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Posted: 5/12/2003 10:00:11 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:21:53 AM EDT
As long as they buy them out of nyc and don't bring them into nyc for storage.. it's all legal.. :)
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 10:31:19 AM EDT
As they say in the Bronx, Fuhgeddaboutit!

See this previous discussion:


The best you are going to do in the city is a Mini-14.  Or you can do as I do and leave the prebans on Long Island (and the Class 3 in Florida).
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 4:53:12 PM EDT
I live in Nassau but just gotta ask:
Why does the city allow a mini-14 but not an AR-15?  Did someone convince Dinkins the mini-14 was too inaccurate to be worrisome? (-:
Is it just the EBG syndrome?  What am I missing (this time)?
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 6:05:23 PM EDT
In addition to all the "named" assault weapons in the City of New York the following further defines an illegal assault weapon.

16. "Assault weapon."
(a) Any semiautomatic centerfire or rimfire rifle or semiautomatic shotgun which has one or more of the following features:
1. folding or telescoping stock or no stock;
2. pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
3. bayonet mount;
4. flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor;
5. barrel shroud;
6. grenade launcher; or
7. modifications of such features, or other features, determined by rule of the commissioner to be particularly suitable for military and not sporting purposes. In addition, the commissioner shall, by rule, designate specific semiautomatic centerfire or rimfire rifles or semiautomatic shotguns, identified by make, model and/or manufacturer's name, as within the definition of assault weapon, if the commissioner determines that such weapons are particularly suitable for military and not sporting purposes.
(b) Any shotgun with a revolving-cylinder magazine.
(c) Any part, or combination of parts, designed or redesigned or intended to readily convert a rifle or shotgun into an assault weapon.
(d) "Assault weapon" shall not include any rifle or shotgun modified to render it permanently inoperative.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 6:27:32 PM EDT

In addition to all the "named" assault weapons in the City of New York the following further defines an illegal assault weapon.

16. "Assault weapon."
(a) Any semiautomatic centerfire or rimfire rifle or semiautomatic shotgun which has one or more of the following features:
1. folding or telescoping stock or no stock;
2. pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
3. bayonet mount;
4. flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor;
5. barrel shroud;
6. grenade launcher; or
7. modifications of such features, or other features, determined by rule of the commissioner to be particularly suitable for military and not sporting purposes. In addition, the commissioner shall, by rule, designate specific semiautomatic centerfire or rimfire rifles or semiautomatic shotguns, identified by make, model and/or manufacturer's name, as within the definition of assault weapon, if the commissioner determines that such weapons are particularly suitable for military and not sporting purposes.
(b) Any shotgun with a revolving-cylinder magazine.
(c) Any part, or combination of parts, designed or redesigned or intended to readily convert a rifle or shotgun into an assault weapon.
(d) "Assault weapon" shall not include any rifle or shotgun modified to render it permanently inoperative.

You'll notice that only one banned feature is needed to render it an assault weapon (2 is the federal standard).  Also, the definition does not turn on the concept of a detachable magazine so the Cali legal FAB15 doesn't work either.
Link Posted: 5/12/2003 11:10:16 PM EDT
I dont believe you can Register a Mini 14 in NYC, i once ask Staff at NYPD at The Queens municipal building about registering a Mini 14 and they Said NO because the Mini Can Take a 20 round Mag, i were there to Register my AR7 which they had no problems with.

I were at T&T one monday Morning Picking up some ammo before i head off to Work when one Wealthy Jewish Guy got on his cell phone and called NYPD and ask if he could register 2 SKS in New York City and they Told him it was Okay, seem like he knew the People at Queens boulevard because he were joking around and shooting the breeze with them.

Tell your Buddies to do what everyone else Does, buy all the AR's you want But keep them on long Island , ask a relative if you can keep a Gun Safe in the Basement or Pay a Gun shop to keep them for you, Nost Charge a Armorers fee of about $35-$40 a year.
Link Posted: 5/13/2003 4:19:08 AM EDT
I'm curious about the Mini-14 point.  I've never actually bought one because they are fairly inaccurate guns, but they are not on the list of "assault weapons" published by the NYPD nor do they meet the assault weapon definition.  Has anyone actually tried to register one?
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 5:39:18 AM EDT
Phil, I purchased a Mini-14 SS Ranch a few days after 9-11-01 at Ironworks Gun Shop near One Police Plaza. I am not a NYC resident but the owner told me that he sells the Rugers because they are NYC legal. MIKE.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 1:32:23 PM EDT
So if they're banned what happens if you want to travel with your AR and need to go in to the City to use its airport???  Or fly in with an AR and wish to proceed to your legal destination.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 1:58:10 PM EDT
100% legal to pass through the city with them. I think you even have 24 hours or some number like that. This ban is a  bs administrative code regulation. The city itself shouldn't have the power to enact these sort of bans.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 2:24:27 PM EDT
10-305. Exemptions.

i.(1) Non-residents in transit. Any other
provision of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, a non-resident of the city of New York who, without a rifle and shotgun permit issued hereunder, enters the city of New York possessing a rifle or shotgun in the course of transit to a destination outside the city of New York, or a non-resident of the city of New York who enters the city of New York possessing an assault weapon in the course of transit to a destination outside the city of New York, shall have a period of twenty-four hours subsequent to such entering to be exempt from penalty under this chapter for the unlawful possession of a rifle, shotgun or assault weapon, provided that such rifle, shot-gun or assault weapon shall at all times be unloaded and in a locked case, or locked auto-mobile trunk, and that said non-resident is lawfully in possession of said rifle or shotgun according to the laws of his or her place of residence.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 3:54:53 PM EDT
Anybody know the deal with pistols?  If I'm on my way from CNY to Long Island and must pass through NYC to do so, can I transfer the pistol through in a locked box and unloaded?
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 4:05:05 PM EDT
Only if you drive through.  There is no stopover provision for pistols and as you know your out of city permit is not valid in NYC.
Link Posted: 5/16/2003 5:56:56 PM EDT
S 400.00 Licenses to carry, possess, repair and dispose of firearms.

6.  License:  validity.  Any  license  issued pursuant to this section shall be valid notwithstanding the provisions of any local law or  ordinance.    No  license shall be transferable to any other person or premises. A license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver, not  otherwise limited as to place or time of possession, shall be effective throughout the  state,  except  that the same shall not be valid within the city of New York unless a special permit granting  validity  is  issued  by  the police commissioner of that city. Such license to carry or possess shall be  valid  within the city of New York in the absence of a permit issued by the police commissioner of that city, provided that (a) the  firearms covered by such license have been purchased from a licensed dealer within  the  city  of  New  York  and are being transported out of said city forthwith and immediately from said dealer by the licensee in  a  locked container  during  a continuous and uninterrupted trip; or provided that

(b) the firearms covered by such license are being  transported  by  the licensee in a locked container and the trip through the city of New York is  continuous  and uninterrupted;  ............
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