I prefer the p2000sk to the p30sk. Have both, carried and shot both a lot.
The grip of the p30sk is more aggressive, and not nearly as comfortable IWB. Let's be honest, most carry guns will be carried frequently, and never used defensively. I feel the aggressive texture isn't truly needed on a concealed carry weapon.
The p2000sk is slightly thinner on the sides and front to back. I carry mine with the large back strap on it. The palm swell on the p30sk feels enormous with the large backstrap on, as they are shaped differently.
I prefer the slim, and almost useless rail on the p2000sk. I don't conceal carry with a flashlight, my funeral I know.
Lastly the p2000 series just *feels* more solid. I don't know how to describe it, but hold them both side by side. Im not alone in this, quite a few people on hkpro have said the same thing.