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Posted: 7/21/2010 10:54:24 PM EDT
I've been looking for a new 4" 1911 to carry. I've got the cash ready to spend, but have found my self in a dilemma. I've been looking at the Kimber covert II. Well made gun, I dig the colors and the checkering, the only bad part is the price. Local gunshop has one for 1300, and I've found them for as cheap as 1150 on gun broker. The other route I have though about going is getting a used Springfield champion, and sending it to the custom shop. With the mods I want, I can get about $200 cheaper. I guess the question is... What do you prefer, one you bought and modded the way you want, or one that has everything out of the box ready to go? Answers and advise would be great!
Link Posted: 7/21/2010 11:01:25 PM EDT


I've been looking for a new 4" 1911 to carry. I've got the cash ready to spend, but have found my self in a dilemma. I've been looking at the Kimber covert II. Well made gun, I dig the colors and the checkering, the only bad part is the price. Local gunshop has one for 1300, and I've found them for as cheap as 1150 on gun broker. The other route I have though about going is getting a used Springfield champion, and sending it to the custom shop. With the mods I want, I can get about $200 cheaper. I guess the question is... What do you prefer, one you bought and modded the way you want, or one that has everything out of the box ready to go? Answers and advise would be great!

Definitely one that I am able to modify to my liking. I would go with the Springfield just because I prefer a steel frame and no firing pin safeties. Springfields Custom shop is great as well.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 3:41:43 AM EDT
Personally, I'd go .25" longer and get a Colt Commander.

If you're dead set on the 4", I'd go with Springfield and get it modified to your liking. There's nothing like a gun that's got exactly what you want on it.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 3:52:15 AM EDT
Why a colt VS a SA?
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 3:53:10 AM EDT
I bought a Springfield Champion Operator for carry. Best option in my opinion.
It was under $1000 and comes with the "loaded" options. You'll also get a case,
holster, mag holster and a certificate to buy up to 10 Springfield mags for
$10 a piece.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 5:27:00 AM EDT
Why a colt VS a SA?

More for the 4.25" barrel/bushing/guide rod than anything. I'm not a fan of bull barrels and that's what Springfield's 4" guns come with.

Colt's Commander comes with a 4.25" barrel and, other than the guiderod, bushing, and spring plug being shorter, it is identical to a 5" 1911 GI setup.

I'm not knocking Springfield. I have 4 of them, and have had a 4". Bull barrel sucked for field stripping. All mine are 5" now.

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Link Posted: 7/22/2010 5:37:59 AM EDT
I picked up a Kimber 4" Raptor, and bobtailed it. It's been 100% reliable and accurate.

(Bottom right)
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 5:44:53 AM EDT
That is a beautiful full rail operator you have there! I guess my main question is to buy base and modify the way I want, or get all the bells and whistles out of the box. I was looking real hard at the Kimber covert II. I truly like springfields better, however that covert II is kickin. I've bought a few 1911's, and only really modded one (a GI model), but have never owned a top of the line high end super duper 1911. The nicest I have had is my kimber custom II. Just wondering which is the cheaper route to get to a high end CARRY 1911.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 5:47:24 AM EDT
Why a colt VS a SA?

More for the 4.25" barrel/bushing/guide rod than anything. I'm not a fan of bull barrels and that's what Springfield's 4" guns come with.

Colt's Commander comes with a 4.25" barrel and, other than the guiderod, bushing, and spring plug being shorter, it is identical to a 5" 1911 GI setup.

I'm not knocking Springfield. I have 4 of them, and have had a 4". Bull barrel sucked for field stripping. All mine are 5" now.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

That is a good point, as I am also not a fan of a full length guide rod, however for future mods I was wanting to send the pistol back to the manufacture. (Hear SA custom shop is good to go) Does colt also have a custom shop (Forgive me I have never owned one :P)
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 5:55:48 AM EDT


That is a beautiful full rail operator you have there! I guess my main question is to buy base and modify the way I want, or get all the bells and whistles out of the box. I was looking real hard at the Kimber covert II. I truly like springfields better, however that covert II is kickin. I've bought a few 1911's, and only really modded one (a GI model), but have never owned a top of the line high end super duper 1911. The nicest I have had is my kimber custom II. Just wondering which is the cheaper route to get to a high end CARRY 1911.

