In short - no, they don't.
I used to shoot right (i'm left handed) with my stock G19. Frustrating, but it is what it is. 2015 was a good year, so that glock went off to agency for a makeover. It got the full workover, and while I wasn't expecting to all of a sudden shoot better, I hoped that the improved ergos would possibly help. The flat trigger feels great, but the idiot behind the trigger was still shooting off.
Fast forward to 2016, I picked up a Gen 4 G17 on a whim. For some reason, I started to find the center without adjusting or compensating for the drift. Probably has to do with the fact the Gen4 has a slightly shorter distance from back of grip to the trigger and my medium sized hands had less issue with a proper trigger pull. Ended up with a Zev trigger setup, but also toyed with the Agency trigger. Made no different which one I used. Boiled down to the preference for a curved trigger in the end.
At a course later on in 2016 with Ronin Tactics, Tu stressed having a strong support hand grip to drive the gun. I've always tried having even pressure with both hands, but after I started putting more effort on a strong support hand grip and looser (but still firm) shooting hand grip. By doing this I've felt that it's allowed the trigger finger to shoot with less input, just a straight back & forth motion. Might not be the answer you're looking for, but I hope it saves you a few dollars for buying somethign which you hope will change your results vs something that will change your results.