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Posted: 8/17/2006 4:40:56 AM EDT
Anyone going on Sunday?  Great stuff, it has been a few years last time I made it.

Last time a group of friends went and stayed at the Holiday Inn,  and did the weekend party thing.  

This year just going for the race.
Link Posted: 8/17/2006 10:09:57 PM EDT
We go every year. Usually ride the bikes down but last year HOPPER drove his '76 El Dorado convertable and I could DRINK!!! HOPPER has to work so we will ride dsown and stay sober.
Link Posted: 8/18/2006 8:56:45 AM EDT
Sweet Jesus, it is the sixth sign of the apocolypse...I understood every word in Woodbutcher's post!

Link Posted: 8/19/2006 2:25:54 AM EDT

Sweet Jesus, it is the sixth sign of the apocolypse...I understood every word in Woodbutcher's post!

Damn, musta fergite to lawg off.
Link Posted: 8/19/2006 2:35:42 AM EDT

We go every year. Usually ride the bikes down but last year HOPPER drove his '76 El Dorado convertable and I could DRINK!!! HOPPER has to work so we will ride dsown and stay sober.

Sucks that is has been a few years, always a good time. We normally hang out near the drop, depends when we get there.  The turn after that is great, but not always the safest place.  If you see a Bushmaster hat, and a guy that looks like Col. Klink in a camo hat,  thats us.  See ya SUNDAY, Sunday, SUNDAy .
Link Posted: 8/19/2006 4:44:00 AM EDT
damn i saw   TT races and right away thought it was  Tavrn to Tavern races
Link Posted: 8/19/2006 10:09:17 AM EDT

damn i saw   TT races and right away thought it was  Tavrn to Tavern races

Damn, that would be hick town lawn mower poker runs.

Sorry, didn't mean to let ya down.    You must live N. of 80.
Link Posted: 8/22/2006 1:05:11 AM EDT
Was there a RACE?????

Link Posted: 8/22/2006 6:47:18 AM EDT
There was a lot of that pretty stuff there.  Didn't want to be responsible for the wifes camera though.

Man, the bikes sure have changed. Those fuckers got some great air, cool watching some of the landing, OUCH.

Mikey , that chick in front looks ready to kick ya in the teeth.   got any more pics?

For the other folks here, yeah, for them.
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