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Posted: 9/28/2023 10:16:46 PM EDT
Ok, so I've got this parts kit- Model 13 357 mag with 3 inch barrel. I've been looking for a donor frame to build on. I missed out on the ones J&G had for 200 dollars, but that's water under the bridge. Centerfire Systems has some old Model 10s in fair to rough condition that vary in price from 150 to upwards of 400. Most of the nicer ones seem to be 4 inch heavy barrel, and if I bought one of those I'd probably want to keep it in that configuration.  So I settled on one for 150 dollars, but it has a broken hammer stud. I've been doing some research and it doesn't look like this is a difficult job. I have a hydraulic press and accessories.  
Just wondering during if anybody has any real world experience in replacing the hammer stud, or what I'm in for
Link Posted: 9/29/2023 12:10:59 PM EDT
Most of the ones I seen replaced were sent back to Smiff. When S&W replaced the one in my 625 they welded it into position. I know this because I could see the halo around the new stud. S&W wanted me to pay for refinishing the gun to remove it but I politely declined. They did tell me beforehand about it so no foul there. It was a minor blemish.
Link Posted: 11/15/2023 5:03:41 PM EDT
I was under the impression that it's a precision drilling/welding job. Curious about what you find out though.
Link Posted: 11/18/2023 8:46:13 AM EDT
Anvil 065: S&W model 29-2 Trigger stud replacement

This video covers an alternative approach. It would probably work for a hammer stud as well.  Whatever you choose, it is not a simple process.
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