Get a Dan Wesson 4" gun, bobtailed or not.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 7:25:21 AM EDT

I've been looking for a new 4" 1911 to carry. I've got the cash ready to spend, but have found my self in a dilemma. I've been looking at the Kimber covert II. Well made gun, I dig the colors and the checkering, the only bad part is the price. Local gunshop has one for 1300, and I've found them for as cheap as 1150 on gun broker. The other route I have though about going is getting a used Springfield champion, and sending it to the custom shop. With the mods I want, I can get about $200 cheaper. I guess the question is... What do you prefer, one you bought and modded the way you want, or one that has everything out of the box ready to go? Answers and advise would be great!

Definitely one that I am able to modify to my liking. I would go with the Springfield just because I prefer a steel frame and no firing pin safeties. Springfields Custom shop is great as well.

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:12:00 AM EDT

That is a good point, as I am also not a fan of a full length guide rod, however for future mods I was wanting to send the pistol back to the manufacture. (Hear SA custom shop is good to go) Does colt also have a custom shop (Forgive me I have never owned one :P)

Colt and Springfield both have Custom Shops. Springfield will work on anything, but I haven't heard much of Colt's Shop.

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Link Posted: 7/22/2010 8:30:56 AM EDT
Personally, I'd go .25" longer and get a Colt Commander.

If you're dead set on the 4", I'd go with Springfield and get it modified to your liking. There's nothing like a gun that's got exactly what you want on it.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


but if the coin is $1.3k, i'd look to a used les baer
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:28:44 AM EDT
I've got a steel Champion that is about as reliable as it gets. Had EGW ignition parts put in it.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 9:48:58 AM EDT
Personally, I'd go .25" longer and get a Colt Commander.

If you're dead set on the 4", I'd go with Springfield and get it modified to your liking. There's nothing like a gun that's got exactly what you want on it.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


but if the coin is $1.3k, i'd look to a used les baer

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:02:44 AM EDT
smith and wesson commanders if you don't give a shit about the looks of an external extractor.  they are incredibly reliable.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:19:42 AM EDT
Since everyone else is giving you options that you didn't ask about....I present the super carry pro.  The MSRP shows higher than what you are talking about spending but they are selling for less than what you are talking about spending.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 1:46:29 PM EDT
well fellas, i have to say, as an owner of colts (both old, and very new), a kimber, a springer, a sig, a para, and a smith 1911, i can honestly say the toughest, highest quality without breaking the bank into the wilson or ed brown level- is IMHO, the springer.  just make sure the modifications you have done are 100 percent reliable- and realistic.  dont load up your carry weapon with a bunch of competition toys.  id say the most important upgrade is a good carry bevel/dehorning job.

my own personal comment- (only because so many of us have tried to sway the op into getting a 4.25" weapon)  if youre able to pack a 4 incher, with standard grip, i would advise you to get a full size government 5" weapon.

my reasons:  increased reliability, longer barrel for ballistics, longer sight radius, better feel in the hand (imho), and the fact that then you only need one weapon instead of 2- for a duty type full size, and an off duty type carry weapon.

if you go with a quality belt, and holster- like a milt sparks summer special IWB holster, you will not have difficulty packing the big iron.  remember its the entire system together- a wal mart belt, and a million dollar holster wont work.  you need a solid foundation to strap into.

there is lots of debate about how realistic that is, but truth be told, its not a big jump from your commander length weapons.  if youre gonna go light, with shorts and a t shirt, maybee its a j-frame day!   im just saying- the direct comparison to a commander, and a full size isnt much of a change, and you get a world of benefit from the fullsize, in my experience.

either way, enjoy carrying a 1911.  im stuck packing a glock for awhile, both on duty and off-  and it feels like im cheating on my 1911's!  

