I have owned Glocks for 16 years now and have never shot lead in any of them. I bought 2 Gen 3 G19s for $840 and the guns are in excellent condition aside from the lead fouling. I almost want to complain about it, but I am leaning toward "No big deal. Ask more questions next time. Lesson learned.", and all that stuff. One of them had an extreme amount of lead at the crown and I haven't really examined the other one that closely yet, so I am unsure about how bad the crown looks on it. So, here I am asking how I can get the offensive material out and let that gorgeous polygonal rifling shine. I searched and I found a lot about shooting lead, but no real "this is the best and easiest way to remove it". I have read about people using 'Chore Boy' and silicon cloth, but the Chore Boy seems somehwat extreme and the silicon cloth doesn't sound like it will do much. Any help appreciated.
Also, I have never fired a Gen 4. A friend of mine tells me that the recoil impulse is significantly reduced. True or negligable? I am considering a Form 1 for SBR with one of these Gen 3 G19s, but I had a gut feeling earlier that I should do it to a Gen 4. Trust the gut or go with what I have already? I do kind of dig that RTF.