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Posted: 8/1/2011 8:08:04 PM EDT
I have owned Glocks for 16 years now and have never shot lead in any of them. I bought 2 Gen 3 G19s for $840 and the guns are in excellent condition aside from the lead fouling. I almost want to complain about it, but I am leaning toward "No big deal. Ask more questions next time. Lesson learned.", and all that stuff. One of them had an extreme amount of lead at the crown and I haven't really examined the other one that closely yet, so I am unsure about how bad the crown looks on it. So, here I am asking how I can get the offensive material out and let that gorgeous polygonal rifling shine. I searched and I found a lot about shooting lead, but no real "this is the best and easiest way to remove it".  I have read about people using 'Chore Boy' and silicon cloth, but the Chore Boy seems somehwat extreme and the silicon cloth doesn't sound like it will do much. Any help appreciated.

Also, I have never fired a Gen 4. A friend of mine tells me that the recoil impulse is significantly reduced. True or negligable? I am considering a Form 1 for SBR with one of these Gen 3 G19s, but I had a gut feeling earlier that I should do it to a Gen 4. Trust the gut or go with what I have already?  I do kind of dig that RTF.
Link Posted: 8/1/2011 8:48:48 PM EDT
There are number of commercial solvents for lead fouling.  Clearly, these combined with elbow grease and typical bore brushes, swags, etc, is going to do the most work though.  Put the work into the lead by where the barrel meets the chamber.  You can just shoot out most of the lead in the crown when you resume FMJ.  It doesn't have to be mirror-perfect.  

As far as the recoil....I think the 4th gen G19 snaps like .40S&W, but without the extra flash, but that is just me.  The recoil seems to be more in the frame rather than in the slide.  Not really much of a difference to dwell over really.  But I found it odd enough  that I did a double-take and shot both generations back to back a few times to make sure I wasn't crazy.
Link Posted: 8/2/2011 1:03:51 PM EDT
Wrap some copper chore boy around a brush and add some solvent and scrub away. the bore will shine afterwards,  It won't hurt the rifling
Link Posted: 8/2/2011 1:13:59 PM EDT
Lewis Lead Remover. Use as directed. Be happy.
Link Posted: 8/2/2011 11:05:05 PM EDT


Wrap some copper chore boy around a brush and add some solvent and scrub away. the bore will shine afterwards, It won't hurt the rifling

This and have lots of fun!!!
Link Posted: 8/3/2011 4:11:36 AM EDT
I'd try shooting some jacketed bullets through it first.
Link Posted: 8/3/2011 10:36:37 AM EDT
I'd try shooting some jacketed bullets through it first.

I hope you're kidding.
That would be a great way to have another exploding Glock thread.
Link Posted: 8/3/2011 4:20:47 PM EDT
I'd try shooting some jacketed bullets through it first.

I hope you're kidding.
That would be a great way to have another exploding Glock thread.

I got a good belly chuckle out of that one. I am a strange guy. I'll spend thousands on all kinds of shit yet I scour the webs for the best price on a $30 item. Looks like I  may get the Lewis lead remover from Brownells and give it a shot

Link Posted: 8/3/2011 5:47:33 PM EDT

An interesting thread here...

I guess I wouldn't take that chance after all on a badly leaded up barrel.
Link Posted: 8/3/2011 6:10:54 PM EDT

An interesting thread here...

I guess I wouldn't take that chance after all on a badly leaded up barrel.

Very educational contribution. Most appreciated. I suppose the lead fowling can be a big deal. I'm not one to take chances on things like this. I really like my Glocks, eyes, hands, etc.
$30 to remove the lead is already looking like a bargain

Link Posted: 8/5/2011 4:00:00 AM EDT
Wrap some copper chore boy around a brush and add some solvent and scrub away. the bore will shine afterwards,  It won't hurt the rifling

THIS is the best advice you will read.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 1:57:05 PM EDT
I've shot hard cast lead bullets in my Glocks with no ill effects.  You can mix a solution of 50%Vinegar 50%  Peroxide place a spent brass cartridge in barrel.  Fill the barrel with solution and let stand while you clean the rest of the pistol.  After a few minutes dump the solution and run cold water through the barrel.  If very leaded you can run  the Glock nylon brush down the bore but I usually just push patches cut from an old T shirt down the bore.
Link Posted: 8/7/2011 2:06:18 PM EDT
Any pictures of the G19's you bought?  I'm envious.
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 9:39:47 AM EDT
I personally would take them back and ask them to clean the lead out.
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 4:53:53 PM EDT
Any pictures of the G19's you bought?  I'm envious.

