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Page Handguns » Kahr
Posted: 9/13/2010 8:22:32 PM EDT
I've read a bunch of folks saying the Kahr units for conceal carry arent as reliable as Glock, any truth to that? I'm interested in the small 45, forget the model #, but seems like a great carry. Any experience?
Link Posted: 9/13/2010 8:34:59 PM EDT
I have had three. The first two were 100%, the new one is untested. Mages can be hit or miss, by reputation and by my observations both. If yours runs, it's good to go.
Link Posted: 9/13/2010 9:59:10 PM EDT
I've been carrying an MK40 in a pocket holster for 10 years. It is pretty reliable, but somewhat ammo sensitive... mine is not 100% with the Gold Dots I carry in my Glock. However, the thinner profile makes the MK40 a workable solution as a pocket gun. When I can get away with a belt holster, I go to the Glock.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 5:43:26 PM EDT
I carry the CW45 and I haven't had an issue since I took it out of the box with a few hundred rounds since then.  Shoot an assortment of FMJ and my HP is usually Remington Golden Sabers.
Link Posted: 9/14/2010 6:29:05 PM EDT
I've carried a PM9 for 4 years. Never had a problem with it. As much as I like it, I don't know that I would say a Kahr in general is as reliable as a Glock.
Link Posted: 9/15/2010 10:17:31 AM EDT
i have a cw9.  I've tried 7 or 8 different types of ammo.  So far it doesn't like WWB JHP or Corbon JHP.  However, both of those were tried inside the 200 round break-in period.  It's been flawless with every other type of ammo and every shot since the break-in period.  i've got about 600 rounds through it now.
Link Posted: 9/15/2010 5:23:37 PM EDT
I carry a cw9 and I haven't had any ftf's or fte's that I can remember.  Been carrying it for a couple of years.  A g19 is still one fine weapon.  And I may trade over to carrying mine more soon.  I am much more accurate with it than the Kahr.
Link Posted: 9/16/2010 12:44:41 PM EDT
I have owned a pm9, pm45 and p45. The only malfuntion I have ever seen is when one of my friends (first time shooter very recoil shy) had a fte with the p45. It was his error and not the guns fault. I tried to get the gun to duplicate the error by intentionally limp wristing etc but I could never duplicate it. Thousands of rounds through all of them and no problems.
Link Posted: 9/16/2010 2:14:05 PM EDT
Once you get them past the break in period they are GTG.
Link Posted: 9/17/2010 9:11:49 PM EDT
To compare a G26 to the PM9 is apples & oranges.

The design of the PM9 is great but it's about concealibility. People that carry these weapon put a premium on CC.

Try miniaturizing the G26 and see if occasionaly a weapon or two malfunctions.

Nonetheless, these are all mechanical devices subject to failure, Just like my transmission :)
Link Posted: 9/18/2010 12:20:44 PM EDT
Kahr pistols are great pieces of American engineering they will serve you well.  Granted every manufacturer has the possibility of having issues treat them all the same shoot them the verify reliability.
Link Posted: 9/26/2010 1:31:22 AM EDT
I have yet to find a reason to not carry my PM9. I trust it with my life every day.
Link Posted: 10/1/2010 8:01:02 PM EDT
Glocks are pretty danged reliable but my experience with Kahr has been excellent.  My old E9 that I bought in the 90's has been a lot of places including my fanny pack while riding trails on the dirt bike.  It looks like hell but keeps on running.  Only issue has been that I have knocked the front sight off twice.  My K9 has the dovetailed sight and I am thinking of doing the same to the E9.
Link Posted: 10/2/2010 12:49:42 PM EDT
I have been carrying a Kahr P-40 Covert (the predecessor to the PM-40) for just abut 10 years now and it has been totally reliable.  I carry it daily.
Link Posted: 10/2/2010 12:58:41 PM EDT
P45 for daily carry, like others said, once you get past the break-in (took me around 300 rds.) it's good to go.
Link Posted: 10/29/2010 8:50:12 PM EDT
My Kahr's have been as reliable as my Glocks.  Though the PM series does not like limp wristing.
Page Handguns » Kahr
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