What do you guy's thing of the .357 sig as a duty round?
It is what it is, just another self defense/duty round. Its not a magical death ray, or super powered Star Trek gun.
I used to be a huge fan of it, not so much anymore. Some call me a "hater", but I'm more of a "disliker". I dont buy for a single minute that it is any better than a quality 9mm service load.
For instance, the best load for the .357sig is the 125gr Speer GDHP. Well lab testing has shown the 124gr+P Speer GDHP offers virtually identical performance in regards to penetration and expansion, with a very slight edge to the .357sig in hard intermediate barrier performance. Some hardliner .357sig fanatics will piss and moan about me comparing a +P 9mm load with .357sig.
OK, how about the fact that lab testing has shown that loads like the 147gr Winchester Ranger Talon has superior performance in regards to penetration and expansion the the .357sig offering. Oh wait, now the comparison is skewed because I'm comparing a heavier weight round to the .357sig modest 125gr load.
Now, with that said, there really is no comparison, the 9mm beats the .357sig, hands down. You have other factors like ammo availability, price, faster follow up shots, weapon life, among others that I cant think of at the moment.
Of course this matters not to the die .357sig-ophile. Do you know why? "Because the .357sig is faster!".