Okay, I've been "interested" (obsessed) with obtaining a brace of 6" barreled, Springfield Armory Long Slide .45acp pistols, for at least five or six years... One damned thing or another has stumped me, keeping me from my goal. Whether finanaces, familial duties, or what have you, I've been tortured like Tantulus, chained to that boulder...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't a longer barrel, even if "only" by an inch, improve the ballistics of the venerable 230gr FMJ or, better yet, a latest design JHP? I want something with the reliability of the .45acp, launched from a 1911A1 platform. Minimum 10 rounds, like with my Chip McCormick(SP?) ss mags, and the solidity of an anvil... Reliability and accuracy- AND respectable throw weight...
So, is the 6" Springfield Armory Long Slide a "better" or more powerful/accurate pistol than the standard, 5" barreled 1911A1?
I'm going to have my local gun shop start a full court press for them in September or October. This time, I won't quit the trail. Long Slides, come Hell or high water...
Thanks for your input, in advance.
Carter, out...
P.S. They'll also have tritium night sights, ambidextrous safeties, super slim grip panels, and better mag wells... cfl