Never shot a fifty version, and although I'm sure it's a blast, I have a feeling I wouldn't find it a dollar per round fun.
I bought a .44 DE a few months ago and have been very impressed. I was already tooled up to reload .44 mag (also have a SRH) and thought it was just natural. It's performed VERY well. Shoots very nice groups, and has been pretty reliable. Had a couple FTE, but have a feeling it was a case of limp-wristing as it only happened to one buddy of mine using the same batch of loads I had been using with no problems.
I will say this, the grip sucks if you don't have gorilla hands. Two handed, I can get reasonably comfortable, one handed is worthless, if not for the grip size, also the weight. On the flip side, the gun seems to be very well built, and the two stage trigger is AWESOME.
I guess I looked at it this way, if it's a gun you just want to look at and talk about, get the fifty, if it's a gun your really wanna use, I'd look at the .44.