I only have one of the black ones in hand at the moment. After I transfer the second one (has it been 7 days yet? ) , I will post lusty pics of my OD Green G19s, the Black G19s, my 15 round factory Glock mag hoard, and my 33 round factory Glock mag hoard  
Link Posted: 8/8/2011 5:03:25 PM EDT
I personally would take them back and ask them to clean the lead out.

I would have to ship them back to do that. I ended up using an older .40 cal copper brush and it took about 10 minutes to get the lead out. The first time I tried to remove it, the bore was not dry. With the bore dry, it came out in the form of dust. The bore looks pristine now

I let the seller know that the guns came with a shotload of lead fouling in them and he should do a visual inpection and maybe a cleaning before sending things out like that. He never responded. I left him positive feedback because I was happy with the price and the shipping time. I don't think he has left me feedback yet

Link Posted: 8/10/2011 5:17:44 PM EDT
Any pictures of the G19's you bought?  I'm envious.

I only have one of the black ones in hand at the moment. After I transfer the second one (has it been 7 days yet? ) , I will post lusty pics of my OD Green G19s, the Black G19s, my 15 round factory Glock mag hoard, and my 33 round factory Glock mag hoard  

" />

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 4:54:53 AM EDT
Any pictures of the G19's you bought?  I'm envious.

I only have one of the black ones in hand at the moment. After I transfer the second one (has it been 7 days yet? ) , I will post lusty pics of my OD Green G19s, the Black G19s, my 15 round factory Glock mag hoard, and my 33 round factory Glock mag hoard  

http://<a href=http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7288/glockg19hoard.jpg</a>" />

You need to get some Korean 33's just for safe keeping.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 9:28:25 AM EDT
Any pictures of the G19's you bought?  I'm envious.

I only have one of the black ones in hand at the moment. After I transfer the second one (has it been 7 days yet? ) , I will post lusty pics of my OD Green G19s, the Black G19s, my 15 round factory Glock mag hoard, and my 33 round factory Glock mag hoard  

http://<a href=http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7288/glockg19hoard.jpg</a>" />

You need to get some Korean 33's just for safe keeping.

I thought about getting a few and putting Glock followers in them, but there are many other things higher up on the short list.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 12:00:05 PM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 3:36:37 PM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?

I 'think it was lead' because it was lead. I know lead when I see it.

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 3:47:55 PM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?

I 'think it was lead' because it was lead. I know lead when I see it.

Yeah, I have seen "lead" residue on my Glocks too.  Except it isn't lead, it was just normal shooting residue.  It was hard as hell to remove but I know it wasn't lead because I was only shooting TMJ bullets through it for the past 1000 rounds or so.
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 5:24:27 PM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?

I 'think it was lead' because it was lead. I know lead when I see it.

Yeah, I have seen "lead" residue on my Glocks too.  Except it isn't lead, it was just normal shooting residue.  It was hard as hell to remove but I know it wasn't lead because I was only shooting TMJ bullets through it for the past 1000 rounds or so.

I have been firing and carrying Glocks for 16 years. I have no clue how many rounds that I have fired through the years through all of my Glocks but my first Gen 3 G19 had 2k plus rounds on it and the residue never looked like lead. It was really lead. You know..... soft.... grey..... fucking lead bro It is beyond me why the concept of some dumbass shooting lead projectiles through his G19, not being able to remove it, and selling it cheap is so hard to grasp....
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 5:40:06 PM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?

I 'think it was lead' because it was lead. I know lead when I see it.

Yeah, I have seen "lead" residue on my Glocks too.  Except it isn't lead, it was just normal shooting residue.  It was hard as hell to remove but I know it wasn't lead because I was only shooting TMJ bullets through it for the past 1000 rounds or so.

I have been firing and carrying Glocks for 16 years. I have no clue how many rounds that I have fired through the years through all of my Glocks but my first Gen 3 G19 had 2k plus rounds on it and the residue never looked like lead. It was really lead. You know..... soft.... grey..... fucking lead bro It is beyond me why the concept of some dumbass shooting lead projectiles through his G19, not being able to remove it, and selling it cheap is so hard to grasp....