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 3:07:08 PM EDT
well fellas, i have to say, as an owner of colts (both old, and very new), a kimber, a springer, a sig, a para, and a smith 1911, i can honestly say the toughest, highest quality without breaking the bank into the wilson or ed brown level- is IMHO, the springer.  just make sure the modifications you have done are 100 percent reliable- and realistic.  dont load up your carry weapon with a bunch of competition toys.  id say the most important upgrade is a good carry bevel/dehorning job.

my own personal comment- (only because so many of us have tried to sway the op into getting a 4.25" weapon)  if youre able to pack a 4 incher, with standard grip, i would advise you to get a full size government 5" weapon.

my reasons:  increased reliability, longer barrel for ballistics, longer sight radius, better feel in the hand (imho), and the fact that then you only need one weapon instead of 2- for a duty type full size, and an off duty type carry weapon.

if you go with a quality belt, and holster- like a milt sparks summer special IWB holster, you will not have difficulty packing the big iron.  remember its the entire system together- a wal mart belt, and a million dollar holster wont work.  you need a solid foundation to strap into.

there is lots of debate about how realistic that is, but truth be told, its not a big jump from your commander length weapons.  if youre gonna go light, with shorts and a t shirt, maybee its a j-frame day!   im just saying- the direct comparison to a commander, and a full size isnt much of a change, and you get a world of benefit from the fullsize, in my experience.

either way, enjoy carrying a 1911.  im stuck packing a glock for awhile, both on duty and off-  and it feels like im cheating on my 1911's!  

I am a short stature guy (5'4") and have no problem concealing the grip of the handgun. What I do have problems with however is my butt hitting that last inch of the barrel, and pushing the handle outwards when I sit down. I love all of my glocks to a fault, but their .45's just dont work for me. I am also stuck with a glock for duty carry, but if I had my choice I think I would carry a full size 1911. If I even remotely think that anything bad is going down, the rifle comes out :P
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 3:31:57 PM EDT


I am a short stature guy (5'4") and have no problem concealing the grip of the handgun. What I do have problems with however is my butt hitting that last inch of the barrel, and pushing the handle outwards when I sit down. I love all of my glocks to a fault, but their .45's just dont work for me. I am also stuck with a glock for duty carry, but if I had my choice I think I would carry a full size 1911. If I even remotely think that anything bad is going down, the rifle comes out :P

I was just gonna post that the barrel can be an issue for small guys (sorry, I'm 6' and 200lbs so you're kinda little ).

Hell, That's why I can't carry at 4 o'clock myself. Aggravates a nerve in the old behind. 5" is perfect for me at 3 o'clock.

If you want to carry at 4-5 o'clock, the shorter barrel is DEFINITELY the way to go.

The .75" shorter barrel of the Commander would accomplish this. The 4" would as well.
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:00:02 PM EDT


I am a short stature guy (5'4") and have no problem concealing the grip of the handgun. What I do have problems with however is my butt hitting that last inch of the barrel, and pushing the handle outwards when I sit down. I love all of my glocks to a fault, but their .45's just dont work for me. I am also stuck with a glock for duty carry, but if I had my choice I think I would carry a full size 1911. If I even remotely think that anything bad is going down, the rifle comes out :P

I was just gonna post that the barrel can be an issue for small guys (sorry, I'm 6' and 200lbs so you're kinda little ).

Hell, That's why I can't carry at 4 o'clock myself. Aggravates a nerve in the old behind. 5" is perfect for me at 3 o'clock.

If you want to carry at 4-5 o'clock, the shorter barrel is DEFINITELY the way to go.

The .75" shorter barrel of the Commander would accomplish this. The 4" would as well.

4 Oclock is exactly how I carry, to small for anything else :P And I dont mind the small comments, I LIKE being little :P

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 6:50:09 PM EDT
get an Ed Brown

Link Posted: 7/22/2010 10:49:29 PM EDT
Personally, I'd go .25" longer and get a Colt Commander. DAN WESSON

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Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:19:00 PM EDT
Link Posted: 7/22/2010 11:58:23 PM EDT
A lot of value in the springfield loaded pistols. I have a 5" and just picked up a loaded champion. Very happy with both. Lifetime warranty is always a plus as well.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 4:44:31 PM EDT
Take a look at the STI Ranger series, they are a lot of gun for the money. I have a Ranger II in 45ACP and it's a great gun and the barrel length is 4.15 in.
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:47:30 PM EDT
Personally, I'd go .25" longer and get a Colt Commander. DAN WESSON

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Stay away from Dan Wesson.   I want them all to myself.  
Link Posted: 7/23/2010 5:56:50 PM EDT
I have two SA Champions, and for the money and the options, I don't think you can do much better.  Plus the money you save on them can be put into getting the specific modification that you want to make the gun exactly how you want it.

That's my vote.
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