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Posted: 11/1/2006 7:04:22 AM EDT
I have been shooting for years, but have just recently contracted the 1911 fever. I had a nice 1991 Colt customized about 15 years ago, but I haven't really shot it much. I have bought a Kimber Ultra Carry II and a Kimber Pro TLE RL in the last couple of weeks. Now I need to get mags. I am sure that the Chip McCormick vs. Wilson mag debate is something that has been hashed and rehashed over and over, but if you guys don't mind, would you tell me if it is worth the extra $10 a mag for the Wilson mags and why? I have a few CM Shooting Star mags that I have yet to have a problem with, and I am just wondering if it is really worth the extra money to buy the Wilsons. Thanks in advance.
Link Posted: 11/1/2006 8:13:12 AM EDT
i see it like this: CMC=range mags, WC=carry/duty mags

i too have had no real malfunctions w/ CMC--just a couple of power mags and a 10rnder that gave me some feeding problems (FTFs, and weak springs); but i have heard others having other problems including the spot welded floorplates breaking and falling out, springs either being too strong or wearing out too fast, inconsistant followers (leading to malfunctions), and other qualms

on the other hand, WC mags have worked 100% for me and for many others, and i prefer thier more quality controlled mags
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 5:30:35 PM EDT
Heres my take:

I've been shooting 1911s since the seventies and had a collection of various
vintage Colt mags. I'd put the old Pachmayr base pads on them and they had
been my main collections of mags for my various 1911s over the years.

They always did a decent job but of the many 1911s I've owned over the years I
would occasionally have various MALFs and used to consider them gun related.
I always fought againist the urge to spend the bucks for Wilson mags but lately I had a hankering to buy more high end 1911s and in anticipation of those purchases
I bought a dozen 47Ds.

After using them with my old 1911s as well as the newer guns I've been buying I'm convinced that the majority of the functioning problems I've had over the years was my old Colt mags. I think the Wilson mags are so good that if everyone used them the majority of the 1911s reputation for spotty reliabilty would be greatly reduced.
Link Posted: 11/2/2006 5:36:35 PM EDT
Well here is my 2 cents, For what its worth. I just got a used SA 1911 Ultra Compact. I loved this gun from first sight. OD Green, with night sights. Anyway, It only need'd to things after I shot the first 100 rnds.

#1 A new set of grips.

#2 New mags, the factor mags just where NOT doing the job.
Stove piping,not feeding,Ect,Ect. After a friend stopped by the range and gave me his full size Wilson mag to try. I was sold. The new Wilson's also gave me a extra rnd in the compact that the factor didn't. 7+1 now. They feed great with all kinds of ammo, Even the Blazer,Wolfe, and some of the other cheap stuff. There easy to load and VERY SMOOTH. Well worth the extra few $$$. IMHO. I have thrown my old SA mags in the bottom of my shooting bag for last resort spares.
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