Sure bro.  If it was so soft why wasn't the seller able to remove it????  And what kind of dumbass would decide to keep sight unseen Glocks that "obviously" had lead shot through them by persons unknown,  just because they were cheap?  If I bought lead fouled Glocks, because I thought I was getting the deal of the century,  I would promptly send them back and get a refund.  Who is the   now?

Link Posted: 8/11/2011 6:37:10 PM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?

I 'think it was lead' because it was lead. I know lead when I see it.

Yeah, I have seen "lead" residue on my Glocks too.  Except it isn't lead, it was just normal shooting residue.  It was hard as hell to remove but I know it wasn't lead because I was only shooting TMJ bullets through it for the past 1000 rounds or so.

I have been firing and carrying Glocks for 16 years. I have no clue how many rounds that I have fired through the years through all of my Glocks but my first Gen 3 G19 had 2k plus rounds on it and the residue never looked like lead. It was really lead. You know..... soft.... grey..... fucking lead bro It is beyond me why the concept of some dumbass shooting lead projectiles through his G19, not being able to remove it, and selling it cheap is so hard to grasp....

Sure bro.  If it was so soft why wasn't the seller able to remove it????  And what kind of dumbass would decide to keep sight unseen Glocks that "obviously" had lead shot through them by persons unknown,  just because they were cheap?  If I bought lead fouled Glocks, because I thought I was getting the deal of the century,  I would promptly send them back and get a refund.  Who is the   now?

To the Pit fellas!
Link Posted: 8/11/2011 6:44:29 PM EDT
I'd try shooting some jacketed bullets through it first.

I hope you're kidding.
That would be a great way to have another exploding Glock thread.

No it is not, i do it all the time.

I shoot about 300 cast lead rounds and then a mag of hot 115gr FMJ's.  First few are smokey but then it goes away and the bore is plenty clean.

Everyone thinks that guns are frail and unsafe, I think there are a lot of panty wearing shooters out there.
Link Posted: 8/12/2011 3:18:09 AM EDT
What makes you think it was lead?

I 'think it was lead' because it was lead. I know lead when I see it.

Yeah, I have seen "lead" residue on my Glocks too.  Except it isn't lead, it was just normal shooting residue.  It was hard as hell to remove but I know it wasn't lead because I was only shooting TMJ bullets through it for the past 1000 rounds or so.

I have been firing and carrying Glocks for 16 years. I have no clue how many rounds that I have fired through the years through all of my Glocks but my first Gen 3 G19 had 2k plus rounds on it and the residue never looked like lead. It was really lead. You know..... soft.... grey..... fucking lead bro It is beyond me why the concept of some dumbass shooting lead projectiles through his G19, not being able to remove it, and selling it cheap is so hard to grasp....

Sure bro.  If it was so soft why wasn't the seller able to remove it????  And what kind of dumbass would decide to keep sight unseen Glocks that "obviously" had lead shot through them by persons unknown,  just because they were cheap?  If I bought lead fouled Glocks, because I thought I was getting the deal of the century,  I would promptly send them back and get a refund.  Who is the   now?

The lead was very thick on the crown and I was able to gently strip it off with an Exacto blade. The bore was a bear to get clean and unless someone were going to use a special tool (Lewis lead remover, etc..) or oversized brush, it was not coming out. The "kind of dumbass that would keep sight unseen Glocks  that "obviously" had lead shot through them by persons unknown" is the same dumbass that plans on using a threaded barrel on at least one of them. I was not going to send them back for a refund because I would have lost a large percentage of the refund shipping them back. If I couldn't have gotten the lead out of them, then I would have an excellent excuse to get threaded barrels for both of them (maybe even those snazzy Glock factory threaded barrels). At $420 each shipped, it was hard to want to send them back because I would likely pay closer to $500 shipped or more each for two more G19s. I will no longer communicate with you and will make use of the 'ignore' tab. Go troll the HK forum.... "expert"  

Link Posted: 8/12/2011 2:05:45 PM EDT
LOL.  Can't tell the difference between H53 and HK either.  Priceless.
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