollar blackjack bet makes him a whale and he can blow his cigar smoke in your face and talk all the shit he wants and you have to take it..
thats the reason I didnt go that route.

Casino security, as already stated, simple but you do have to deal with bullshit stuff...domestic stuff, drunks, depending on the casino and if they have a nightclub, fights and lots of them (again, depending).....pay isnt the best and you arent in a postion o take tips although a little customer service goes a long way and when people are surrounded by employees that are always pissed off and you take some time out to actually walk somebody to the bathroom rather then just point then sometimes you get a hundred dollar handshake.

I wouldnt expect to just walk into a major casino w/o any prior law enforcement experience and do security though....from what ive seen you have to work your way up also.
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 5:19:17 PM EDT

I have a running contest with one of the girls in Security about who does less work for more money.

If it's who does the least work for the least money, I win! =P


Anyway, I used to hang with a guy who worked for one of the restaurants on property that leased the space.  The guy was retarded -- not the kind that calls the 215 and 95 merger "the Hender Bender," but the kind that always has drool coming out of his mouth.

He washed dishes.  Started at $12.50, moved up to $15.50, plus he was always pulling OT and holiday pay.  On holidays, usually both.  He'd regale me with tales of dropping four, five hundred a night at the craps tables, and I would go home and cry myself to sleep over my weaksauce job.

Slimjim -- Culinary Local 226.  They are like the mafia here.  Which is good if your job is covered. =D  Don't deal.  At least, not until you've read this.

(so much for not making any more rambling, barely coherent posts)
Link Posted: 8/10/2007 5:29:42 PM EDT
If you have a clear background and I mean a very clear background you could give the Nevada Test Site security job a shot. It starts at about 19 an hour. Your shift would be min 4 days a week, 12 hour days with anything over 8 hrs time and a half. I think some of their shifts are 14-16 hrs. You can easily clear 70k a year.
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 7:48:11 PM EDT

If you have a clear background and I mean a very clear background you could give the Nevada Test Site security job a shot. It starts at about 19 an hour. Your shift would be min 4 days a week, 12 hour days with anything over 8 hrs time and a half. I think some of their shifts are 14-16 hrs. You can easily clear 70k a year.

Well, its clear enough to work armored car :P But they still have security out there? What are they doing now adays?
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 10:58:31 PM EDT
If we told you, we would have to kill you
Link Posted: 8/11/2007 11:20:14 PM EDT

Good jobs in Vegas

You guy's still having problems filling open academies?  Or are they filling up with morons like I've heard?
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 9:12:54 AM EDT
We would rather not hire losers than fill our academies. Our standards will not be lowered.
Link Posted: 8/12/2007 12:04:31 PM EDT
When I was stationed at Nellis some of our reservists who were Metro cops said that the current crop of academy grads are not cutting the mustard.  No common sense, they're not willing to get their hands dirty, more concerned with whats going on after work, etc.  They all said these guys really dont have what it takes and the department will be in real trouble in a few years of these guys don't pull their heads out of their asses soon.

Now alot of that can be attributed to the fact that alot of the people coming on the force right now that don't have a military background, is that they are young, and very inexperienced and never had any real responsibility in their lives.  

Maybe Metro should look to hire an older canidate with a few runs around the block behind them instead of some fresh faced pretty boy like they've been hiring.  

I know standards count for alot, and Im a big one for them.  But why turn down a guy who admits to not being perfect and is willing to come to work everyday and bust his ass for the PD?  Instead some jerk off with a shady past gets hired and then a few years later he's back to his same old shit and gets fired.  I've seen that happen so many times.

Link Posted: 8/12/2007 2:12:24 PM EDT
A couple of days ago at the station, we had three guys knock on the door during dinner.  They were looking for maps of the city with the hundred blocks labeled.  At frist we thought they were Metro explorers.  10 minutes later we finally realized that they were actually in Metro's academy!  I hate to talk bad about these guys because we only got to interact with them for about 20 minutes..............but if they represent the quality of recruits that Metro is hiring.....we should all be worried.  They didn't even realize that they were in North Las Vegas!!!

We were so uminpressed by these three and they way we conducted themselves, as well as their overall job knowledge, that we insisted they gave us their names and show some ID before we'd give them any maps.  These guys were pretty young, and didn't show any real respect.  They didn't even look us in the eyes for the majority of the conversation.  I was blown away when they said they were in the academy, and close to graduation. We also have their Metro recruit number/id?? something or other.  If any Metro officers would like to follow up on these three, feel free to IM me and I'll get you their info.  
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