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Posted: 5/20/2002 8:18:38 AM EDT
{Reposted here, was posted on the AR gen. Firearms disc. board, I just realized this forum was here thanks to Striker his
The three i'm considering are 1)Colt Python (IF they EVER become Cali legal), 2)S&W 686, 3)Ruger ???

I want a 6" barrel and it must be a .357

I was seriously considering the Python but am rethinking things especially since its not California legal, yet.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 9:52:36 AM EDT
I would recommend an older S&W model 27, 28, 66 or 19 as your best choices. The old Smith N and K frame revolvers have have been the absolute height for revolver design. The triggers are supurb and they are just plain beautiful. When you realize that you can most likely get one for around $300.00 it become irresitable.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 12:50:53 PM EDT
I've had all three at one time or another. They all are outstanding revolvers. The one I've kept is a L frame 681, same as the 686 only with fixed sights instead of adjustable. I'd have to advise going for a good used 686.

Happy hunting.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 1:23:12 PM EDT
I vote also for an older S&W, smoothest actions I have ever had on revolvers. They just don't make em like they used to.
Models 27 or 28 for a nice large N frame would be my choice.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 3:18:45 PM EDT
I'll be the Python vote, even though I have shot S&Ws all my life.  I had the pleasure of fondling a 6" nickle plated Python when I worked at a local gun shop when I was in high school.  That was the smoothest action I have EVER been able to caress.  I love S&W revolvers, and will always prefer them, but if I ever run across a python like that one........I'm buying.
Link Posted: 5/20/2002 9:57:24 PM EDT
I too prefer the Python.  It was often called the "Cadillac of Handguns" when being described.  However, unless something changes, you probably won't get a new one in California.  The last I heard, the Python is not a regular production item any more, but instead is being done in the Custom Shop.  As such, I doubt Colt is going to go through the process of getting it certified in California.  Might keep an eye on the used gun market, as I think that might get around the "CA legal" listing.  
Link Posted: 5/21/2002 7:51:41 AM EDT
Python is the caddy, Smith is the standard and Ruger is the workhorse, at least to me. Python's long term usage has earned the reputation of fragility...thats relative, of course. The new Python, nearing a thousand bucks, make the Smiths and Rugers look more appealing. An out of the box Smith should outshoot most handgunners. I have had a few Rugers that were awesome and a couple that grouped just awful. (GP-100s) I'm leaning towards the Smiths...a 686, not a bad choice, again, in my opinion.
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