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Posted: 5/4/2003 5:27:17 PM EDT
I was at a local gun store the other day and they told me that it still hasn't come out yet. Does anyone know when this giant hand cannon will be released? In addition, are they going to offer it with a shorter barrel like a 6" or even 4" barrel for those who really love macho recoil heavy guns?
Link Posted: 5/4/2003 10:10:31 PM EDT
Late this summer is expected delivery. They had expected an original run of 1500-2000 guns. After the Shot Show they had orders for over 10,000. You do the math.    
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:15:16 AM EDT
their omly mistake was underesimating the high demand for gig revolvers.my 8 inch anaconda has comforted me for deveral years.
my next hand cannon pershese was the 7/12 inch ruger SRH O WHAT A PEICE OF ART!God i love it.just a bit more recoil than my 250 loaded .44s.the 325 hornidays at 1350 fps were well maby more than a bit more recoil but hey very controable,just a little tingling along my palm between full cylinders.
Link Posted: 5/5/2003 4:25:17 AM EDT
btw anyone seen a ruger superblackhawk hunter yet??? me neither.
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